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    Use "traffic island" in a sentence

    traffic island example sentences

    traffic island

    1. I got in the car, turned around, went back to Torrey Pines Road, discovered that I could only go right because the traffic was one way and there was no break in the big traffic island that seperated the southbound traffic from the northbound

    2. traffic island at the end of the street

    3. The spot is marked with a slightly depressing monument in the middle of a traffic island

    4. As the red and beige double-decker pulled away from the traffic island and unceremoniously forced its way in the lane entering the tunnel, Teller stood and looked at the brick turrets and sheer wall over the tops of the belching motorised monsters that battled in front of him

    5. He denies having anything to do with any women let alone this young kid and swears it was not him who was seen dumping rubbish in the bin on the traffic island at the end of Rokeby Road, a good hundred yards from where he lives

    6. Fortunately, the block between here and Sixth Avenue teemed with New Yorkers as degenerate as himself, and when he felt dissolved among them, protected by them, he looked back and saw no such person waiting on the traffic island

    7. Traffic islands puncture the crowds at intervals, and on each is a raised platform, draped in red, with an old-fashioned circus cage on top

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