Use "well-to-do" in a sentence
well-to-do example sentences
1. Later, Doyle was sent away to boarding school and then college with funds probably paid for by his well-to-do relatives
2. The youngest son of an impoverished noble family, it had been something of a local scandal when her well-to-do mother had consented to marry him
3. Similarly, and surprisingly, as they traveled south, the farmers appeared more and more well-to-do
4. Basil came from a well-to-do family who supplied him with a substantial allowance
5. Later, this Jew, in association with a well-to-do Greek proselyte, built the first Christian church in Syracuse
6. 1 ON FRIDAY afternoon, June 10, Jesus and his associates arrived in the environs of Sidon, where they stopped at the home of a well-to-do woman who had been a patient in the Bethsaida hospital during the times when Jesus was at the height of his popular favor
7. Jesus many times advised his well-to-do disciples as he taught the rich man of Rome
8. Lazarus and his sisters were the children of a well-to-do and honorable Jew, one who had been the leading resident of the little village of Bethany
9. 5 "And now I would like to tell you the story of a thoughtless son of a well-to-do farmer who deliberately left his father's house and went off into a foreign land, where he fell into much tribulation
10. 8 Both Lazarus and Martha knew that Mary had long saved the money wherewith to buy this cruse of spikenard, and they heartily approved of her doing as her heart desired in such a matter, for they were well-to-do and could easily afford to make such an offering
11. Except for the end on which rested the bread and wine, this long table was surrounded by thirteen reclining couches, just such as would be provided for the celebration of the Passover in a well-to-do Jewish household
12. Taking the right side window seat of her row, she was soon joined in the same row by a seemingly well-to-do Iranian couple and their two teenage daughters
13. He was on foot in a well-to-do suburb of Pt
14. “Are they the well-to-dos of the city?” Feltus asked in regards to the type of people with whom the reverend associated, which may explain his personality
15. It was apparent that this mystery man was rather well-to-do
16. Niles was confused by how some other well-to-do families were able to maintain their standard of living during the crisis
17. After all, why should the well-to-do steal at all, to be on the wrong side of the sharia! Needless to say, the hands that feed the sharia would be but that of the poor
18. “The Wahabis, now a scattered and a homeless sect, profess doctrines hateful to the well-to-do classes of Muhammadans
19. You won't get much sun there unless your rooms are at the back, but on the other hand it is undoubtedly a street for the exclusive and well-to-do, as even I could see to whom marble steps and wrought-iron gates convey the usual lesson
20. Charles Booth's Map of London Poverty dating from 1900 describes the residents of Wickham Road and Breakspears Road as well-to-do or wealthy
21. Perkins had revealed the existence of Macnock's gourmet establishment to the extremely well-to-do of Boston during his monthly business trips to that town and they were very soon vying to submit their applications
22. Agami which was practically a desert with just a few villas, a few cabins, one single hotel cum nightclub which collected the well-to-do youth of the day, during the summer nights and whose crowning glory was the beach and the sea, has now become a city of apartment blocks and hotels and traffic jams
23. He hailed from a town called Surat to the north of Mumbai and a well-to-do Hindu upper-caste family
24. A tiny donkey here and there carrying a well-to-do villager to his appointment
25. Most of them well-to-do
26. was he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents
27. And all the time he strives to keep up an appearance of being well-to-do, and would be highly indignant if anyone suggested that he was really in a condition of abject, miserable poverty
28. The corpse was that of a well-to-do woman who had been ill for a long time with cancer of the stomach, and after the funeral Rushton & Co
29. In addition to this district visitor business, the well-to-do inhabitants and the local authorities attempted - or rather, pretended - to grapple with the poverty `problem' in many other ways, and the columns of the local papers were filled with letters from all sorts of cranks who suggested various remedies
30. ) It had been proved that the notoriously short lives of the working people - whose average span of life was about twenty years less than that of the well-to-do classes - their increasingly inferior physique, and the high rate of mortality amongst their children was caused by the wretched remuneration they received for hard and tiring work, the excessive number of hours they have to work, when employed, the bad quality of their food, the badly constructed and insanitary homes their poverty compels them to occupy, and the anxiety, worry, and depression of mind they have to suffer when out of employment
31. After drinking tea at the same well-to-do peasant’s with whom Levin had stayed on the way to Sviazhsky’s, and chatting with the women about their children, and with the old man about Count Vronsky, whom the latter praised very highly, Darya Alexandrovna, at ten o’clock,
32. It came to Scarlett as a pleasant surprise that she was now a well-to-do young woman, for Charles had not only left her half of Aunt Pitty’s house but farm lands and town property as well
33. On the third night, I encountered a particularly entertaining party of well-to-do carousers, led by a flushed-faced man, not ten years older than myself but dressed as if it were still 1934
34. He’d always thought of his family as merely well-to-do, like their Sutton Place neighbors
35. The poorest went on living in burrows of the most primitive kind, mere holes indeed, with only one window or none; while the well-to-do still constructed more luxurious versions of the simple diggings of old
36. At the other extreme we have the well-to-do and experienced businessman, who will include any kind of bond or stock in his security list provided he considers it an attractive purchase
37. My fellow traveler was middle-aged, paunchy, seemingly well-to-do, with a florid complexion and a gold watch fob of unmistakable value
38. ‘We had a well-to-do homestead, plenty of land, we peasants lived well and our house was one to thank God for
39. She did not understand why he spoke with such admiration and delight of the farming of the thrifty and well-to-do peasant Matthew Ermishin, who with his family had carted corn all night; or of the fact that his (Nicholas’) sheaves were already stacked before anyone else had his harvest in
40. The reader can imagine the effect which this brief paragraph, reproduced by twenty newspapers, would have caused in Paris: "Yesterday, an aged grandfather, with white hair, a respectable and well-to-do gentleman, who was walking with his grandchild, aged eight, was arrested and conducted to the agency of the Prefecture as an escaped convict!"
41. And Carmel, begun by starveling writers and unwanted painters, is now a community of the well-to-do and the retired
42. That the man was highly intellectual is of course obvious upon the face of it, and also that he was fairly well-to-do within the last three years, although he has now fallen upon evil days
43. "Well, at least he is fairly well-to-do
44. They had no other children, and Madame Pascal said that they were extremely well-to-do Russians
45. Like Captain Peleg, Captain Bildad was a well-to-do, retired whaleman
46. Of the well-to-do only those remained in the city who, relying upon Rostopchin’s proclamations, had not removed their wealth
47. K ot that it was really magnificent, but it was a flat such as " well-to-do people " live in, light, large, lofty rooms (I saw two of them) and the furniture well padded, comfortable, abundant and of the best—though I've no idea whether it was in the Versailles or Renaissance style
48. " And he found out that all these little boys and girls were children just like himself; that some had been frozen in the baskets in which they had as babies been laid on the doorsteps of well-to-do Petersburg people, others had been boarded out with Finnish women by the Foundling and had been suffocated, others had died at their starved mother's breasts (in the Samara famine), others had died in the third-class railway carriages from the foul air; and yet they were all here, they were all like angels about Christ, and He was in the midst of them and held out His hands to them and blessed them and their sinful mothers
49. Her father, a homeless, sickly drunkard, called Ilya, had lost everything and lived many years as a workman with some well-to-do tradespeople
50. A well-to-do merchant's widow named Kondratyev arranged to take her into her house at the end of April, meaning not to let her go out until after the confinement