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    Use "wash one" in a sentence

    wash one example sentences

    wash one

    1. you could only wash one limb at a time

    2. If then I now who am your Lord and Master have washed for you your feet how needful is it that you should wash one another's feet! This I have given you as an example that as I have done to you so you should do also

    3. If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another’s feet; because I have given you the example so that you should do as I have done to you

    4. Imagine the amazement of these twelve men, who had so recently refused to wash one another's feet, and who had engaged in such unseemly disputes about positions of honor at the table, when they saw him make his way around the unoccupied end of the table to the lowest seat of the feast, where Simon Peter reclined, and, kneeling down in the attitude of a servant, make ready to wash Simon's feet

    5. If, then, the Master has washed your feet, why was it that you were unwilling to wash one another's feet? What lesson should you learn from this parable in which the Master so willingly does that service which his brethren were unwilling to do for one another? Verily, verily, I say to you: A servant is not greater than his master; neither is one who is sent greater than he who sends him

    6. 9 "When I came into this chamber tonight, you were not content proudly to refuse to wash one another's feet, but you must also fall to disputing among yourselves as to who should have the places of honor at my table

    7. Wash one whole broiler or fryer with water

    8. But, He said, if I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet; then you also need to wash one another's feet

    9. But, He said if I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, then you also need to wash one another's feet

    10. Here are some of the phrases: Wash one another’s feet,450 love one another,451 honor one another,452 live in harmony with one another,453 stop passing judgment on one another,454 accept one another,455 instruct one another,456 greet one another,457 agree with one another,458 serve one another,459 bear with one another,460 be compassionate to one another,461 submit to one another,462 forgive one another,463 encourage one another,464 do not slander one another,465 act in humility towards one another,466 fellowship with one another

    11. Within my memory has happened this, that whereas rich men were ashamed if they could not drive out with a team of four horses, with two men-servants, and that it was considered shameful not to have a man-servant or a maid, to dress one, wash one, attend the chamber, and so on; now of a sudden it has become shameful not to dress and to wash oneself, without help, or to drive out with men-servants

    12. All questions as to how the time of labor is best divided, what is the best method of nourishment, with what, in what shape, and when it is best to clothe one’s self, to shoe one’s self, to counteract dampness and cold, how best to wash one’s self, to feed the children, to swaddle them, and so on, in just those conditions in which the working-people find themselves,—all these questions have not yet been propounded

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