Use "uninitiate" in a sentence
uninitiate example sentences
1. pedalloes (paddle boats to the uninitiated)
2. Brice was aware that Coba had more than just contempt for those who were uninitiated in the Singularity
3. uninitiated it looked like chaos
4. everyone enjoys a good show every now and then……however delivered in a manner that oftentimes resonated with the uninitiated
5. A society in the throes of a Cultural War (or a War of Ideas), whose socially transmitted customs are under assault, is never quite apparent to the uninitiated, (unlike the attendant violence of civil wars, for example, whose apparent destruction of person and property, not to mention its deleterious effect on the economy, are much easier to assess), and whose consequential impact on that society‘s traditions (usually) take longer for an non-engaging or morally indifferent society to absorb
6. O‘Connor (privately) subscribes to the archaic notions oftentimes conveyed to his readers, his transparent agendum however, apparent to those properly schooled in divisive matters, must continue to sow confusion and reap resentment among the uninitiated and other individuals who are otherwise straddling the fence; whose (own) imbedded impressions about Race continue to color their thinking
7. The more uninitiated among us wanted to launch it, just to be sure
8. Used to fooling the uninitiated without half trying
9. Breadfruit, for the uninitiated, is a fruit the size of a melon and can be boiled, roasted
10. Cliff was disappointed, but he seemed to take it as a matter of course that his elaborate thesis about the Man in the Moon should be disregarded by the uninitiated
11. To the uninitiated it must appear trite and cliché, but if you have got this
12. To the uninitiated she looked to be little more than a teenager, a young maiden at most
13. “Indeed, the way that Garcia presents his theories can be a bit rough to the uninitiated, Commander,
14. The back wall slid open to reveal an empty space to the uninitiated
15. behaviors of the uninitiated and those who are not expecting such a force on their minds,”
16. For the uninitiated, Windhoek comprises a high proportion of Germans
17. It’s no surprise that almost unanimously the uninitiated say they would never negotiate with their loved ones
18. Or so it appeared to the uninitiated
19. The possibilities of attention when properly directed are so startling that they would hardly appear credible to the uninitiated
20. It also is a quite gruesome sight to the uninitiated
21. assertion seemed to be directed toward squelching the thoughts or questions of the uninitiated
22. The uninitiated, unknowing believers in jus-
23. It was the task of the preachers and the choir to (1) sway uninitiated's youth and adults to convert
24. They are the uninitiated
25. It was a fraternity with solidarity and an ésprit de corps that was not apparent to the uninitiated
26. is not as easy on the nerves as the uninitiated may
27. Striving of Initiates poets and writers ahead of time not to show to immature people all Secrets of Being and Not-Being - that's the only reason for their presence in the literature the mystical cover, with which they hid from the uninitiated, the very foundation of our existence
28. “What does that mean, uninitiated? I know what the word means, but what am I uninitiated in?”
29. She looked surprised, but then remembered that I was uninitiated
30. It was study time for the uninitiated
31. And it made no difference; for if I had thought of it, it could only have been in the lame and inconclusive way of the common uninitiated mortals; and I am sure that nothing short of intellectual certitude--obviously unattainable by the man in the street--
32. The permanent pall of smoke cast by the coking ovens and blast furnaces gave the air an acrid, sinus-stinging edge and the noise level and sheer, hurtling energy level were both daunting to the uninitiated and more than enough to impose caution on any cyclist trying to make his way through it
33. This child, to my memory, really lives in a setting of beauty and misery that no words can translate; there was a distinction all his own in every impulse he revealed; never was a small natural creature, to the uninitiated eye all frankness and freedom, a more ingenious, a more extraordinary little gentleman
34. For the uninitiated, investing directly in emerging markets can be a risky proposition and requires a lot of research
35. Oil and mining ventures lend themselves best to such stock flotations, because it is easy to instill in the uninitiated an exaggerated notion of their true worth
36. From the irritation of the older men, the curiosity of the uninitiated
37. “My first aim will be to clean down (do you comprehend the full force of the expression?)—to clean down Moor House from chamber to cellar; my next to rub it up with bees-wax, oil, and an indefinite number of cloths, till it glitters again; my third, to arrange every chair, table, bed, carpet, with mathematical precision; afterwards I shall go near to ruin you in coals and peat to keep up good fires in every room; and lastly, the two days preceding that on which your sisters are expected will be devoted by Hannah and me to such a beating of eggs, sorting of currants, grating of spices, compounding of Christmas cakes, chopping up of materials for mincepies, and solemnising of other culinary rites, as words can convey but an inadequate notion of to the uninitiated like you
38. For the uninitiated, I explain how I set them up and why they work, and then we can jump into the setups that I use with them
39. For the uninitiated, Fibonacci numbers are used by traders to determine support and resistance levels, with the most commonly used retracement levels being 0
40. And yet, with all this, Natalia Vasilievna appeared, to the uninitiated, to be the most obedient of wives, and doubtless considered herself so
41. "By way of justification the governments claim that all their armaments and the consequent outlay are simply defensive in their character, but to the uninitiated the question naturally suggests itself: Whence is to come the attack if all the great powers are devoting themselves to a defensive policy? It certainly looks as if each one of them lived in hourly expectation of attack from his neighbor, and the consequence is a strife between the different governments to surpass each other in strength
42. From the irritation of the older men, the curiosity of the uninitiated, the reserve of the initiated, the hurry and preoccupation of everyone, and the innumerable committees and commissions of whose existence he learned every day, he felt that now, in 1809, here in Petersburg a vast civil conflict was in preparation, the commander in chief of which was a mysterious person he did not know, but who was supposed to be a man of genius—Speránski
43. Poor animal! Instead of roping it by the horns, you nearly jerk its tail off! There are very many accomplishments that seem easy in the hands of an expert and which prove most difficult to the uninitiated, but I think the throwing of the lasso can claim more mysteries than most others
44. And these tales, like the Rollo books, impart much valuable information to the uninitiated