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    Use "unknown region" in a sentence

    unknown region example sentences

    unknown region

    1. “ They say the Chapel was built on consecrated ground, dedicated to a hideous god of unknown regions who wears a hooded robe to hide his facial features

    2. They say the Chapel was built on consecrated ground, dedicated to a hideous god of unknown regions who wears a hooded robe to hide his facial features

    3. unknown regions of science hiding in the

    4. Walk out with me toward the unknown region,

    5. But there was a more real life for Hester Prynne here, in New England, than in that unknown region where Pearl had found a home

    6. But so far is he from having any desire for a more accurate knowledge of the earth's surface, that he said he should prefer not to know the sources of the Nile, and that there should be some unknown regions preserved as hunting grounds for the poetic imagination

    7. In the instance where three years intervened between the flinging of the two harpoons; and I think it may have been something more than that; the man who darted them happening, in the interval, to go in a trading ship on a voyage to Africa, went ashore there, joined a discovery party, and penetrated far into the interior, where he travelled for a period of nearly two years, often endangered by serpents, savages, tigers, poisonous miasmas, with all the other common perils incident to wandering in the heart of unknown regions

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