He ambles back, watches John fiddling with his wedding ring
John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top
His newly minted wedding ring caught the sunlight
There was also a small box and when I opened it I found a plain gold wedding band inside I read the letter that had accompanied it and this told me that I should put it on my wedding ring finger because Helen was wearing the twin on hers
He looked to see if his absent wedding ring had left an impression
No wedding ring, but lots of jewelry anyway
Some have a separate engagement ring and wedding ring later but really it is all symbolic
Believed in love and a wedding ring before jumping into bed! Still do in fact
Further, he wore a wedding ring which made him married and I did not wish to die a virgin before my time which settled the matter
You will be thoroughly searched for any tracking device, mobile or anything else of value including you wedding ring
With two of the twenties in his shoe, and the other tucked deep in the pocket of his jacket, together with one of the wedding rings taken from the German deserters, Colling walked the dusty road to Wilistka
“I would have a glass of vodka, if I could sell this for cash,” said Colling, pushing the gold wedding ring across the top of the bar
I stared him down without blinking, and then raised my left hand, with my wedding ring on it, and channeled the power that I felt coming from Kellyn through the ring and into him
It was only last weekend that we had got hitched, and instead of a wedding ring, we each had our special tattoo done on her thigh, and my hip, so we would be joined when we went riding
A small child ran over and hugged the pair; Tamar noticed that she wore a wedding ring
The goods used for trading were such items as old jewellery, wedding rings, cameras and wristwatches, most of which came from East Germany and had to first cross that border and to then be bought on the black market with American cigarettes
wedding rings to the pillows
Here is the buzz on saving a few bucks on your wedding rings:
I didn’t see a wedding ring or hear a child so I assumed he was single
Glinting in the light of his small bicycle lamp were about 30 wedding rings, all men’s
One day she was polishing a set of two sterling-silver tankards that she prided having in her possession and realized that apart from her wedding ring they were the only two valuable material things that she possessed
They bought their wedding rings in the same jewellers that Ellen had bought her engagement ring, she finding one to compliment it
When she unrolled it, we saw it contained a gold band, clearly an old wedding ring
“He was also wearing a wedding ring
On one occasion Fernanda had the whole house upset because she had lost her wedding ring, and Úrsula found it on a shelf in the children’s bedroom
He rotated his wedding ring around on his finger, gaining some comfort
The stranger’s letter, which no one read, was left to the mercy of the moths on the shelf where Fernanda had forgotten her wedding ring on occasion and there it remained, consuming itself in the inner fire of its bad news as the solitary lovers sailed against the tide of those days of the last stages, those impenitent and ill-fated times which were squandered on the useless effort of making them drift toward the desert of disenchantment and oblivion
“You took off her wedding rings and locket?”
He then felt the cold metal of her wedding ring, chill against the back of his neck
If you saw some of the hot messes that were shambling around with wedding rings on their deformed, scaly, gnarled fingers you'd want to track down their spouse and give them some sort of award
No wedding ring, either, not that that meant anything
“Her wedding ring?! Last time it was her shoe! Before that, she threw a rock!”
wedding ring but it was obscured by his citation booklet
I took some money out of the bank and bought a wedding ring
was going to have to be a wedding ring of equal or more
engagement ring: there was a thick gold wedding ring underneath it
When a member of the Salesian family makes her, and now his, vows, they are given this cross much the same way someone is given a wedding ring
making sure her left hand was hidden and the wedding ring was out of
that was her wedding ring, the same ring he put on her finger the day he married her
Wedding ring with a nice diamond on white gold
“A friend?” repeated Burnham, his eyes looking at Camilla’s hands as she glanced at the skin where her wedding ring had been for the last fifteen years
Her eyes travelled up his body, resting on the gold watch, the designer-buckled belt, the well-heeled suede loafers and, lastly, on the chunky platinum wedding ring – the only adornment to strong and animated hands
She could still feel his touch on her thigh and, imagining his hand sliding up under her skirt, wedding ring and luxury timepiece in close proximity against her skin, she left to claim what she hungered for
After several futile oral invitations, he sent me a special card with images of a man and a woman clad in their wedding dresses, showing the man slipping a wedding ring on the woman’s finger
It looked like a wedding ring, but he’d said nothing about a wife
Especially after her dig about his wedding ring
I was more than stunned as he slipped the wedding ring on my 3rd finger
Desiree' said, " Yes, I was more than stunned when Marcus slipped the wedding ring on my 3rd finger, but every word I said to you on that day is still true, Marcus
their wedding ring and remembered that it had sapphires in it
“WELL L NEVER EVER LOVED YOU” he said pulling off his wedding ring but was unable to
“DAMN, UNABLE TO PULL OFF my own wedding ring” he yelled out and started crying “Oh why is she leaving me” he cried over and over again
He watched her‘boyfriend’ hover in front of the condoms display, then turn away from her and secretly slip his wedding ring into his pocket before selecting a pack and taking it to the counter
Cameron took off her wedding ring and tucked it nice and neat into his shirt pocket
She has a wedding ring
That was the agreement, and if she accepted, there was going to have to be a wedding ring of equal or more value as compared to the engagement ring
The wedding ring itself would have to be a diamond of nature and type, but the initial ring would have to have some rubies, sapphires, or maybe even an emerald or two
has a wedding ring, but he don’t
Annually 17 tons of gold is used to make wedding rings in the United States
It was then that I suddenly realized that my wedding ring was
I would have risked asking for her telephone number but I saw a wedding ring on her right hand so I told her I enjoyed our chat and left her to enter the huddle towards the exit
You don"t need a wedding ring for protection
A month later, on a Saturday night as we were sitting in the cinema, I noticed, by chance, that Andchana was not wearing the wedding ring
I had never done this before and although she squeezed back my hand, confirming the removal of the wedding ring, I did not know whether I could turn our sexless camaraderie into a viable sexual ambiance without awkwardness
“I have adhered to your diet fanatically, not for my health but in the hope that if I became presentable enough, that wedding ring would disappear from your finger
On one hand, he wore a wedding ring and on the other, a gold ring with what was probably a Koranic inscription
"Hi, sweetie," her mother replied, straightening her wedding ring
The sweater that caused Peggy plenty of grief already, all the pictures Victor had of Rita with him at the center, his wedding ring, and Rita’s last diary, were all there
So the gold in every wedding ring was produced and manufactured in the heat of the fires of a supernova
Tears came to her eyes, as she recognized Talaric’s and Evangelina’s wedding rings
Our wedding ring is a reflection of our commitment to the man above
She glanced down at his left hand, confirming that the gold band was a wedding ring
There"s a wedding ring,
Wedding rings: According to the Greeks and later the Romans it was believed that the third finger or ring finger on the left hand had a vein leading directly to the heart
There was the garnet set which Aunt March wore when she came out, the pearls her father gave her on her wedding day, her lover's diamonds, the jet mourning rings and pins, the queer lockets, with portraits of dead friends and weeping willows made of hair inside, the baby bracelets her one little daughter had worn, Uncle March's big watch, with the red seal so many childish hands had played with, and in a box all by itself lay Aunt March's wedding ring, too small now for her fat finger, but put carefully away like the most precious jewel of them all
March pressed the white hand that wore the wedding ring, as if asking pardon for her maternal covetousness
After tea, she stared broodingly into her tea-cup, twisting her wedding ring all the time
oh god, no…no trust? Better for all of us?’ His eyes looked past the letter and there, on the wooden floor, was the wedding ring he had so carefully chosen all those years ago, for the woman he loved
When she’s anxious, your mother twists her new wedding ring around her finger, and every time I see this I can’t help but feel she is trying to twist it off
Paul’s last request on the list was the one that was most heartbreaking: He wanted to be buried with his wedding ring and Auburn class ring
Claire slid the wedding ring off her finger
He’d slid her wedding ring back on her finger
She was dialing a number into Lydia’s phone as the cop tapped on her window with the back of his wedding ring
He wore a new khaki jacket and blue pants, a white shirt, no tie, and a wedding ring
“And Mattie told you I would show up for an interview?” For the first time she noticed a wedding ring on his finger
I saw his wedding ring and his brown leather shoes
She was tugging at her own wedding ring, the ring Scarlett knew had never once left that finger since Ashley put it there
He was unfailingly Since the return of her wedding ring, Melanie had felt that Rhett was a gentleman of courteous to her, but she was a little timid with him, largely because she was shy with any man she had not known from childhood
but zat was brave! But I should nevaire have zink you wait so long to get anothaire ring!” remembaire? Nevaire have I forgot how you toss your wedding ring in my basket
He spun his wedding ring and gave a dispirited smile
Is John’s reaction understandable? What might be the significance of his frequently fiddling with his wedding ring when Alice’s health is discussed?
I remember thinking, If this dog takes one of my last toes, and then getting enraged at how ridiculous I was: On my left hand was a stump where a man would never put a wedding ring, and my unsupported right foot gave me a permanent sailor’s gait in a land-locked town
When she turned sixteen, Diondra’s dad had given her a promise ring, a gold ring with a big red stone that looked like a wedding ring and she wore it on that finger, and it meant a promise to him and to herself that she would remain a virgin til marriage
I tripped down the petal-strewn path, fumbled the wedding ring, and Jacobi laughed out loud on the best day of my life
The only things missing were the wedding rings
She still had her wedding ring on
The wedding rings
At the last moment, she remembered to pull off her earrings and her wedding ring
When the chaplain and the sisters had left me alone with my husband--oh, Lucy, it is the first time I have written the words 'my husband'--left me alone with my husband, I took the book from under his pillow, and wrapped it up in white paper, and tied it with a little bit of pale blue ribbon which was round my neck, and sealed it over the knot with sealing wax, and for my seal I used my wedding ring
wedding ring off his fat finger
Even our wedding rings,"