Use "uncoiled" in a sentence
uncoiled example sentences
1. The air around them thickened as the old man in the stalls uncoiled himself and started to slither down the aisle towards the foot of the stage
2. stalls uncoiled himself and started to slither down the aisle towards
3. Branches wafted toward him, although the air was still, snapping like breaking bones as they uncoiled to grasp at him, then withering away the moment they brushed his aura of white light
4. A barbed tail uncoiled around his ankles
5. Hayley died laughing at the sight of it being uncoiled and dragged out of the room
6. The Vassal who had been spared uncoiled a hose from a cupboard and sluiced them down with delicious warm water, then provided them with soft towels
7. Laeron uncoiled behind Tamlin, though he moved slowly, his wings folded
8. Ovary head, single tail with intact midsection and an uncoiled
9. He uncoiled it, gave it a
10. A disgusted grunt sounded from and even larger rock outcropping that uncoiled and began to glow red with slight traces of purple and gold here and there
11. There must be fresh meat, new blood, wasn’t that why we were here, to pretend play God, to action out an apprenticeship in creation, the juice of kings and queens mixed up in a tower, till nine months on, he comes, born asleep, breathless, uncoiled from his mother then wrapped in a starched white rag
12. Lio!rt gasped at the sudden turn of speed with which the wizard had dodged his killing stroke and, with that desperation only available to the really terrified, Rincewind uncoiled like a snake and launched himself across the space between them
13. " And ra pidly, with a series of ritua l gestures, he uncoiled two wires conne cte d to the porta ble ba tte ry buckle d round his wa ist; plugge d the m sim ulta ne ously into the side s of his a lum inum ha t; touche d a spring on the crown–a nd a nte nnæ shot up into the a ir; touche d a nothe r spring on the pe a k of the brim –a nd, like a ja ck-in-the -box, out jum pe d a m icrophone a nd hung the re , quive ring, six inche s in front of his nose ; pulle d down a pa ir of re ce ive rs ove r his e a rs; pre sse d a switch on the le ft side of the ha t-a nd from within ca m e a fa int wa spy buzzing; turne d a knob on the right–a nd the buzzing wa s inte rrupte d by a ste thoscopic whe e ze a nd ca ckle , by hiccoughs a nd sudde n sque a ks
14. Steaming sulfurous fumes uncoiled in the midst of waves bubbling like water in a boiler
15. He uncoiled and rose to his feet as the door opened
16. The tiny thing hopped, whirred, chirped, and sang, and Morgan cradled it with tears glittering in her eyes until the spring uncoiled, and it went silent
17. Her thick blond hair, which was inclined to wave, and which easily uncoiled, and which it was necessary to fasten up incessantly, seemed made for the flight of Galatea under the willows
18. The muscles slipped along their fine arms, coiled and uncoiled about their shoulders like restless serpents