Men also have very strong tendencies to conceal stressful things
Horseradish: A very strong plant
This is a very strong combination and will kill and control many other insects as well as fleas
"The market is very strong for these at the moment
He has a very strong will- that should help him fight the infection
He’s a rugged looking man, she thought, chiseled features, and a very strong will, like in the dreams
Sam could see that there was a bond between them that had become very strong
It would take a very strong person to run this camp as smooth as she had; you couldn’t afford to be sentimental about things when there are over 100 lives riding on your decisions
They would prove to be very strong in their loyalty, and in battle
I am very strong
I tell her how very strong Abi is being, how she’s latched onto the idea of the little boy David saved and that this is helping her with her grief to some extent
Gently touching her arm Rayne continued with confidence, “You will carry this child; your aura is very strong and filled with much love
very strong this takes away
“I can only say that I feel a very strong call from Aura
arm and it was very strong, indicating that this was
was exerting a very strong subconscious affect and was
'Yes, very strongly, Mr Stevenson
“The meat is very strongly flavoured, and usually regarded as
Billy mentioned in passing as they munched their toast that all the woodwork would need to be both washed down and then sanded … that had set a horrified Chrissie off suggesting that they should start with the walls, the need to apply paint to something … to make her mark on the room so very strong in her
The tea was very hot and very strong, Ava could barely touch her tongue to it even after listening to Enjteen’s long harangue
possession of a very strong sense of justice, and her
Johnny was a very strong
On the banks of this brook I found many pleasant savannahs or meadows, plain, smooth, and covered with grass; and on the rising parts of them, next to the higher grounds, where the water, as might be supposed, never overflowed, I found a great deal of tobacco, green, and growing to a great and very strong stalk
Parmu and Lurain had a lot of lanterns and they were burning rainbow oil that rapidly evolved thru very strong colors
Sometimes I will get a rather vague word, but at other times I will receive a very strong and specific word
It is usually better to just not go there unless you feel the Spirit speaking it very strongly
very strong case for rethinking the notion of the eternal torture of all
” Homer’s voice was very strong now, the same one that he used
She seemed to have a very strong personality and looked like she could take control of any situation
We didn't have any medicine, and she never was very strong
As they sat outside in two wood slatted rockers drinking a very strong black coffee, Kurt and Elizabeth Morgan talked about what had happened in their country
It’s not very strong but it seems to hold up, for now anyway
He is a very strong man, who, by mere strength of body, can force two weak ones to obey him
The amercement, besides, of the person complained of, might frequently suggest a very strong reason for finding him in the wrong, even when he had not really been so
Upon a subsequent occasion, in 1750, when a proposal was made to parliament for putting the trade under the management of a regulated company, and thereby laying it in some measure open, the East India company, in opposition to this proposal, represented, in very strong terms, what had been, at this time, the miserable effects, as they thought them, of this competition
37 Although this effect is not very strong, it is factual and does exist
I really can’t explain the feeling, but it was a very strong feeling and for the 3
You are going to become very strong, Jean, stronger in the Power than any of the Heroines of Legend
A very strong wielder could escape the shields of up to twenty Alit’aren even before they held the Power, though if they held the Power it could require all twenty to be linked to effectively block the wielder
Williams presents a very strong, very scary case for the inevitable reelection of Barak Obama
Magic would have to be very strong to affect him and it would take many wizards combined to tackle him, as an heir to Borgan Tahl
" Experience at very high level in African governments tells me you will have them begging you for money which places you in a very strong position to bargain to the best return on investment possible
“Once created, they’re very strong though
There was a very strong rumour that journalists paid rioters to attack the SAP with stones
But, on the other hand, a step-parent step-child relationship can also grow into a very strong, very important and well meaning relationship for everyone involved
William did make his case very strong, but without hard evidence she would have taken the easy way out and simply dismissed the thought of having to accept this grown man was Daniel
I am a Believer, and I thank God for everything in life for I am not very strong
Governments have very strong feelings not to negotiate but they all do
All of a sudden the wind picked up and became very strong
A very strong wind picked up, and the trees around my
It sounded very strong and reassuring
He was not very strong and not very valued by them as a hunter, but he had deep, intelligent eyes, and they hoped he would live with me and learn and share the wisdom of the trees with them
Aromatic though it was and totally exotic to him, it had a very strong taste and had felt a bit venturesome on his part when he asked the ship’s automated galley to prepare some
Nicole dragged him along behind one of the walls of ’Madimba’ and told him in a very strong manner, evidently quite upset:
But, I’m sure your friends in the Boulder area have some very strong opinions on it, huh Dave!”
Her Light is very strong, she truly is Ainatstiella
Some people even claim that there isn’t very strong evidence for the existence of Jesus as an historical figure
He should not talk about Elior like that! She wanted to move forward, but was kept back by Gawavolf who was suddenly very strong in spite of his old body
flooded she cal ed Janie to say that we were on her mind very strongly,
But Tina remained very strong
And you will find it is a very strong affirmation, Enilia
He looked at his children; they were rosy and healthy looking enough--except Una, and she had never been very strong even when her mother was alive
The cremulator is basically just a very strong blender on steroids which is scared of nothing, except…
One was stronger but not very skillful; the other was skillful but not very strong
He proved to be a very strong leader and the Tenocha had begun to assert themselves during his reign
because they are very strong; but they look not to the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord! 2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring
In fact, seeing people act out of ignorance in ways that cause themselves or others great pain can inspire a very strong and direct response to that ignorance, but it is a response of compassion
and we have another very strong point in common
- And what is the common point very strong, which unites a person
“Yes, I did, but it requires a very strong mind and a dedication that I would say fewer than ten percent of the Imperial forces can muster,” was my reply
there is a very strong mental energy of mortals who never ceases to
He was a nice man and had very strong
they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it
upper reservoir and converting it into a very strong power is the real
It was hilly, with dense forest, rain all year long, and a seemingly constant westerly wind, sometimes very strong
and gathered together all the forces of his realm, even a very strong army
At the same time, he was very strong, remarkably agile, and very skilled with all sorts of their weapons
were fled together into two very strong castles, having all manner of things convenient to sustain the siege, 19 Maccabeus left Simon
himself, he fled into a very strong hold, called Gawra, where Chereas was governor
Our planet has a very strong magnetosphere
She pauses and then continues, ‘I sense you have very strong morals and you can stand up to anything that gets in your way
28 And Jashub and all his army were advancing toward Judah, and he was riding on a very strong and powerful horse, and Jashub was a very valiant man, and covered with iron and brass from head to foot
The Bible provides profound wisdom and initiates self-discovery, resulting in a very strong faith
She has a very strong egoic power
28 But from that day forward the children of Esau hated the sons of Jacob, and the hatred and enmity were very strong between them all the days, to this day
son of a teacher who is the owner of a motor-ski company and of Dolley’s Museum, does not hesitate to assert in very strong terms that he likes Ketchikan in winter because he can ski and … study
21 And the children of Israel turned and went up by the way of Bashan to the land of Og, King of Bashan, and Og the King of Bashan went out to meet the Israelites in battle, and he had with him many valiant men, and a very strong force from the people of the Amorites
At eleven o’clock, Roger went inside the house to get a bottle of “orujo”, a very strong liquor from El Bierzo, made of the residue of the grapes after their fermentation into wine
Nick scored some very strong African hashish from a Hispanic alderman, and we got so wasted that I could not walk well enough to return to Phoenix for two days after the bong was passed
Believe me when I say that the latter can be a very strong
The GS-15 inside OOL who had cognizance of Ingalls’ contracts, the hard drinking Bob Culbert, explained Jim’s animus towards me as being rooted in a) his very strong preference for hiring as field counsel only recent LS grads, because b) he was paranoid and thought that people like myself who had prior industry experience were “contaminated,” and c) we would not be suitably harsh on the shipbuilders
There have to be very strong reasons for me to leave my home
There followed from this a very strong growth of German nationalism, which was to be of enormous consequence to the entire world
very strong, too, but my dad’s side just has this additional
Only a very strong family structure is proof against the media
Men have very strong emotions
They all concentrated and, invoking Satan (one of the names of the Great Beast), began to wish very strongly that the girls immediately die
I've been very strongly alluding to what she has
The Love Spirits concentrated very strongly, wishing that that no more houses would explode, and they actually prevented the destruction of several houses; however, they started to hear terrible noises from the surrounding forest, and hundreds of large, sharp knives come swiftly flying out from the trees from one end of the village to the other
28 And Jashub and all his army were advancing toward Judah and he was riding on a very strong and powerful horse and Jashub was a very valiant man and covered with iron and brass from head to foot