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    transplanted example sentences


    1. Then Gondin said he'd been told by some other sailor about this chippongga player who'd had his brain transplanted into the body of a keda

    2. The old boiler room still contains a series of unconnected pipes that radiate out from the centre of the back wall like the arteries and veins from a transplanted heart

    3. He was disappointed, she could be vulnerable now and he had always admired the wizard from a distant star transplanted into the body her companion had been following

    4. There were several new families around the village transplanted from more urban roots, and who were less able to initially cope with the harsh winters of the Sierra village

    5. As an added touch I gathered some ocean plants and coral and transplanted them into our new little pond

    6. In fact everything I cut back or transplanted has raced skywards

    7. South of the Wanka was the province of Angara where our Wanka guides told us we would find the tribe of the same name and a scattering of other tribes that the Inka had transplanted to keep an eye on the warlike Angara

    8. Tee was a transplanted Jamaican who had moved to New York some years back and opened a small West Indian restaurant in Queens

    9. transplanted in Him has another meaning

    10. transplanted into Christ, everything is stored in

    11. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect; It shall be transplanted to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King; Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad, and into the holy place shall they enter; And its fragrance shall be in their bones, and they shall live a long life on Earth, such as your fathers lived; And in their days shall no sorrow or plague or torment or calamity touch them

    12. Fortunately for people underwater like we were, California had an “anti-deficiency” statute dating back to Dust Bowl days to protect transplanted Okies

    13. There was, after the fall of the Second Temple in AD 70, and after the defeat of Bar Kokhba in AD 135, a massive exodus from Eretz Israel due to forced migration, sale into slavery, and the hostility of the Greek population that had been transplanted by Rome into Eretz Israel

    14. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect; It shall be transplanted to the holy place to the temple of the Lord the Eternal King; Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad and into the holy place shall they enter; And its fragrance shall be in their bones and they shall live a long life on Earth such as your fathers lived; And in their days shall no sorrow or plague or torment or calamity touch them

    15. and that I wanted to come back to have the rest of my eggs transplanted

    16. When the bathroom door opened, Angela held the syringe in her open palm like a doctor holding a heart about to be transplanted

    17. New Mexico and was transplanted to Richmond,

    18. Immediately, the reflection in the mirror he saw every day was transplanted into the body of that deflated man

    19. I bought them at the maximum age that they could still be transplanted, but they still will need decades to be fully grown

    20. ‘’My God! A forest in space! We have a few transplanted forests and gardens in underground habitats on Mars, but having this on a ship…’’

    21. It is speculated that the Preservers were intrigued with the Native American’s way of life, and recognizing that it was doomed, transplanted the society

    22. (1) They have all been transplanted

    23. In this the Lord's people are all alike: they are all transplanted flowers

    24. through cultural shock when this very Southern girl was transplanted to the concrete

    25. If the fruit has been transplanted, i

    26. instance, without "Kreyòl"(Creole for the non-initiated), the language that has evolved and bound variousAfrican tribes transplanted in Haiti during the slavery period? It is the mostpalpable exponent of

    27. Within a month Grace had transplanted more fish to Big lake,

    28. It was not a national uprising: it was the complete opposite; a tiny minority of the wealthiest aristocrats with their rag-tage militia of imbeciles who were duped fools: not paid, used, ignored, treated like dirt; the typical attitude English culture had for centuries transplanted into the New World in order to set up a new tyranny of aristocrats

    29. HSC are removed from bone of the donor who is naturally resistant to HIV and is transplanted into the patient

    30. emotionally transplanted into that horrendous historical time

    31. This will help the transplanted plants to take root and grow healthily to bear fruit

    32. Transplanted there may rise to stature, knowledge worthy Thee,

    33. Why should not such a predilection be encouraged! That she was of a blood purer and richer than the rest of her nation, any eye might have seen; that she was equal to the dangers and daring of a life in the woods, her conduct had proved; and now, they added, the "wise one of the earth" had transplanted her to a place where she would find congenial spirits, and might be forever happy

    34. flourished and was abundant in balm but, transplanted to a clime more temperate, its roots have lost their quondam vigour while the stuff that comes away from it is stagnant, acid and inoperative

    35. “It wasn’t the entire eye that was transplanted,” the woman explained, “but rather the cornea, which is—”

    36. Somewhere along the way, the oak tree that Joe brought home from the Olympics died after being transplanted several times on the university campus

    37. Yet each year there they were, these newly transplanted students, moving with the uncertainty of unseasoned tourists along the sidewalks of Harvard Square, always burdened by too many layers of wool and fleece and an excess of shopping bags from the Harvard Coop packed with all the necessary desk gear and sweatshirts bearing the HARVARD brand

    38. "I have no doubt he would leave it off, if he were transplanted into

    39. Possibly there are minds like certain animals which cease to breed when transplanted from the climates in which they are born

    40. I transplanted the cells, let them grow for 24 hours in contact with a radioactive label, and then fixed and stained them before covering them with a photographic emulsion

    41. Tony Huesman (USA, 1957–2009) survived with a single transplanted heart for 30 years 11 months 10 days

    42. Hütter transplanted stem cells from a donor who had the CCR5 mutation, which makes cells immune to HIV, and Brown stopped his regular medication

    43. The seedlings are raised by scattering the rice in a similar nursery field, and they are then transplanted in rows into the muddy field

    44. But as if perceiving this stratagem, Moby Dick, with that malicious intelligence ascribed to him, sidelingly transplanted himself, as it were, in an instant, shooting his pleated head lengthwise beneath the boat

    45. Wyatt and Surrey transplanted what they could of grace from Petrarch into the rough England of Henry the Eighth

    46. Now this outward guardianship of law and force has been needed; just as the transplanted flower needs special shelter and the upholding aid of the stick to which it is tied, until its vital power can build it into independent strength

    47. If they should be specially trained, and their warm hearts inspired, for the work of missionaries to Africa, who can doubt the success of their efforts? They would stand on a better vantage ground there than the Mohammedan, for he is a foreigner transplanted on the soil

    48. A tree will not grow if uprooted and transplanted every few months, and this will in brief tell us why the missions which began with the Moravians and the American Board, and which were so hopeful, were one after another abandoned

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