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    white water example sentences

    white water

    1. Feeling flooded back into my body like white water in a dry stream bed after a deluge

    2. skin slips and slimes on the rime ring of white water edges

    3. Bex is holding her sachet in her hand and as they melt into the white water of electronic motion all around them she takes her first hit of the new yellow powder

    4. A wild maelstrom of white water swirled over the invisible rocks; uncontrollable and almost alive in its intensity, the sea tore at the cliff

    5. Chrissie gasped and watched anxiously as the turmoil of water surged and swirled over the rocks, but when the white water receded, there was no sign of the big man

    6. The way it’s been raining lately, that white water will be churning

    7. Another day, she and a group of fellow tourists donned helmets and life vests to ride the wildly exciting white water rapids of Rio Reventazon she had seen from above

    8. The crushing weight of white water was about to end his dream of winning

    9. Let us once more sincerely pole OARS, white water

    10. The mighty wall of white water charged at them

    11. Yukino went back to the window and froze; a mountain of white water was

    12. (The Vision of the Cloud with black and white Waters)

    13. looking down into the rushing, spitting, foaming white water and

    14. help themselves tiny droplets of white water flew into the air in an

    15. The price is active media coverage of your personal and corporate life; twenty or thirty years of 80 hour weeks; permanent stress; living in the ‘white water’ of a constantly changing market place and absolute devotion to your vision to the exclusion of almost everything else

    16. You can go white water rafting, camping, hunting, or travel

    17. He thought of gushing freshets of white water he had breasted, laved to the shoulders in liquid jade

    18. It began as a solid base of gray-flecked granite about which had its own glow, yet I could see through it---see the landscape of mountain slopes, pines and hemlocks, even rushing cataracts of white water across rounded boulders

    19. Finding a river, I followed it down the slopes where it changed from a rushing streamlet to a raging torrent with white water rapids and finally, a slow-moving wide river

    20. She proceeded to gorge herself on a feast of waves, while he swam, paddled and got thoroughly thrashed by the white water

    21. If they had told the truth in the first place, we wouldn’t have had a Watergate or a White Water or a sex scandal

    22. What had been a raging torrent of white water was now a full-blown river that flowed to sea along a broad channel it had carved in the mudflat

    23. the white water rapids

    24. Still anxious to be of use, I will now tell the traveller that he must on no account miss going from Binz to Kieköwer, but that he must go there on his feet, and not allow himself to be driven over the roots and stones by the wives of bishops; and that shortly before he reaches Kieköwer (Low German for look, or peep over), he will come to four cross-roads with a sign-post in the middle, and he is to follow the one to the right, which will lead him to the Schwarze See or Black Lake, and having got there let him sit down quietly, and take out the volume of poetry he ought to have in his pocket, and bless God who made this little lovely hollow on the top of the hills, and drew it round with a girdle of forest, and filled its reedy curves with white water-lilies, and set it about with silence, and gave him eyes to see its beauty

    25. and mystery that once overlooked the great white water that you called the Long Sault

    26. flowing like white water

    27. The water was calm at the edge as they looked down on it from atop the bank, but in the middle it raced along surprisingly fast and the eddies they had seen from a distance were in fact quite busy white water lapping around rocks and whirling about as it tumbled on

    28. The river was an incredible roaring presence of rushing white water

    29. One of the English Royal family’s favorite meals is: white fish with whitened crème Anglaise poured over it, and white watercress sandwiches, with the crusts cut off

    30. It would be suicide to attempt to sail a ship into the turbulent white water breakers that washed around the bases of the rocks guarding the bay

    31. In a blind panic he fumbled and festoons of paper tumbled onto the marble in a glossy white waterfall

    32. The raging river poured past them, kicking up white water rapids in the middle and dangerous looking eddies all along the shore

    33. And then the dazzling white water, rough and throttled, shot up into the air

    34. Hubwards of the boat was a rope suspended a few feet above the surface of the white water

    35. And he wore these garments with a still more elegant air as they were indescribably handsome, especially the white watered-silk one with tiny pink though unaware of their glory

    36. The orderly old wilderness would split for a huge slab of rock down whose face tumbled a falls, and here, in the light, on the sun-bleached rock, with the breaking water in his ears and the ozone of peaking vegetation in his nose, he was granted what he’d hoped for those first days after his arrival: he was no one, with no past and no future, nothing beyond the now and now and now of the white water surging into the clear

    37. His splendour is humbled! Though sword shall be rusted, And throne and crown perish With strength that men trusted And wealth that they cherish, Here grass is still growing, And leaves are yet swinging, The white water flowing,

    38. As they stood for a moment looking at the white water in the sunlight, Haldir came walking towards them over the green grass of the glade

    39. We whirled and in the surge and white water I suddenly thought:

    40. The spot on the sea was still torn with white water and a spread of shimmering oil was edging out from the disturbance

    41. To a landsman, no whale, nor any sign of a herring, would have been visible at that moment; nothing but a troubled bit of greenish white water, and thin scattered puffs of vapour hovering over it, and suffusingly blowing off to leeward, like the confused scud from white rolling billows

    42. There's white water again!—close to! Spring!"

    43. But suddenly in the distance, they saw a great heap of tumultuous white water, and soon after news came from aloft that one or both the boats must be fast

    44. In the distance he saw the diminished dotted boat; and then a swift gleam of bubbling white water; and after that nothing more; whence it was concluded that the stricken whale must have indefinitely run away with his pursuers, as often happens

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