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    willow tree example sentences

    willow tree

    1. That sheltered side of the island was an enchanted landscape of grazing-grounds and willow trees and the surest way to know such a place is through the soles of the feet

    2. A huge willow tree had fallen, collapsing the bank, and partially damming the river

    3. was an old dried up looking willow tree

    4. One month, six weeks, of peace under willow trees in their new spring leaf, with thick grass under foot and few other people around, soothed me and restored some calm to my little girl

    5. Willow Tree: Sadness; tears and sorrow

    6. On the banks were some very old willow trees

    7. I turned the willow tree inside the hand just in case anyone would recognize the ring as William's

    8. He showed me a large willow tree overshadowing plains and mountains and under the shade of this willow had assembled all those who were called by the name of the Lord

    9. swept into a grove of willow trees on the creek bank

    10. There was a cluster of willow trees that blocked the

    11. next to the stream was a huge willow tree, and he though it would be best to put here there, as no one really ever went there

    12. she saw a big willow tree, and heard the faint sound of running water

    13. Willow trees bowed in awe to the water at the end of the long garden, and the other ancient trees that flanked the grounds applauded their branches in eternal homage to the architect

    14. himself, but they were in a willow tree and the leaves

    15. leaves of the willow tree

    16. Outside, the fog revealed nothing but the trailing branches of an overhanging willow tree, blowing hard in a strong gust of wind

    17. Both Hal and his mom listened to the wind whipping through the willow tree outside in the yard

    18. In the walled enclosure of the church grounds, lilac bushes and willow trees were ubiquitous

    19. The four companions rushed to the grove of willow trees as fast as their legs could carry them

    20. He saw, not a grove of gnarled old willow trees, but a huge forest as far as the eye could see

    21. Now, sitting on the bank under the willow tree, Julianne regretted her words

    22. A willow tree hung over one side of the pond

    23. In the reaction towards restoring his self-esteem, he went into the Willow Tree for a drink

    24. He told her about the girls in the Willow Tree

    25. The morning dew was still lying on the thick undergrowth of the grass, and that he might not get his feet wet, Sergey Ivanovitch asked his brother to drive him in the trap up to the willow tree from which the carp was caught

    26. He parked in the shadows of willow trees that spilled over the walls of the compound located on Street 15, Sarak-eMehmana, Street of the Guests

    27. Behind him, outside, in the smokehouse, seventeen hams; in our wine cellars, five hundred bottles of the best; beyond the window open country, the elegant sea in full lace, overhead a moon like a dish of cool cream, everywhere the full panoply of spring, and Lena across the table, too, a willow tree in the wind, laughing at everything I said or did not choose to say, both of us thirty, mind you, thirty years old, life our magnificent carousel, our fingers playing full chords, my books selling well, fan mail pouring upon us in crisp white founts, horses in the stables for moonlight rides to coves where either we or the sea might whisper all we wished in the night

    28. He visited places he remembered—the red bank where the swallows nested, the willow tree over the pig pen

    29. ” I opened my pocket knife and moved to the creekside, where I cut a branch from a small willow tree, a Y-branch well tufted with leaves

    30. Over the head of my bed there is a picture of Robby Burns standing at Highland Mary's grave, shadowed by an enormous weeping willow tree

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