Use "view of life" in a sentence
view of life example sentences
view of life
1. At the same time, it is quite possible that we work with the new elements in such situations and strike new relationships, find new vocations and even change our existing view of life and its purpose
2. Jock has a simple view of life
3. Though most of us would probably fall in between these two extreme examples, we can see how powerful our view of life shapes our reality
4. Was there a “traditionalist” view in that ancient time that insisted on adherence to a one-world view of life called “Nature,” wherein unseen animal Essences somehow directed the flow of all life?
5. “Yes, I think it has to do with your view of life
6. It is a hermit's view of life, the attitude
7. This I realise is a simplistic and bleak view of life but as I think back
8. felt in his heart; and many said that At the Feet of the Master had given them a new view of life
9. He was an orderly man whose view of life was that everything should be in its rightful place
10. Ed had an interesting view of life
11. The Reform Party made terrific gains this election as public sentiment has turned to a more nostalgic view of life
12. Often times we cling to things that were not detrimental but have become now less supportive because our view of life has changed or our purpose has realigned, or what we are doing and who we have become is simply different then what it was previously
13. ‘’I suppose that being herbivores gives you a wholly different view of life compared to that of omnivores like us, Captain Shanandar
14. We had shared a few drinks, and he had a good sense of humor and a realistic view of life
15. The key to a timeless view of life is found in Ævar -
16. But the bane of the closed Islamic societies is that there cannot be any contrary view of life than the pro Quran-hadith-sunna dogma, as all the Musalmans share common beliefs and imbibe the same prejudices
17. Will you revel in the view of life
18. can move on with a positive view of life
19. It?s a male world Utta and the problem also lies with the typical male view of life and karma
20. If a person exists in a state of pure wonder, where all of their awareness is constantly expanding: then they will never focus on any narrow view of life: they will never worship anything or anybody
21. Actually they do not think or believe: they just have this view of life implanted into their genetic DNA on an INSTINCTUAL LEVEL
22. death is a preview of an eternal life of torment in Hell!!! Death is a preview of life!!!
23. It seams that he is putting all the dead in one place (one grave); does he think they are not completely dead (wherever he thinks that place of the dead to be)? Is he saying a person is in two sheols, one where the body is after death, and another where something other than the body is at after death; or dose he think souls are alive in this place of the dead, which would be a second sheol? “The place of the dead” is not a translation of “sheol,” and is not in the Bible, where did he get it from, what is he trying to prove by it? On page 275 he says the destruction throughout the Old Testament came in the form of physical death, and that this destruction by physical death is a preview of an eternal life of torment in Hell!!! Death is a preview of life!!! How could death in any way be a preview of an eternal life of torment? Both adding some kind of existence or life after death, and making the death that all die, both the saved and the lost be a preview of an eternal life of torment in the Old Testament is nothing but a week attempt to prove both (1) an immortal soul that lives after the death of the person it was in, (2) and Hell to be taught in the Old Testament
24. Whatever confirms the voice of the inward witness, and points to the 'great white throne’ of judgment, as the needle to the pole star, is so much gain for a spiritual view of life and its belongings
25. It has more influence on our conception of our nature, our view of life in this world and life after death than any other question
26. To call "Don Quixote" a sad book, preaching a pessimist view of life, argues a total misconception of its drift
27. He didn't understand that that consciousness might be the promise of a future crisis, of a new view of life and of his future resurrection
28. —But, ladies and gentlemen, had the youthful Moses listened to and accepted that view of life, had he bowed his head and bowed his will and bowed his spirit before that arrogant admonition he would never have brought the chosen people out of their house of bondage, nor followed the pillar of the cloud by day
29. He did not understand Alexey Alexandrovitch’s feeling, but he felt that it was something higher and even unattainable for him with his view of life
30. She was carrying an armful of Bibles for her class, and such was her view of life that events which produced heartache in others wrought beatific smiles upon her—an enviable result, although, in the opinion of Angel, it was obtained by a curiously unnatural sacrifice of humanity to mysticism
31. ‘I know your outlook,’ said the Mason, ‘and the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance
32. Your view of life is a regrettable delusion
33. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone circling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved
34. He didn’t understand that that consciousness might be the promise of a future crisis, of a new view of life and of his future resurrection
35. People whom fate and their sin-mistakes have placed in a certain position, however false that position may be, form a view of life in general which makes their position seem good and admissible
36. In order to keep up their view of life, these people instinctively keep to the circle of those people who share their views of life and their own place in it
37. With such a view of life, she was by no means the lowest, but a very important person
38. And Maslova prized this view of life more than anything; she could not but prize it, for, if she lost the importance that such a view of life gave her among men, she would lose the meaning of her life
39. It is true that the social organization seems for the most part as much under the influence of violence as it seemed a thousand years ago, and in respect of armaments and war seems even more; but the Christian view of life is already having its effect
40. People set it before them and strive after it, because their view of life is as vulgar and brutish as is that other conception frequently met with in the lower stages of development, which sees in luscious and abundant food an end worthy of man’s best efforts
41. The teaching on the basis of which this art arose was a perversion of Christ's teaching, but the art which sprang up on this perverted teaching was nevertheless a true art, because it corresponded to the religious view of life held by the people among whom it arose
42. But most people of the upper classes (though in the depth of their souls they had lost faith in the Church teaching) could not or would not act thus, because the essence of that Christian view of life, which stood ready to be adopted when once they rejected the Church faith, was a teaching of the brotherhood (and therefore the equality) of man, and this negatived those privileges on which they lived, in which they had grown up and been educated, and to which they were accustomed
43. And so these people remained without any religious view of life
44. On that obsolete Greek view of life was erected the science of æsthetics, invented by men of the eighteenth century, and especially shaped and mounted in Baumgarten's theory
45. And let not those women say,—who, while renouncing the vocation of women, desire to profit by its rights,—that such a view of life is impossible for a mother, that a mother is too intimately connected by love to her children to deprive them of sweets, smart dresses, or entertainments, or not to fear their being unprovided for, if the husband has no fortune or secure position, or not to be afraid for the future of the marrying daughters and sons, who have not got an “education
46. In order to appropriate the highest view of life, I think there is no need of visiting lectures: all that she requires is to read the gospel, and not to shut her eyes, ears, and, most of all, her heart
47. “I know your outlook,” said the Mason, “and the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance
48. The difference, as regards this, between the individual man and humanity as a whole, lies in the fact that the individual, in forming the view of life proper to the new period of life on which he is entering and the conduct resulting from it, benefits by the experience of men who have lived before him, who have already passed through the stage of growth upon which he is entering
49. The whole history of the ancient peoples, lasting through thousands of years and ending with the history of Rome, is the history of the transition from the animal, personal view of life to the social view of life
50. The whole of history from the time of the Roman Empire and the appearance of Christianity is the history of the transition, through which we are still passing now, from the social view of life to the divine view of life