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    Use "undercarriage" in a sentence

    undercarriage example sentences


    1. I shall cut the main beams in the wings and other parts of the fuselage once the engines and undercarriage have been removed

    2. The drag caused by the damage to the undercarriage and from the flotation air bags was enough to straighten the direction of travel, but not enough to compensate for the missing landing gear

    3. The sound of the initial crash must have been equivalent to an explosion, but it was the gut-wrenching smash of the undercarriage landing on top of the barrier, followed by screeching metal as the car slid off the barrier to land nearly on its side in the right lane that got most of the on-lookers’ attention

    4. Enemy night fighters ripped them apart with specially modified twin cannon firing diagonally upwards into the undercarriage of the aircraft

    5. actuated the magnetic chocks on the undercarriage which were used when the

    6. I heard the whoosh of missiles narrowly missing the undercarriage of the Covert

    7. „plink-plink' as the pebbles hit the undercarriage of the car, thinking how nice it was that no mater what at least that sound was always a given

    8. I removed two clamps on the undercarriage and it dropped right out

    9. The undercarriage of the rover is taller than any of the rocks around here, and the hills are gently sloping affairs, smoothed by eons of sandstorms

    10. The ramp would collapse as I drove away, and the rocks might damage the wheels or undercarriage

    11. I was worried it would be hard to attach the brackets to the rover’s undercarriage, but it ended up being simple

    12. The undercarriage comes right off

    13. Important note—the undercarriage is not part of the pressure vessel

    14. The city’s deputy arson investigator had concluded that the fire was started under the left front side of the undercarriage and that there was a chemical explosive in the gas tank, a substance that the LAPD database didn’t recognize

    15. He heard oyster shells kick up and hit an undercarriage, saw rhomboids of light distend on the ceiling

    16. She said it with such casual confidence, I had a flash: a police tracker hidden somewhere in the undercarriage of my car, released to me the morning I went to Hannibal

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    "undercarriage" definitions

    framework that serves as a support for the body of a vehicle