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    Use "turncoat" in a sentence

    turncoat example sentences


    1. Shenandoah was on course ultimately for the Bering Strait because that was where the turncoat navigator and newly

    2. With this in mind, turncoat Thomas Manning, recently a member

    3. The fourth suspect, Calogero Pulci, is a mafia turncoat who is being accused of false testimony in the Borsellino assassination investigation

    4. The charges were reported by Italian media, which said that they were the result of testimony given by mafia turncoat Gaspare Spatuzza

    5. they’re Osama Bin Laden’s boys, turncoat Saudis

    6. Only such as they could understand that his switch in allegiance was not that of a turncoat nor even that of an opportunist

    7. “Tabitha” was a turncoat trying to protect her stepfather

    8. Thereafter the Ashura bosses had met the turncoat Devata and bluntly stated their terms of allegiance

    9. A VOICE: Turncoat! Up the Boers! Who booed Joe Chamberlain?

    10. Oh, they say, hang him, he is a turncoat! he was not true to his profession

    11. The hate that enveloped the Bullock regime enveloped her too, a hate the enemy and, whatever her birth and family connections, she was now in the category of a turncoat, a nigger lover, a traitor, a Republican-and a Scallawag

    12. No one trusted a turncoat

    13. Paid what? Five, ten dollars for letting his shirt be torn oft, letting his pants drop with his pride? What a turncoat, traitor!

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    Synonyms for "turncoat"

    apostate deserter ratter recreant renegade turncoat defector dropout betrayer judas

    "turncoat" definitions

    a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.