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    Use "wealth" in a sentence

    wealth example sentences


    1. Ability to Produce Wealth

    2. us the ability the produce wealth, they concluded that

    3. "Not as ostentatious a display of wealth as that boat

    4. "He has an inordinate amount of his wealth tied up in that piece of real estate

    5. That is enough, all the wealth we can consume in what really is a glittering city of art and culture and ideas, in spite of the rafts-in-a-rainforest decor

    6. Wealth created through hard work without dishonesty and without hurting somebody cannot be bad

    7. The important thing is how you use this wealth

    8. Unfortunately wealth can create so much ill will simply because most of us consider that money can buy us happiness

    9. "You said he built his wealth by stealing the detents out of hospital carts

    10. He hoped nothing bad would come of the ill-won wealth

    11. say because of their wealth (6:9-10)

    12. His tastes were leading Bahkmar toward a belief in an idle son of wealth as time unfolded

    13. Of, course, they always find plenty of other excuses: success in business, increase of wealth, religious, racial or political discrimination etc

    14. He was the only full blooded Brazilian in this household, but he used his immense wealth to impart a bit of the style of his homeland in the timbers, the stucco and the tile

    15. Money flowed around the world in great rivers of wealth

    16. Obelisk: A clear sign of honour and wealth; yet, if it is ancient, you will have to cancel a long-waited trip

    17. Silk: It is a clear symbol of wealth and abundance

    18. Straw: It symbolizes success and wealth, followed by the jealousy of people around you; a straw hat shows modesty

    19. None of this is for power or wealth

    20. Everything that is about money and purchase and selling and fame from our wealth is Babylon

    21. He had inherited infinite and unaccounted wealth from

    22. This is the reign of Herod: 10 percent have all the wealth and all the power, and the masses are reduced to unbearable poverty

    23. Maybe another way to put it is this: Who is your Lord? Caesar or Christ? Power or peace? Who is your King? Herod or Jesus? Is power your king? Is authority your king? Is wealth your king? Who is the king? Who is Lord? Government? Statues? Stature? Hot tubs? Palaces? Who is the king? Who is Lord?

    24. “The great book contains a wealth of information, a great

    25. closer to the acquisition of new status and new wealth

    26. We cannot understand blessing as something that is a high five or some sort of wealth or something that would cause the nations to now have peace and enjoy self

    27. As the old cliché goes, “Health is Wealth

    28. What a wealth of vitamins, and what easily digestible nourishment

    29. Just then the doors to the boardroom crashed open and the combined weight and wealth of the Cameron and Flashman-Pebble clans surged into the room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they celebrated the perfect society couple locked in true love’s wonderful embrace

    30. ” Ichor thanked him and said he would be glad to share the wealth, so to speak

    31. He kissed her on the lips as she slept, proving, despite his newfound wealth and status, that he was a romantic old thing at heart

    32. men, dark green is a color that is equated with masculinity and wealth

    33. Normally Thom wouldn't keep the company of full colonels, but they had known each other as mortals and that forged a bond more important than rank and wealth

    34. This one had settings for golf, sailing, sport fishing, scuba, flying and horse breeding, with wealth level settings and other custom settings in each hobby

    35. He sucked wealth and might

    36. vast wealth to build huge palaces, monuments and castles

    37. vast wealth and his walls of science, he came face to face with the

    38. many of the darkling centres of fading wealth that nestled amongst

    39. I really don’t care about wealth or … property or … or fame even

    40. Archibald couldn’t care less about her wealth or her position in the

    41. wealth of the Cameron and Flashman-Pebble clans surged into the

    42. lips as she slept, proving, despite his newfound wealth and status,

    43. They are each intended to carry a wealth of

    44. SHE : Lord of wealth

    45. the general public's fascination with wealth and fame that Terry and

    46. In an age as fast-paced as ours the commodity of time provides wealth

    47. neither are his eyes satisfied with wealth

    48. 13 There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: wealth kept by its owner to

    49. whom God gives riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all

    50. But that small minority, as has so often plagued the history of societies from ancient times, were also the wealthy power brokers of the little village, and though the town was small, their wealth had grown immense from the annual advantages taken of the affluent tourist trade dollars

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    Synonyms for "wealth"

    wealth riches wealthiness abundance profusion fortune treasure affluence cash assets property resources

    "wealth" definitions

    the state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money

    the quality of profuse abundance

    an abundance of material possessions and resources

    property that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value