Use "visible light" in a sentence
visible light example sentences
visible light
1. “So the little babies I'm tinkering with in the shop do essentially the same thing with incoming radiation, whether that is in the electro-magnetic band of visible light or at the wavelengths employed by sensors and scanners
2. He glanced up at the sun overhead, then considered it’s visible light reflecting from the broken volcanic glass below, and estimated the location of the reflection’s focus
3. He’d have assumed it was quartz, were it not glowing brightly in both visible light and in his magic-sensing vision
4. terns is of the same order as the wavelength of visible light, this thread-like
5. Yes, but visible light is only a small percentage of the spectrum of waves
6. So it absorbs most visible light, but reflects microwaves and radio waves
7. This layer reflects all incoming radio and microwaves, but it’s transparent enough to allow most visible light to pass through
8. The thick transparent layer, which this outer layer rests on, also allows visible light to pass through, but not to pass back out
9. What I am proposing is that the eye is a camera that filters out most of the electromagnetic spectrum to only record visible light, and that the camera is controlled by the photographer who chooses consciously or unconsciously what to photograph
10. This book leads to the realization that the word "light" does not refer only to visible light
11. electrical, visible light or radio)
12. Let’s consider ordinary, visible light and that
13. It would be as if somehow man devised a way to broaden the spectrum of visible light, then we would be able to sense with our eyes the colors that we know through experimentation exist above and below the narrow range of colors that we currently perceive
14. “Where’d ye get that?” I remembered the weight in my palm and the invisible light that had stricken Andrei with blindness
15. a lot of visible light
16. In the presence of ultraviolet radiation, polaritons can manifest only for a very short period in the visible (for us) range, and then they reproject again into a higher-qualitative type of the uyyu’yy “Field”, leaving the so-called “secondary radiation” — a barely visible light
17. All the mind's arguments, all its protests and all its negotiations, melt like snow before the inner flame of intense love, this Invisible Light that illumines everything, this Light that is everything
18. to only record visible light, and that the camera is controlled by the photographer who
19. Atoms, in essence, are but energies without mass (because measured in eV - electrical volts), weight (because electromagnetic energy between the earth attracts smaller parcels of electromagnetic energy giving gravity) and visibility (because we see the visible light wave–lengths that are reflected by particular atoms)
20. Visible light as it is absorbed or reflected in relation to atom structures allows humans to differentiate between the different structure and functions of atom energy
21. The atom-energies of structures continue to evolve with complex interactions and together with the interactions of energy from the electromagnetic spectrum of energy as photons of visible light, have produced structures of atom-energies in the form of bio-chemical cells for the purposes of living life
22. Structures of atom-energy are visible because the both absorb various waves lengths of visible light whilst also reflecting different wave-lengths of visible light
23. Structures, both non-living and living, comprise of in essence, the energy of atoms, which by definition possess no colour - when they do not or cannot reflect photons of visible light of particular wave-lengths - e
24. Which wavelengths of visible light are reflected from a structure of atom-energy will determine the colour we perceive the structure to be, as a combination of the interaction of the designed atom-energy structure and function of our eyes, optical nerve, and cerebral (brain) etc, which then interact with the spirit-energy of Self and Self’s consciousness and awareness, and hence, perception
25. end of the galaxy, but alive with visible light at the other end
26. Because the water was so deep and pure it absorbed every color of visible light except blue seemed like a perfectly sound and scientific explanation, and yet there was still something about Crater Lake that remained inexplicable
27. It seemed a shock in the midst of this great land: inviolable, separate and alone, as if it had always been and would always be here, absorbing every color of visible light but blue
28. Infrared communications use frequencies in the 850 to 950 nanometer range, just below the visible light spectrum