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    Use "ventricle" in a sentence

    ventricle example sentences


    1. A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

    2. A piece of his left ventricle splattered onto his face

    3. Thanks to the chemicals the anesthetist recently administered, there wasn’t any awareness that his chest would once again be opened so the thrombus lodged inside his left ventricle could be removed

    4. Rogers did a Doppler ultrasound, he discovered a major thrombus embolized inside our patient’s left ventricle

    5. Then as each hour passed, the one within his left ventricle continued to increase in size until it eventually proved to be fatal

    6. However, infusion of orexin A in the lateral ventricle or VTA elevated

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    Synonyms for "ventricle"

    heart ventricle ventricle

    "ventricle" definitions

    one of four connected cavities in the brain; is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid

    a chamber of the heart that receives blood from an atrium and pumps it to the arteries