Use "undermine" in a sentence
undermine example sentences
1. The first 5 chapters of Romans are written in a way to undermine any religion that is based on our good works or efforts
2. It may not be an illness but it has a well-deserved place in this book on Yoga and health because it can, ultimately, undermine the health of the entire organism by restricting breathing, and cause an unhealthy complexion due to too little oxygen reaching the blood cells
3. would use this opportunity to undermine him in order to
4. Under normal circumstances, Brice would have refused to work with the man, for not only was he constantly trying to undermine his authority, but he was also, like Alec, a man who was hunted by the Order
5. Zolla II was bequeathed knowledge, much of which (some claimed) could never be revealed, for it could potentially undermine the very fabric of B’tari culture
6. Any contact with the parent now could deeply undermine morale
7. Whatever the cause, this is a very damaging belief system that can effectively undermine any man in his quest for tail
8. (The federal legislation leading to the authority of the President to initiate Executive Orders did much to undermine the separation of powers at the national level
9. The addition of fake paper money that was not backed by the gold in the Imperial Treasury could devalue all the real money out there, plus it would undermine people’s confidence in the ranmya
10. However, we did not desire to undermine the Instructor’s authority in front of his platoon
11. It has, however, been successful in the short term for various criminals seeking to enrich themselves and for governments seeking to undermine enemy nations
12. It was not intended, however, to undermine, through judicial fiat or perverse legal interpretation, the freedoms that every American should properly enjoy without exception
13. Although international treaties and alliances are of vital importance to the security of any nation, they must neither compromise a nation‘s sovereignty nor permit conflicting (national) interests to undermine that nation‘s purposeful designs unless intended to promote harm to other (peaceful) nations
14. Such nations, I believe, should be treated with caution until evidence of good will has been properly determined lest the ―Trojan horse‖ achieves its global objectives by continuing to discredit and undermine liberal democracy within the framework of assumed alliances
15. neither should any progressive society purposely seek to undermine or underestimate…
16. She did so in a firm, yet unobtrusive manner that did not attempt to undermine the father‘s parental authority
17. This measure could conceivably undermine the (varied) interests and concerns of a nation whose (increasing) plurality presently spans an entire continent (and beyond)
18. (Iraq/Iran/Syria/Libya/North Korea); that is to say, nations that support terrorist causes, notwithstanding the overwhelming volume of circumstantial evidence that, rightly considered, common sense should not (otherwise) refute, must inevitably undermine our nation‘s ability to properly defend itself
19. Ebbing (Spiritual) Faith in the wake of Secular Assaults designed to sow doubt in the minds of Believers by eliminating (Public) Reminders that further undermine Spiritual Resolve!
20. He could not understand how any thoughtful individual (referring to the president) could conceivably support someone ―likely‖ to undermine a judicial process that has served the nation well for so many years
21. Not only was this intended to undermine the Soviet Union, the plan insisted aid would be only through capitalist markets, never through state run enterprises
22. In a word, local tribute silenced the critics while Big Government went along its merry way advancing a socialist agenda designed to undermine traditional social values while gradually de-legitimizing the standing principles of Western Culture
23. Buchanan may have a point however by arguing that Globalization is likely to undermine loyalty to national culture once ―natural‖ boundaries begin overlapping and new frontiers are formed
24. It goes without saying that our Society‘s de-facto pardon of this crass, mean-spirited individual of low character has been well chronicled over the years as witnessed by its increasing tolerance for low-brow humor that continues to undermine the customs of polite society
25. that I would undermine him
26. 12 For the bewitching of naughtiness does obscure things that are honest; and the wandering of concupiscence does undermine the
27. The battle of the Civil War to undermine and replace America advances on these two strategic fronts
28. If the destruction of words in the schools and elsewhere, and of the concepts constructed with words, are insufficient to undermine a civilization, there are always available the rhythm of music and the graphic images of the artist to lend assistance
29. validity of Elijah having been reborn as John would also undermine the claim Jesus was the
30. If anything they prolonged it, because they were designed not to restore health to our traditional system but to confuse it, undermine it, and eventually destroy it
31. to undermine the safety of everyone in the
32. location, and to not undermine the positive
33. Believe that He can help you, guide you, lead you, show you, strengthen you when doubts threaten to overwhelm and undermine your leadership, and it will be done
34. Why let the opposition know how it is possible to undermine you?
35. undermine that, but it is just as true and real as always
36. The thought had also flitted through his mind that if he stayed close to his enemy then he might be in a position to undermine him at some future point, something Ralph had said to him once, a lifetime ago
37. Lord Ashtar said his Command was preparing to come to Earth in order to correct many of the wrongs perpetrated by an extremely wealthy conglomerate of people who have promoted fear of extraterrestrials in order to undermine the efforts of those who came here in human form to help save our planet
38. We are discovering that as the Alliance motherships were known to be approaching your galaxy, the Board Member thought it was an opportune point in time to undermine my credibility by making this petty charge
39. cunningly undermine everything that the Elders believed
40. insistence on keeping me alive was only proving to undermine
41. In England, though not exactly puzzling, what heretofore may have been difficult to fathom is the underlying power of belief that supporters have had of the most alarming and extensive drive to undermine and nationalize the elements of British democracy
42. But that would completely undermine what he was trying to build in always staying with your edkar
43. they believed it would undermine faith in the
44. How could she undermine him in this way?
45. The British were trying their best to undermine the efforts of freedom fighters by creating animosity between the Indian National Congress Party and Muslim League, headed by Mohammad Ali Jinnah
46. understood it would not undermine her parent's relationship
47. She hadn’t been physically damaged and it would take more than what had happened to undermine her self-respect
48. It was essential to define their relationship in a way that would not raise false hopes, but still bolster the youth’s self confidence, not undermine it
49. Just as many men and boys are sexually abused by women as the other way round, but to acknowledge it would undermine the myth that men are the sexual predators and women their prey
50. What was she afraid of? Had she known so little gentleness that something so mundane as a thankful kiss could undermine her defenses?
1. This evidence of death, of random nature in the raw, undermined these brittle constructs of hope
2. Pamela tried to explain Jeff off as an old friend but her explanation was undermined with stolen glances at Jeff
3. Also that plenty of powder had been distributed in the town, and the spies thought they had undermined the Palace and Palaver Square in case of emergency
4. Abortion, for example, has not only diminished us as a society, but undermined the very notion of our Humanity; that
5. (intellectual) level we are operating at, most of us have the ability to think and to reason clearly and to give proper pause to the consequences of our decisions; unless such processes have been either undermined by mental illness or moral corruption; that is to say, a nature that has either been or corrupted itself
6. who undermined humanity for aeons
7. There is no denying the fact, however, that (adolescent) designs on the part of parents trying to act ―cool‖ and ―hip‖ have actually undermined their effectiveness as parents
8. Existing political tensions transcending the boundaries of American Society have steadily undermined America‘s fragile alliance with Europe in recent years
9. Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society
10. Young as one ―feels‖ contrary to how one really feels, holding fast to youthful designs and illusory impressions, has undermined our human dignity by its failure to properly complete itself in a manner welcoming every changing phase in our lives as a life (maturing) process injecting vitality and new meaning as it passes through each successive stage offering its own unique rewards while preparing it for the uncertain road that lie ahead
11. Stephen Douglas, who undermined the Missouri Compromise for his own political career advancement by offering the Kansas Missouri Act in 1854
12. The test ban was undermined by the scandal over an American U-2 spy plane being shot down
13. This along with the continued illness of the Frances commander greatly undermined their morale
14. 26 Then Jason, who had undermined his own brother, being
15. undermined by another, was compelled to flee into the country of the Ammonites
16. ” The burden of so many responsibilities has undermined the potential of so many
17. Pharaoh almost never issued orders except through his vizier, he thought as he quickly searched his memory for an exception that he might have witnessed, knowing even then, his very hesitation had already undermined his position
18. 26 Then Jason who had undermined his own brother being undermined by another was compelled to flee into the country of the Ammonites
19. knowing even then, his very hesitation had already undermined his position
20. my directives and undermined many of the policies I intended to have implemented
21. People do NOT like having their fundamental beliefs so easily undermined!
22. Toney‘s trial defense team that would have materially undermined the State‘s case against Mr
23. The undisclosed statements from these witnesses contradicted and undermined the most critical facts to the State‘s case
24. The rest of the evening I amused myself with the guards and the Book looking in between the yellowish and undermined pages the indolent passages for the conjuration that so hard was hiding to my attention
25. But the pleasure of being with a charming, intelligent family, their seemingly genuine interest in me and my life undermined my guard and when the mother said I moved like a dancer I laughed and repeated Hazel’s assessment of my abilities
26. Besides, their state of growth would have undermined the onamic sense of safety their unicellular compactness provided
27. The edges are undermined and it needs exposure
28. age of the hacker community was undermined by the over-
29. Black Power’s influence on many African-American church leaders during this struggle, in effect, undermined Ephesians 4:11’s teaching that recognized Christ-given gifted leaders without regard to race
30. First, in the 1920s, cultural changes undermined the sanctity of the home and godly morals among African-American young people
31. the merchandise in the booths was falling apart, the cloths spread over the doors were splotched with mold, the counters undermined by ter-mites, the walls eaten away by dampness, but the Arabs of the third generation were sitting in the same place and in the same position as their fathers and grandfa-thers, taciturn, dauntless, invulnerable to time and disaster, as alive or as dead as they had been after the insomnia plague and Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s thirty-two wars
32. I believe that this implication reinforced prejudice and undermined his challenges to the black and white middle-class Christians whom he sought to enlist
33. One morning she saw that the red ants had left the undermined foundations, crossed the garden, climbed up the railing, where the begonias had taken on an earthen color, and had penetrated into the heart of the house
34. began in the United States, is undermined by the 125% mortgages that ran
35. Mitchell felt undermined, his eyes beamed into his father, "I didn't even say I was going to, ya putz
36. It also undermined Britain’s standing in the world as the upholder of civilised standards of behaviour
37. The German military, industrial, and economic system plus the morale of the people had not been undermined
38. to pay interest expense would be undermined
39. In fact, more debt would have would have undermined the increases in assets and net
40. Covering the basics, your parents have undermined your position
41. scrambling for ways to recover their lost property through legal loopholes, all the while accusing each other for having secretly undermined “the project” out of poor
42. Kevin seized one of the tables and hurled it at the soldiers who had breached the wall of flaming vehicles, the savagery in his face undermined to a large extent by the crotchless knickers which were still keeping one of his ears warm
43. There were fig leaves in the soul, and they did not get whole; so the great call of God was undermined by the brokenness in their soul
44. But if, as we believe, the resurrection of Christ is an undeniable fact which cannot be disproved, the whole fabric of sceptical arguments against supernatural religion is undermined, and must fall to the ground
45. The value of their work, however, is often undermined because of poor leadership and organisation, which leaves them struggling to cope with changes driven by technology and increasing social complexity
46. But, on the flip side, the vested interests of the ‘nation of the shopkeepers’, so as to bolster up their commercial interests had ensured that whatever left of the Indian enterprise was truly undermined
47. So, the glorification of the Indian Musalmans of the historical figures, who had been inimical to the Hindus or had undermined the Hindustan, as heroes of Islam, was not the will of Allah but the making of His disregarding believers of yore
48. ‘… Moreover, his announcement has badly undermined the
49. righteousness is undermined and the ties with the object of affec-
50. 4 in place, Sally’s best efforts could still be undermined
1. It is a long and very warm hug; it very nearly undermines my practical non-emotional intentions and I feel tears pricking
2. Designed to provide a safety net for fiscal mismanagement, this egregious measure undermines financial planning while deflating tax payer morale
3. Our perceptions are oftentimes unreliable, predisposed to conditioning and experience that undermines an individual‘s ability to see and think clearly
4. and children should operate on the same developmental plane undermines the notion of comparative stages of emotional and
5. that authority both perpetuates and undermines aspects of itself
6. It is a fear that undermines their authority, their decision-making ability as they constantly second-guess themselves
7. 11) It rewrites history and undermines the US Constitution
8. Such arcane methods of re/organizing give rise to much of the jockeying for position that currently undermines every organization we have consulted with
9. vague notion of freedom, which undermines the foundations of the Nation, the Church, our tradition and our
10. We as a government are aware of the outcry of well meaning people who will argue that to remove the rights of a tiny minority to protect the majority from harm, fatally undermines the very freedoms we seek to protect
11. It now lacks the necessary moral absolutes to correct the family breakdown that undermines progress
12. If Admiral Huntsman ignores or undermines in any way the guidelines approved by me, then I want him relieved of command at once
13. Someone who undermines the goodwill of the business, who
14. We need to come out of any place that undermines our faith
15. confusion of memory undermines the faculty of discrimination and,
16. Dust and old, dirty things have mites on them and that undermines your immune system
17. So far, all I've been able to see isthat electronic media undermines the print form in two ways:
18. of energy that undermines the society of which they are a functional part
19. The extreme ends of the Two House / Ephraimite message undermines the great power of the claims of the New Testament
20. It undermines the ethos of the state
21. Undermines the constitution
22. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you should never do anything in the short term that undermines your long-term chances of success
23. Slow and steady is the best way to accomplish any personal goal, but sometimes the slow undermines the steady
24. I note also that the headline states Bernanke’s reassurance failed (my emphasis), and this undermines one’s confidence in the benevolent powers of this superbeing
25. This undermines our simple
26. Any emotional state that undermines confidence in your edge as a trader will pose serious obstacles to your success
27. It turns out that re-establishing the position – which undermines the point of the stop order in the first place – would be the right thing to do, but we can only know this for sure with the benefit of our perfect hindsight
28. Shifts in the relative risk of asset classes are a structural change that undermines the usefulness of valuation signals like yield ratio
29. But now the refusal to comply with the non-Christian demands of governments undermines the power of state to the root, because all the power of the state is based on these non-Christian demands
30. The external life of Christian nations remains pagan, but they are already penetrated by the Christian life-conception—The issue from this contradiction is in the acceptance of the Christian life-conception—In it alone is every man free, and it alone frees him from all human authority—This deliverance is brought about, not by a change of external conditions, but only by a change in the conception of one's life—The Christian life-conception demands the renunciation of violence, and, in delivering the man who accepts it, it frees the world from all external authority—The issue from the present apparently hopeless position consists in every man accepting the Christian life-conception and living accordingly—But men consider this method too slow, and see their salvation in change of the material conditions of life made with the aid of the authority of the State—This method will have no issue, because men themselves cause the evil from which they suffer—This is especially evident in regard to the submissive acceptance of military duty, for it is more advantageous for a man to refuse than accept—Human freedom will be brought about only through the liberation of each individual man, and already there are signs of this liberation, which threatens to destroy State organization—The repudiation of the un-Christian demands of governments undermines their authority and makes men free—Therefore instances of such refusals are feared by governments more than conspiracies or violence—Instances, in Russia, of refusals to take the oath of allegiance, to pay taxes, to accept passports or positions in the police, to take part in courts of law, or to be drafted as soldiers—Similar instances in other countries—Governments know not how to dispose of men who refuse to obey their requirements because of the Christian doctrine—These men destroy without a struggle the foundations of governments from the inside—To punish them would mean for governments to deny Christianity themselves, and to contribute to the diffusion of that consciousness from which such refusals spring—Hence the position of governments is a desperate one, and men who preach the uselessness of personal deliverance only arrest the destruction of the existing system of government founded on violence
31. Whereas at the present time every refusal to execute the un-Christian demands of the government undermines the authority of the State, because the authority of the State rests on the fulfilment of these anti-Christian requirements
32. People who do not acknowledge Christianity in its true meaning because it undermines all their social privileges, and who, therefore, invent all kinds of philosophic and æsthetic theories to hide from themselves the meaninglessness and wrongness of their lives, cannot think otherwise
33. The External Life of Christian Peoples Remains Pagan Though they are Penetrated by Christian Consciousness—The Way Out of this Contradiction is by the Acceptance of the Christian Theory of Life—Only Through Christianity is Every Man Free, and Emancipated of All Human Authority—This Emancipation can be Effected by no Change in External Conditions of Life, but Only by a Change in the Conception of Life—The Christian Ideal of Life Requires Renunciation of all Violence, and in Emancipating the Man who Accepts it, Emancipates the Whole World from All External Authorities—The Way Out of the Present Apparently Hopeless Position is for Every Man who is Capable of Assimilating the Christian Conception of Life, to Accept it and Live in Accordance with it—But Men Consider this Way too Slow, and Look for Deliverance Through Changes in Material Conditions of Life Aided by Government—That Will Lead to No Improvement, as it is simply Increasing the Evil under which Men are Suffering—A Striking Instance of this is the Submission to Compulsory Military Service, which it would be More Advantageous for Every Man to Refuse than to Submit to—The Emancipation of Men Can Only be Brought About by each Individual Emancipating Himself, and the Examples of this Self-emancipation which are already Appearing Threaten the Destruction of Governmental Authority—Refusal to Comply with the Unchristian Demands of Government Undermines the Authority of the State and Emancipates Men—And therefore Cases of such Non-compliance are Regarded with more Dread by State Authorities than any Conspiracies or Acts of Violence—Examples of Non-compliance in Russia, in Regard to Oath of Allegiance, Payment of Taxes, Passports, Police Duties, and Military Service—Examples of such Non-compliance in other States—Governments do not Know how to Treat Men who Refuse to Comply with their Demands on Christian Grounds—Such People, without Striking a Blow, Undermine the very Basis of Government from Within—To Punish them is Equivalent to Openly Renouncing Christianity, and Assisting in Diffusing the Very Principle by which these Men Justify their Non-compliance—So Governments are in a Helpless Position—Men who Maintain the Uselessness of Personal Independence, only Retard the Dissolution of the Present State Organization Based on Force
34. While ostensibly widening its realm, one undermines it
1. undermining the town walls by tunnelling under them, but
2. I‘m not sure where I‘m going with this so try and follow my line of reasoning inasmuch as I am liable to form an uncertain analogy as it relates to the childlike treatment of the (subject) people involved: undermining freedom, initiative, self-reliance, (human) potential and an individual‘s moral and intellectual authority; that is to say, contrary to an individual‘s inherent right to naturally evolve into a productive human being; to learn, think and act independently in his or her (own) inestimable manner
3. residing in congested urban centers, have grown (sensibly) immune to the outbreak of unsightly or unpleasant appearances that are gradually undermining congenial customs and manners
4. The Welfare State has ‖succored‖ many an individual at the expense of that individual‘s Individuality by undermining that
5. Reducing academic standards provides a free pass to underachieving students while undermining the (potential) progress of talented students (otherwise) capable of taking ―it‖ to a higher level
6. chooses to worship without prejudice or bias to (any) individual with respect to that individual‘s (religious) customs and beliefs including nonbelievers; upholding such practices privately invested in the Individual and not the State without undermining the Public‘s (inherent) awareness of an Almighty Presence…
7. Addendum to the above: The undermining of traditional values has precipitated a socially divisive undercurrent in our nation that has further alienated lower income groups from the very values and customs that typically defined ―middle-class‖ success; principled standards that have (historically) improved (its) social and economic standing in a variety of ways over the years
8. Machiavelli correctly argued that internal revolutions that seek to transform a society‘s social and political cultural must (necessarily) retain that society‘s material forms in order to convey a semblance of continuity without seemingly undermining their essential character, notwithstanding its altering of prevailing customs and practices that would otherwise promote resentment among its citizens
9. Such designs, in my opinion, produced the opposite effect by undermining its traditional teachings
10. The hard Left‘s calculated undermining of liberal values and common sense for its own political reasons, reinforced by its own self-loathing, has generated a leery perception of (supposed) Western arrogance and intolerance for other cultures that felicitously plays into the hands of our nation‘s mortal enemies
11. Women sought, instead, an equal partnership with men without undermining the essential characteristics that typically separate men from women; each exceptional in his or her own peculiar manner
12. When Jackson lost the election in 1824, he resigned as congressman and spent the next four years undermining President John Quincy Adams, just so he could get elected
13. Therefore he knew she was going to support his moves to stop the British government undermining peace and equality
14. Alas their very instruments increasingly seem to be undermining this certitude
15. Robert Bork, law professor, former federal appeals court judge, and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute has spoken frequently on the role of the Supreme Court in undermining the Constitution
16. workplace harassment were undermining the security of the marine transportation
17. If you have noticed anything that might be undermining their online presence, mention it tactfully without expecting anything in return
18. Instead of undermining their leadership it brought greater respect, greater trust, and a greater sense of camaraderie
19. When it became obvious that David was dying, Adonijah stepped in and proclaimed himself king, destabilizing the monarchy, undermining security and creating an enemy within the palace
20. into a method of undermining the memories of any child accusing
21. Even as a teenager, he would chastise me for undermining his
22. He altered his appearance to look like me and gave the inhabitants messages that contradicted my promises, completely undermining my efforts to create an alliance, and making me a target
23. undermining conspiracy, for example, a revolt
24. The gradual undermining of rugged individualism, character, and independence has been in part successful by the slow but consistent elimination of the educational background of the reasons for founding this great country, and the conscious erosion of stability by their 1) ‘moral relativism,’ 2) the push for affirmative action for minorities, and 3) the rights of groups over the rights of individuals
25. This weakening has been alarmingly true in the last four decades by the gradual undermining of our public schools and the elimination of the fundamental history of how and why the great United States was originally established
26. The philosophy of Socialism relies on the undermining of the stability and intention of responsible, representative government and moral community action that is supported by the Rule of Law and the importance of the individual’s ownership of private property
27. After the setback, when all life was destroyed during the Flood, they went furiously to work in undermining the structure of civilisation
28. But, during all this time, I've thought about it, would I become a prestigious witch if my lies have been undermining precisely this aura of prestige and admiration that all sorceresses should have? How could I be a witch if my reputation is stained with the vice of this deception? And in these reflections I fall and sink
29. That kiss was much like the one he gave me before, or rather, the one he gave Scarlet, and the softness of it, the pure, unassuming, un-obligated offering of it, is undermining my defenses in a way that all the flowers in the world never could
30. If you were teaching in a civilian institution, say for example, Federation Tech in Atlanta and a student said to you in exactly the same tone of voice and in the same words, what Cadet Solomon said to you, would she be undermining your authority or presenting an opposing opinion?”
31. Feeling her way along through the empty bedrooms she perceived the continuous rumble of the termites as they carved the wood, the snipping of the moths in the clothes closets, and the devastating noise of the enormous red ants that had prospered during the deluge and were undermining the foundations of the house
32. The indolence of the people was in contrast to the voracity of oblivion, which little by little was undermining memories in a pitiless way, to such an extreme that at that time, on another anniversary of the Treaty of Neerlan-dia, some emissaries from the president of the republic arrived in Macondo to award at last the decoration rejected several times by Colonel Aureliano Buendía, and they spent a whole afternoon looking for someone who could tell them where they could find one of his descendants
33. were undermining productive effort
34. See, demons are always trying to convince you that you are doing everything possible to heal yourself, all the while undermining your efforts
35. “Rather than confusing and undermining the faith of the ignorant
36. They were busy with covert operations and undermining
37. In an island by themselves, he told her, they would be quite happy undermining each other's backbones, and the backbone of England, which consisted of plain unspoilt patriots, would be let alone
38. And Alexandra! All this time Alexandra had been undermining her, whispering God-knows-what poison into their grandmother's ears
39. However, as charities themselves degenerate into bloated bureaucracies more concerned about perpetuating themselves than about assisting the downtrodden, those administering these organizations no longer view the giving public as the real heroes behind what use to be considered grassroots eleemosynary but rather as dimwitted cogs to be lectured as to how the acts once perceived as selfless are actually reactionary gestures undermining the progressive vision of their enlightened betters
40. from undermining itself when no one is watching
41. The mores of our conservative culture, the undermining of her reputation and diminishing new openings for marriage always work against the woman
42. the northern areas of Tardania, but strong loyalties prevented him from undermining his
43. So if you add the problem of the inconsistency in the differing lengths of time the Sun’s line with the Earth is in each constellation, with the factual scientific account of the “precession of the equinoxes” you have an unsystematic and changing zodiac system undermining the scientific credibility and importance given to people’s birth signs
44. The first moments in a classroom on Tverskaya, then on to the dark bars on Dmitrovka, the overly tender kiss on the cheek, then the light of the Conservatory the first time, up in the balcony behind the crowds, her hand finding mine, her fingers lying sprawled high on my thigh, the smell of sex making me ache, Shostokovitch a cover for intimacies, Tchaikovsky and Beethoven looking on, a world of ideas undermining all laws
45. The larger part of the work is expended in setting forth the general social effects of Christianity in the hast, and in presenting a vigorous picture of the results to be expected in the future from the gradual undermining of heathenism
46. He came to the rescue at this point, and said in a consolatory and complimentary voice, "Camilla, my dear, it is well known that your family feelings are gradually undermining you to the extent of making one of your legs shorter than the other
47. would prevent the current undermining his piers the way it had those of the old wooden bridge
48. When he demolished them he would put in their place a pile of loose large stones, the riprap, which he said would prevent the current undermining the piers
49. The plague had spooked them all, undermining their rationality
50. My guess is that the story itself was irrelevant, it was just their excuse, a pretext for further undermining Harriet’s role within the group