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    Use "underpinning" in a sentence

    underpinning example sentences


    1. to the bass lines underpinning the twinkling of the stars

    2. Volcanoes added deep resonance to the bass lines underpinning the twinkling of the stars

    3. An underpinning knowledge of the NLP communication model is particularly helpful for explaining this process within the mind

    4. Amonas was sluggish coming around when the whole surface underneath them lit up like a miniature sun lay within it, a bright white light underpinning their figures

    5. Science, if these views are accepted, furnishes an underpinning for the most virulent nihilism

    6. There is an ideological underpinning to the PC movement that is a given, but for the sake of completeness, I will restate it

    7. Our underpinning is the character of the God of Israel

    8. They do not have the underpinning of rationality, logic and coherence

    9. stones underpinning their philosophical structures—you have a much better rationale or strategy for weighing up what they have to say

    10. But, though he saw that as a practical way out, the unethical underpinning troubled his conscience

    11. Let us look at another underpinning of support confirmed by the Bible that helps to

    12. For the welfare of displaced US citizens I will develop the underpinning of physical sustenance of a basic nature to care for our poorest

    13. Underpinning the plan should be documented

    14. • The quality of the intellectual property underpinning the projections;

    15. In civilization: the more something is accumulated, the less value is given to any structural underpinning of what is valued, while the apex of that accumulation is given more value

    16. Dare it be also said, that these ancient ‘imperative’ moral rules and laws are of course very relevant today underpinning moral behaviour, but inadequate as being the perfect spiritual guidelines and boundaries safeguarding against the manifold complex transgressions committed by Self against Self’s neighbour that we too often see and experience in today’s world

    17. It could be said that this proposed evidence from logic and reasoning processes, which always needs to be considered and contemplated through and within a reflective introspective intuitive spirit, is an alternative path underpinning the justification for the beliefs, faiths and values humans may have about the answers they come to possess for those personal existential questions

    18. Between the two dugout canoes was stretched a netting made of some ropelike material that was borne up by the underpinning that supported the central mast

    19. While cruising along only a few cable lengths from the underpinning of Reao Island, I marveled at the gigantic piece of work accomplished by these microscopic laborers

    20. By and large, the academic work underpinning derivatives analysis, work that so many on Wall Street rely on, is predicated on the assumption that the markets are “efficient

    21. But this faulty logic is the underpinning of what most financial professionals use as their “true north

    22. She seated herself on the underpinning of the railing, close beside the bar, as though she were guarding it

    23. So saying, she seated herself on the underpinning of the

    24. The water filtered into certain subjacent strata, which were particularly friable; the foot-way, which was of flag-stones, as in the ancient sewers, or of cement on concrete, as in the new galleries, having no longer an underpinning, gave way

    25. The equity premium has the most compelling theoretical underpinning and it is larger (on an unlevered basis) than most other premia

    26. The problem is that without a real underpinning of asset value or earnings, these types of companies can run into big trouble when the thesis doesn't pan out as quickly as expected or new competition disrupts the story

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