Use "vinculum" in a sentence
vinculum example sentences
1. It solves the question of the income so much for the individuals as for the corporations with profit or non-profit, as well as for the State, without there is need of the indebtedness or vinculum to the work, without there are the slave work and the financial dependence
2. o) Elimination of the million of labor processes that involve questions of payments of wages or labor laws because the new systematics generates income the all the people without the need of the vinculum to the employment, consequently the employers are liberated of the need of this payment
3. With that, it corrects the flaw of the current economic model, generating income mainly for the billion of excluded human beings through the passive activities or active activities that exist in any country, without breaking its economy, without any capital loss or work and without there is vinculum to the employment
4. This creates the vinculum among the agreed organizations to practice to Systemic Theory of Usuarism
5. organizations, without there is need of the vinculum to the employment”
6. ) and to have its counted results even when it doesn’t have labor vinculum with any organization
7. With it, it doesn’t need checks, credit cards, coin exchanges, exchange reserves and even vinculum to the employment to receive it
8. Deposit the value of the campaign in any existent Bank3Sector in the world with identified deposit with vinculum to the country that desires to help
9. for all the citizens, without there to be vinculum to
10. anywhere in the world with vinculum to the agreed
11. without being loan and without need of the vinculum to the
12. The great innovation is the generation of income abundantly for all the individuals (citizens) and corporations (public or private) since being born until dying, without need of the vinculum to the employment, without exchange policy, without interests and without need of tributary system because all will receive income, inclusive the State
13. That is possible because the act of the Process Validation makes the replacement of the working capital of the organizations and of the people’s income in an automatic form, without there to be vinculum of the employment, in other words, the supplier doesn’t depend on the buyer’s money to accomplish its production, as well as the people don’t depend on the employment for receiving income
14. The money of the foreseen budget for the XUSING Project is deposited in Current Account “Social” with vinculum to the Country Argentina, so that nobody puts the hand in that money, not even the governmental authorities
15. In case the beneficiary person belongs in more than one nonprofit organization in the current system, the new systematics considers only one vinculum with the Project and it discards the others