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    Use "whistle blower" in a sentence

    whistle blower example sentences

    whistle blower

    1. Thanks to a retiring “whistle blower

    2. considered one of the initial whistle blowers in Somalia Inquiry

    3. Thanks to a retiring ―whistle blower‖ this was exposed and the six biologists were reassigned to other work – not fired

    4. I worked there for 6 months, was laid off, went to Las Cruces for 6 months to work at NMSU, was wrongfully fired for being a whistle blower, and then returned to Groton 7/02

    5. Even probationary employees had rights as Whistle Blowers under various federal statutes

    6. government contracts and whistle blower (qui tam) expert lawyers, one of them asked me if I knew the Spanish translation of "qui tam

    7. Traffic is unnerved at the activity on the side of the road, a little bit of slow down, but nothing too significant, the ones who saw the start have passed, the laws are slow to respond to things like this, their main job is relegated to clean up and making the arrest when the final word came down, fact was they probably had their hand in it too, just a little better at playing poker, whistle blowers are everywhere but spin has the headway and the players know the game

    8. Most fraud is uncovered by whistle blowers or by accident

    9. I also talked about whistle blowers

    10. I wasn’t a whistle blower but should have been one

    11. Anyone who reveals secrets concealed but revealed under the truth is a whistle blower

    12. Now you know the true hidden reason why there is an evil Jewish Zionist campaign that is keeping the myth of Auschwitz alive despite all of the scientific evidence, despite all of the whistle blowers, despite all of the brave truth seekers and historians and researchers who have publicized their findings about that hoax…

    13. They had posed as government agents while they were busy eliminating any potential witnesses and whistle blowers

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