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    vanishes example sentences


    1. The skeletal child vanishes along the beach whispering

    2. vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away

    3. He finished with a series of Productions and Vanishes amongst the audience, the old coin behind the ear stuff, and then, like Cinderella, he left with his meal and beer voucher before last orders when his Dad turned up to give him a lift home

    4. Naturally, as soon as her head hits the pillow, all tendency to sleep vanishes as though by magic

    5. Once your mind kicks into gear and captures your attention, your ability to hold onto the experience of happiness vanishes

    6. "His scent just vanishes

    7. The individual is eliminated and vanishes in unquestioned submission to the will of those who wield state power

    8. On the edges from where the light of the moon comes out, there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of light; And three months she makes of thirty days, and at her time she makes three months of twenty-nine days each, in which she accomplishes her waning in the first period of time, and in the first portal for one hundred and seventy-seven days; And in the time of her going out she appears for three months of thirty days each, and for three months she appears of twenty-nine each

    9. Seconds later, however, the horde swallows up the priest, and he vanishes within wave after wave of roiling turmoil

    10. All at once, blood vanishes from her cheeks, leaving her face a shocked ashen

    11. I move my hand to hold his, but Zachary vanishes at vampire speed

    12. He vanishes in the blink of an eye, leaving me baffled

    13. question and the unknown vanishes with it

    14. the unknown vanishes, too

    15. On the edges from where the light of the moon comes out there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end and her circumference is empty void of light; And three months she makes of thirty days and at her time she makes three months of twenty-nine days each in which she accomplishes her waning in the first period of time and in the first portal for one hundred and seventy-seven days; And in the time of her going out she appears for three months of thirty days each and for three months she appears of twenty-nine each

    16. Then the terrible noise vanishes and he is whole again, with a greater knowledge of who it is who has helped him here

    17. It vanishes into the dark

    18. He takes his first step into the emerald sphere, and everything vanishes away

    19. In the twinkling of an eye, the circle vanishes entirely and Ralph feels the tremor of the emeralds in his grasp, as if their power has come home to roost

    20. When this desire vanishes, there remains no further need for the body, and man is free from the vicious circle of births and deaths

    21. Even as her universe is assimilated and everything around her vanishes and transforms itself into an elegant ballet of logic and perfection, she understands your purpose and the terror makes her finally understand

    22. Regina vanishes and the trail is cold

    23. Then without warning it was gone, vanished as a bubble vanishes when burst

    24. vanishes when the lights are turned on

    25. vanishes into thin air

    26. Her powers were sealed and she her memory vanishes

    27. Failure to complete this mission is irrelevant if this installation vanishes

    28. Dropping to the driver's seat, she vanishes into the darkness of the roof hatch as the lid slams shut

    29. The feeling of the cool, grimy bricks on his face vanishes

    30. Some of the founders of religions were astonishing individuals, but all their glory vanishes in my eyes when I cease to think of them as human beings

    31. The positive vanishes for the adopted child who is searching for his or her mysterious biological parents

    32. “Then we should try to find some, before the planet vanishes again

    33. You are used to being in the limelight, because you‘re the main worship leader during youth and Sunday services, then suddenly, everything vanishes before your eyes like a deflated balloon, because you were faced with all those gossip and wrong interpretations about you being friends, and I‘d say, close friends with a guy, who happens to be in the same congregation you are in and a youth leader, just like you

    34. It is also better than the present life in its continuity and eternity, for the bliss of this life is temporal and soon vanishes while the bliss there is unbroken and lasts forever

    35. Lowering the sword, he pulls a knife from his belt and hurls it in the beast’s direction, but the monster vanishes and the knife explodes harmlessly against a tree

    36. The vision of flames in Loki’s eyes vanishes

    37. The life to come is also better than the present life in its continuity and eternity, for the bliss of this life is temporal and soon vanishes, but the bliss to come is unbroken and lasts forever

    38. “Eliminate money and the drive of the human species vanishes?” she asked bombastically

    39. Our interview is over – it didn’t help that Stripehead turned up an hour late for it – and there’s a quick hand shake before Stripehead vanishes into the milling crowds outside the hotel

    40. When winter vanishes spring emerges

    41. I guess what truly makes us all happy is love no matter if it vanishes after death

    42. He paddles up to the weir, gets out, picks up his canoe, carries it round to the other side, gets in, and vanishes in the windings of the water and the folds of the hills, leaving the girls in the tennis-courts--you remember the courts are opposite the weir—uncertain whether to titter or to blush, for he wears I suppose the fewest clothes that it is possible to wear and still be called dressed, and no stockings at all

    43. Then as Anthony drives forward and is about to mow her down, she vanishes into a swirly smoke of blackness

    44. When she turns her face away, she vanishes into her own shadow (the new moon), and when she meets the sun in closest conjunction, she also hides his face - an occultation (eclipse)

    45. The kind expression vanishes

    46. He says we will be safe here until the sun vanishes

    47. The inter-orange space vanishes and the walls (peels) become

    48. selfishness and greed, and the supply vanishes, or man is separated from it

    49. When you take away the context of an overpopulated human society: the factor of social standing vanishes because it only exists in the context of a pyramidally structured accumulation of overpopulated human society where people are fighting each other to get to the top of the shitpile

    50. Take away the Imaginary Linear Line from human awareness: and abstract civilization crumbles, disappears, and vanishes before your eyes

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