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    Use "topknot" in a sentence

    topknot example sentences


    1. The man was tall for a mortal – tall mortals were of a height with Adem and his friends – his head was shaved except for a topknot tail of white hair that fell down to his shoulders, a neatly trimmed white moustache like down-curving horns and a pointed white tuft of hair falling from his chin

    2. Tall for a mortal, his head is shaved except for a topknot tail of white hair that falls down to his shoulders, a neatly trimmed white moustache like down-curving horns and a pointed white tuft of hair falling from his chin

    3. OM To you with an inexhaustible topknot HUM HUM PHaT

    4. His hair is tied up in a topknot and he sits with

    5. BEST: (Smiling, lifts the hat and displays a shaven poll from the crown of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with an orange topknot) I was just beautifying him, don't you know

    6. He had a curious thick growth of fur -- a kind of topknot -- on the crown of his head

    7. The tips of the topknot that sprouted from Melodía’s headpiece rasped quietly on the yellow silk stretched over bamboo frames to protect her shoulders from the sun’s sting

    8. ” He complied but without enthusiasm and I riffled my fingers in his topknot and behind his ears the way he likes it

    9. The eldest officer in the battery, the captain, a short, sandy-complexioned man, with his hair arranged in a topknot, and smooth on the temples, educated in the old traditions of the artillery, a squire of dames, and a would-be learned man, questioned Volodya as to his acquirements in artillery and new inventions, jested caressingly over his youth and his pretty little face, and treated him, in general, as a father treats a son, which was extremely agreeable to Volodya

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    Synonyms for "topknot"

    topknot crest tuft

    "topknot" definitions

    headdress consisting of a decorative ribbon or bow worn in the hair

    showy crest or knot of hair or feathers