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    Use "unlisted" in a sentence

    unlisted example sentences


    1. started getting phone calls at the crèche (my house phone was unlisted in the phonebooks)

    2. ” „Jon"s not there! Rory"s number"s unlisted! Something"s happened! Quick, Jeff! We have to get up there!"

    3. She did not get a telephone, listed or unlisted

    4. Then he left the number of the Live Oaks fish camp—instead of the boat‘s unlisted phone

    5. If you have an unlisted number that

    6. ‘Discriminate Representatives’ is registered with the law society, but is unlisted in any directory or phone book

    7. She has an unlisted number

    8. I called 411, to see if it was a new or unlisted number

    9. on these negotiations an unlisted Public

    10. that saw the economic benefits of a vibrant market in unlisted equities and each had

    11. Her home phone was a completely different number from her work one, and it was unlisted and only used for personal calls

    12. He was keenly interested in how The Doctor had managed to obtain Kathy’s unlisted number, and more importantly how he’d known who was in charge of her case both at the detective agency and the police station

    13. As the wine breathed, he made a call to Vierte’s director of security, again on his unlisted phone

    14. He could be unlisted

    15. The phone company database said it was unlisted

    16. The number was unlisted, and unlikely to be one which he would find in Millennium’s contacts

    17. They called her at home so frequently that she finally changed her number to an unlisted one

    18. Stock market indices (made up of listed stocks) do not participate in all growth, and indeed may miss the dynamic growth of yet unlisted startup ventures, other small businesses, and sole proprietorships—all of which count toward total business profits:• The aggregate earnings growth of the corporate sector (listed and unlisted firms) should better keep pace with aggregate GDP growth

    19. I wonder whether unlisted infrastructure investments may be overpriced because their lack of mark-to-market features makes them too attractive for investors looking for stable long-term cash flows with some inflation-hedging ability

    20. Aggregate corporate profits are measured for all equities—listed and unlisted

    21. Current shareholders only benefit from EPS growth in listed shares and miss the entrepreneurial dynamism and presumably faster profit growth in the unlisted sector

    22. A common view states that inefficiencies and alpha are most readily available in less liquid markets—small-cap stocks, frontier countries, unlisted assets—on which fewer investors and analysts shine light

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    "unlisted" definitions

    not on a list

    not having your name entered on a voting list