Use "tubes" in a sentence
tubes example sentences
1. Diatoms (Diatomite) are either lacy-like snowflakes in appearance, or tubes, which are better
2. They make tunnel like tubes to connect the soil and wood
3. after surgery Benjamin had drains and tubes that went from his
4. " He struggled weakly with the tangled tubes that bound him to the bed
5. they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to
6. The pair of warspite torpedoes flared out of Greenstone’s tubes and ripped across the black on fiery columns
7. The drill bottomed out, he had to unship and install the collector tubes and then the motor itself
8. That was what they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to augment man’s thinly veiled hold on the outer edges of the galaxy
9. the life support tubes swaying with the rhythm
10. The effort needed for the perfection of this advanced posture will greatly improve your powers of concentration and in addition to the benefits to the muscles of the arms and torso the deep breathing will help congested lungs and bronchial tubes and the posture tones up the entire nervous system
11. All you hurried business people take note! The Yoga Complete Breath while performed when the body is in the Fish Posture helps to remove the spasm from the bronchial tubes and also helps to relieve asthma
12. Before I go on to your next exercise I would mention here that the CAMEL POSTURE or UTRASANA described in chapter six in connection with backache should also be practiced by women suffering from displacement of the uterus and fallopian tubes provided that the displacement is not of a serious order
13. I met a lady carrying a plate of dolmades, the rolled up vine leaves like green tubes, and asked her the way, in my imperfect Greek, for Virgenia's
14. It was lead by men beating drums, and large bronze tubes that sounded like gongs
15. There was a whole rank of people playing the pan pipes, a rank of men with lyres and those gong-like bronze tubes all well tuned and well played
16. due to all the tubes and wires that surrounded him
17. There were tubes of embalming fluid running into my veins that I ripped out painfully
18. And there in the middle of the room is Bex, cannulated, intubated and hooked up with wires and tubes
19. Billy is with Bex as she lays on her hospital bed with heart monitors and breathing tubes plugged into her body
20. Look, Sam, what do you reckon to those? Three tubes on my side – one red, one blue and one yellow – all of which are producing coloured foam
21. As you know by now, Napies are bred in artificial life tubes and they don’t have any sex organs so they can’t breed normally; what a shame! I hear you say, the poor Napies can’t breed and have only robots for mothers, yes, but I remember my life as Napie was very good
22. Matter of fact if she hadn't come to her senses then, the Dickens Festival would’ve gone down the tubes
23. Separated by less than an inch, a pair of steel tubes vibrated on the floor
24. The university had message tubes thruout the whole complex, there was one in her quarters into which she dropped their lunch order, tabbed to route to the kitchens of this building
25. Nowadays I reckon the lorry rubber tubes would be the very best to try
26. Dingle had been called away by Grandpa to survey some goings on in Frica but on his return some weeks later came face to face with one of the silver tubes, at the time it was streaking some thousands of meters above the plateau
27. Front doors had speaking tubes
28. The agency's thought tubes continued to tumble quietly in space, navigating their lonely satellite vistas
29. Most of the tubes, drains and drips had been taken out before she had left the High Dependency Unit
30. Pulsing, glowing tubes ran everywhere between them
31. On the floor, woven into the carpet, were long, transparent light-conducting tubes
32. Blue and yellow globules of energy continually passed along the thin tubes toward the outer wall of the building
33. Apart from the tubes and the carpet the whole room appeared empty
34. It was here that optical tubes converged from the ceiling’s centre
35. It’s a long winding indoor “canal” and the guests are given inflated inner tubes to sit on
36. and assessed the various tubes and wires
37. It was about half the size of a domestic washing machine with four vertical filter tubes at the front and plenty of dials and switches, plus a black screen showing green words and a couple
38. ered against thousands of hollow tubes filled with water, making the stage look like a living waterfall
39. What was that she wore? Staring intensely, he noticed these thin pipes or tubes at each side of a skin-tight suit of a silvery grey colour
40. A giant brain inside a semi translucent fluid; tubes and wires emanating
41. Monitoring machines, not of the electronic variety, but with flickering dials, and adjacent cylinders with pumps pushing air – and fluid – through connecting tubes
42. Small boxes with tubes that led deep into the ground
43. whistled up tubes and whistled down tubes, till all the twenty-six flat
44. She was so small; she looked like a little toy stuck in the middle of the sheet for decorative purposes, until you noticed the pipes and tubes leading from her to the machines next to her
45. Ripping one of the air tubes from the bulkhead, Uncle Hobart tied the man's hands together behind his back, then standing up, he looked down at his handiwork with satisfaction
46. and numerous tubes connected to her heart, lungs, and head to
47. head completely bald with tubes going into the side of her head
48. He could enjoy a beer once in a while, without having to stay on some wagon for the rest of his life; or watch that life go down the tubes
49. ” I raised my hand with the IV taped to it to indicate the tubes that I was strapped to
50. Perhaps the ground was riddled with lava tubes turned into rivers