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    Use "wineglass" in a sentence

    wineglass example sentences


    1. I raised my plastic wineglass to the door and saluted, “To lousy timing,” I said

    2. I’ll also put a charm on your wineglass

    3. We hiked to Wineglass Bay, which is an incredibly beautiful bay with a most gorgeous deserted white sandy beach

    4. D waved his hand again, and the wineglass changed into a fresh can of Diet Coke

    5. ” She picked up her wineglass and sat back in her seat staring at it

    6. ‘Châteauneuf du Pape,’ Noël says and raises his wineglass into the air

    7. ” He nodded to the waiter, who filled my wineglass to the brim once more

    8. On the other hand, lifting a genuine wineglass a few feet in the air by sheer mental energy required several hours of systematic preparation if the wizard wished to prevent the simple principle of leverage flicking his brain out through his ears

    9. She gripped the stem of her wineglass

    10. Carmen evaluated her before crossing over to the counter and retrieving her own wineglass

    11. “Sorry,” she said, reaching for her wineglass

    12. He rotated the wineglass with his fingers before raising his eyes to hers

    13. ” He picked up his wineglass and indicated that she should do the same with hers

    14. ” He put down his wineglass and rubbed his forefinger and thumb together

    15. I shove the wineglass into the sink and I stand there, leaning against the kitchen counter, the blood pounding in my ears

    16. Claggart was still a little damp from the shampoo she’d used to get the smoke out, but she placed him next to her on the invertebrate mattress and balanced a wineglass on the sofa arm like a fetish to prevent further trouble

    17. She filled her wineglass again, slipped unnoticed out of the kitchen, and found John in the living room in conversation with Eric, Dan, and a young woman in a red dress

    18. The young woman across from Alice, her youngest child, Lydia, clanged her empty wineglass with her knife

    19. She held out her wineglass

    20. She took a sip from her wineglass

    21. I topped up Joe’s wineglass, watched him stuff a couple of tilapias with crabmeat and slide the pan into the oven

    22. Prince Andrew got up and went on tiptoe up to the little bed, wineglass in hand

    23. When her husband took his place she concluded, from the rapid manner in which after taking up his table napkin he pushed back the tumbler and wineglass standing before him, that he was out of humor, as was sometimes the case when he came in to dinner straight from the farm- especially before the soup

    24. Here she was with an aperitif in her talcum-white fingers, and here he was, with amazing quickness, bending toward her to tap her wineglass with his

    25. Rob hoisted his wineglass

    26. But then you’d expect acting skills from a fallen-away priest, no? He tried to refill his wineglass, found the bottle empty, and signaled the diligent ex-Count Étienne for another

    27. ” He moved his wineglass toward his family, who looked back self-consciously, lowering their eyes at last as everyone drank

    28. Alyosha had at once observed his brother's exhilarated condition, and on entering the arbor he saw half a bottle of brandy and a wineglass on the table

    29. "Here's the brandy," the sister who had been pouring out tea and had gone to fetch brandy rapped out, contemptuously and disdainfully putting the bottle before Verhovensky, together with the wineglass which she brought in her fingers without a tray or a plate

    30. Within three minutes (the tavern was only two paces away), a bottle and a large greenish wineglass were set on the table before Stepan Trofimovitch

    31. When her husband took his place she concluded, from the rapid manner in which after taking up his table napkin he pushed back the tumbler and wineglass standing before him, that he was out of humor, as was sometimes the case when he came in to dinner straight from the farm—especially before the soup

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    "wineglass" definitions

    a glass that has a stem and in which wine is served