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    ussr example sentences


    1. Things were different in the former USSR

    2. country, if he would cooperate with the USSR, the world

    3. the communists from the former USSR

    4. Romania and to place it instead of the USSR,

    5. the USSR, we know what Romania assimilated

    6. We know that when the USSR invaded

    7. Perhaps the biggest shock was the end of the Cold War between the USSR and USA

    8. The citizens of USSR ‘miraculously’ opted to peacefully part ways and this lead to the independence of many smaller nations

    9. I remember at school I was called to the headmasters' office to explain my "communist views" having said in class that the South African Defence Force will not survive two weeks of actual conventional combat against the USSR for the simple reason that they had thousands more tanks and men

    10. By July 1979 thousands of terrorists were inside Rhodesia and thousands training in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Libya, North Korea, USSR and Communist China

    11. Since the USSR had already lost tens of millions to the war, why would anyone think the loss of a few cities would be threatening? Not only that, Stalin himself caused the death of tens of millions of his own people to wipe out opponents

    12. , the US and USSR both reduced their bio-chemical weapons with a series of pledges and treaties

    13. ) Just to take the most obvious examples that Kirkpatrick chose to ignore or lie about, the USSR became far less tyrannical after Stalin died, as did China after Mao died

    14. The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR brought a more conservative approach by Carter

    15. The nine nations with nuclear weapons, in order from most to least are: US, USSR, France, UK, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea

    16. In 1958 he announced the USSR would stop testing on its own, and Ike then announced the US would also for one year

    17. Both the US and USSR hoped the test ban would pressure China to not develop its nuclear weapons

    18. By the end of this treaty, the number of nuclear weapons will be down to less than 2,000 each for the US and USSR

    19. Fanatic anti Communists also did not understand or overestimated the power of the USSR

    20. How believable was it ever that the Soviets would conquer the US? How could they hope to cross oceans with a US Navy easily three times that of Soviet strength? How could any invasion of Alaska succeed over a frozen strait with no major ports and some of the highest frozen mountains in the world? Both the US and USSR are essentially unconquerable

    21. When Eisenhower and Khrushchev were due to meet for a summit, Ike had U-2 spy planes fly over the USSR

    22. Instead there are two reform minded and peace minded leaders in both the US and USSR

    23. There were US missiles based in Turkey, and they could reach almost the entire USSR

    24. Castro was angry that the US and Soviets decided the end of the crisis without him, and determined to do as he wished without listening to the USSR

    25. Mitigated by: Disarmament treaties with the USSR

    26. Also, in the 1990s hundreds of measuring stations, most of which were in cold regions of the USSR, were closed with the dissolution of that “republic

    27. He says when President Reagan helped scatter the USSR by crusading there for religious tolerance, that that was as much a turning point as the Berlin Wall coming down

    28. Since the fall of the USSR and its Communism, it hadn’t taken long for the notion of “global

    29. presided over or at least witnessed the dissolution of the USSR in 1991

    30. The Communism of the USSR was said to have

    31. In return, the missiles were hauled back to the USSR

    32. Once the USSR broke up, Yuliya shifted the majority of its business interactions to Russia

    33. Anyone born after the Russian Revolution into the USSR lived with the prospect of a neighbor or even an occasional family member turning him in for minor crimes against the state

    34. He relates his “indulgence and tenderness” for “the memory and tradition of the USSR” after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991

    35. stone-cold dead and frozen for three days as it laid in the morgue in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR

    36. We know that the USSR was defeated in the cold war by our commitment to strength

    37. ence to the USSR and its rigid Stalinism

    38. Marxist movements, aided by the USSR, China, and Cuba, never-

    39. ence, and welfare of the USSR was morally legitimate

    40. “peoples’ republics” of the USSR and puppet states, this was done on a wide scale

    41. Hungarian Communists who had fled to the USSR survived Stalin’s purges

    42. 3 A list of some of the data sent to the USSR by this group is given on page 231 of The Haunted Wood, by Weinstein and Vassiliev

    43. When the prisoners arrived in the USSR, they were placed under police control

    44. and USSR had a common interest in defeating the Axis powers

    45. regime of the USSR under Joseph Stalin

    46. ” I am aware that Karl Marx25 mentioned “usury” in Das Kapital while denouncing Capitalism, and there were laws against usury in the USSR

    47. The disdain for “exorbitant interest” was probably significant in the USSR, which would be consistent with their communist (socialist) economic structure

    48. The USSR would last another thirty-seven years before its economic structure would completely disintegrate

    49. The full story of the USSR inception, its reigning years, and its end is too long for inclusion here

    50. when it became clear through the launching of the space shuttle Sputnik by the then USSR that our

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    Synonyms for "ussr"

    russia soviet union union of soviet socialist republics ussr

    "ussr" definitions

    a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991