Use "wipe off" in a sentence
wipe off example sentences
wipe off
1. “We have a complaints process,” oozed Oberon smoothly and with a kind of been-here-before imperturbability, an urbanity that Bru badly wanted to wipe off his face
2. He had to excuse himself and wipe off any lingering tears before returning
3. except they wipe off the rust, they will not shine, for neither when they were molten did they feel it
4. Students started to slowly flood the lot and I quickly used the back of my hand to wipe off the tears and I started my car
5. Luke 10:2-24 The harvest truly is great but the labourers are few; pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest would send out labourers into his harvest; go your ways; notice that I send you out as lambs among wolves; carry neither purse nor scriptures nor shoes and salute no one on the way; and into whatever house you enter first say: Peace be to this house; and if the Son of Peace be there your peace shall rest upon it; if not it shall return to you again; and in the same house remain there eating and drinking such things as they give because the labourer is worthy of his hire; go not from house to house and into whatever city you enter and they accept you eat such things as are set before you and heal the sick who are there and say to them: “The Kingdom of God has come near to you” but into whatever city you enter and they do not accept you go your ways out into the streets of the same city and say: “we wipe off on you even the very dust of your city which sticks on us; regardless you be sure of this that the Kingdom of God has come near to you”; but I say to you that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city; disaster to you Chorazin! disaster to you Bethsaida! because if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which have been done in you they would have repented a great time ago sitting in sackcloth and ashes but it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the Judgment than for you; and you Capernaum who was exalted to Heaven shall be thrust down to Hell; he who hears you hears Me and he who despises you despises Me and he who despises Me despises Him who sent Me; And the seventy returned again with joy saying: Lord even the demons are subject to us through your name; I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven
6. Calisto heaved a great sigh and failed to wipe off the silly grin
7. Margarita then takes the towel and wipe off the top of Mitch’s head as Mitch leans his back, shoulders and head on Margarita with his thumbs still in his pants pockets
8. Vinny found a rag on the floor and used it to wipe off
9. " Here use this to wipe off
10. Apply and wipe off with a sponge or rag
11. where God shall wipe off the sweat of toil
12. The word 'Messiah' is derived in Arabic from 'Masaha' which means to wipe off, and to wipe off a thing is to remove it
13. Since he (pth) has not obliterated disbelief from the land when he was sent forth for the first time, therefore, he will surely wipe off it from the whole universe when his second mission
14. Then it used the towel to wipe off its sweat
15. “I used it to wipe off the stage so I could sit down and play guitar
16. It was faster to wipe off the blow then run to the shower
17. " And she gave me a very tight hug, and a kiss that transferred all her tears to my face; and I set her down and, taking out my handkerchief, tried to wipe off the traces of my attempt at governessing from her cheeks
18. The cop opened the door and here was a guy, no shirt on, no shoes, just blue jeans, with two medics trying to wipe off what they were told was transmission fluid
19. Now, we wipe off the gel, we apply the cream
20. said Prentice as he took his goggles off to wipe off the
21. fervently, as he attempts to wipe off drops of spilled orange juice from
22. mistakes we all sin you have to remember to wipe off and try to do things again!
23. and wipe off the excess
24. " He turns to the android quietly and tries to focus on how to wipe off the glue shit off his shoes
25. As Christine starts to wipe off Dana's neck area, Dana suddenly hisses and shouts, "YOU GOT THE WATER TOO HOT MOM!"
26. "Yeah she told me," Christine says as she continues to wipe off Dana's chest area
27. Dana sadly nods her head in agreement as she continues to wipe off Teresa's tears
28. He went in looking for something to wipe off his sweat, but when he pulled the pullcord, there was still no towel, no bathmat
29. I used my handkerchief to wipe off the blood
30. It was a really small place, and there hadn’t been much room for Soneji to wipe off fingerprints
31. But by then my gun is tight against his side, and as he stares at me with the same shocked expression the mortician had to wipe off Feif, Walco, and Rochie, I shoot him
32. The Treaty of Sèvres handed Turkish land over to the Turks’ old enemies, the Greeks, and allowed the Armenians, whom the Turks had spent the war trying to wipe off the map, to set up their own state
33. No matter! Anyway, I shall first slap him; the initiative will be mine; and by the laws of honour that is everything: he will be branded and cannot wipe off the slap by any blows, by nothing but a duel
34. And he could not straighten himself on the saddle, nor wipe off his blood
35. With one hand the woman pressed the lame girl to her side, and with the other she began to wipe off her tears
36. If now the churches of our country will hasten to do their duty, as in sight of him who is Father of us all, towards our Chinese neighbors, it will not be long before the National Government will wake to its shame and wipe off the deep disgrace of its recent demagogy and international perfidy