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    Use "twill" in a sentence

    twill example sentences


    1. tweed and twill against his limbs

    2. They wore proper tropical twill uniforms that were weather beaten and on their heads they had turbans made from the same tropical twill fastened with their own army crests

    3. Twill and Sher had never seen their longtime friend

    4. Twill and Sher saluted and turned smartly, heading

    5. Pants of a soft material like twill that ended at my anklebone and snapped in front

    6. I chose heavy duty twill trousers that would hold up well in the brush, long johns, socks and three changes of shirts in broadcloth, linen and cotton

    7. Twill looked at the FAA Director next to him with a grim expression

    8. Twill thought of new instructions to give the pilot

    9. gold pendant, and amazingly baggy trousers with acres of dark twill cloth between waist and knee

    10. ” She replied wearily, brushing her hands on her gray twill skirt

    11. He laid her card and letter on the twill bedspread near the curve of her knees

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    Synonyms for "twill"

    twill twill weave

    "twill" definitions

    a weave used to produce the effect of parallel diagonal ribs

    a cloth with parallel diagonal lines or ribs

    weave diagonal lines into (textiles)