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    two sorts of example sentences

    two sorts of

    1. It seems to be so in some of the inland parts of England, particularly in Oxfordshire, where it is usual, even in the fires of the common people, to mix coals and wood together, and where the difference in the expense of those two sorts of fuel cannot, therefore, be very great

    2. The ancient statutes of assize seem to have begun always with determining what ought to be the price of bread and ale when the price of wheat and barley were at the lowest ; and to have proceeded gradually to determine what it ought to be, according as the prices of those two sorts of grain should gradually rise above this lowest price

    3. These are the two sorts of revenue of which the owners have generally most to spare

    4. Ask any rich man of common prudence, to which of the two sorts of people he has lent the greater part of his stock, to those who he thinks will employ it profitably, or to those who will spend it idly, and he will laugh at you for proposing the question

    5. The two sorts of restraints upon importation above mentioned, together with these four encouragements to exportation, constitute the six principal means by which the commercial system proposes to increase the quantity of gold and silver in any country, by turning the balance of trade in its favour

    6. Those two sorts of expenses are two capitals which the farmer employs in cultivation; and unless they are regularly restored to him, together with a reasonable profit, he cannot carry on his employment upon a level with other employments; but, from a regard to his own interest, must desert it as soon as possible, and seek some other

    7. 16 Two sorts of men multiply sin, and the third will bring wrath, a hot mind is as a burning fire, it will never be quenched till it be

    8. ‗There seemed to be two sorts of guest

    9. We distinguish only two sorts of verse-measure,the binary, where in general there

    10. But there must also be two sorts of death as well as two sorts of life, the one unavoidable implies the other

    11. The idea of a “living man” passing from “death” to life on the ground of “two sorts of life resident in the same person at the same time” may seem to some the depths of philosophy, but in reality it is nothing less than the vapors of confusion militating against the brightness of the light

    12. You have two sorts of potatoes, fed on the

    13. In essence there are two sorts of qualification, as a result of uncertainty or from disagreement with the way directors treat some item

    14. Perhaps we should add here that the limits imposed by Congress on direct bond issues of the United States have produced at least two sorts of “bargain opportunities” for investors in the purchase of government-backed obligations

    15. To sum up, in conclusion, that which can be summed up and translated into positive results in all that we have just pointed out, we will confine ourselves to the statement that, in the course of nineteen years, Jean Valjean, the inoffensive tree-pruner of Faverolles, the formidable convict of Toulon, had become capable, thanks to the manner in which the galleys had moulded him, of two sorts of evil action: firstly, of evil action which was rapid, unpremeditated, dashing, entirely instinctive, in the nature of reprisals for the evil which he had undergone; secondly, of evil action which was serious, grave, consciously

    16. It is, however, probable that the two sorts of flowers borne by the same plant were originally differentiated by finely graduated steps, which may still be followed in some few cases

    17. How many souls have had to be ruined and how many honorable reputations destroyed for the sake of that one righteous man, Job, over whom they made such a fool of me in old days! Yes, till the secret is revealed, there are two sorts of truths for me—one, their truth, yonder, which I know nothing about so far, and the other my own

    18. —, on two sorts of Datura in the United States, vi, 254

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