Use "witch doctor" in a sentence
witch doctor example sentences
witch doctor
1. In our own riots I heard of cases where crowds attacked the SAP whilst hiding behind paper boxes thinking it will stop the bullets since the witch doctor said it would
2. No witch doctor ever publically acknowledged that their muti is worthless cr-p and accused the dead and wounded ones of not believing strongly enough
3. No sooner had I gotten rid of the witch doctor, when there was yet another visitor
4. Shamans, witch doctors, head shrinkers, have no sense of humour
5. About then the witch doctor, the head-shrinker, Doctor Scolz came in
6. That sounded too much like ‘witch doctor’ so, in my ignorance, I dismissed it quietly
7. That technological humanity can live in houses and cities rather than in caves or grass huts in small villages; that it can move about in comfortable mechanical devices rather than on foot or atop animals; that it has scientifically developed treatments for disease rather than having to rely on the ministrations of shamans and witch doctors; that scientists and engineers can create the enormous labor-saving capacity of the tiny computer chip; that astronomers can pursue an understanding of spiral galaxies, black holes, and the creation of the Universe—all of this and the rest of civilization is a result of patiently learning how to understand, to mitigate, and to exploit the potential of a raw and ferocious nature
8. Enter Worc the Witch Doctor’s ring of fire
9. I became Worc… The Witch Doctor
10. Here is the past, hidden in a spell cast by Worc the Witch Doctor
11. “The boss says he must not be destroyed,” the witch doctor reminded them
12. “Jexter, we did not sign up for this, mon,” said the witch doctor
13. Seeing Jexter hesitate, the witch doctor spoke
14. As Worc the Witch Doctor made his way, another child gapes
15. In an alley between the tents, the witch doctor turned to see who was so pained about his friend
16. Yeah, the body was wrapped Egyptian-style but these accoutrements were African, a warrior, or maybe a witch doctor
17. Just a bit of fresh blood on a mummy witch doctor
18. The witch doctor screamed as the flaming cloth burned away revealing bone
19. Long ago, by the roll of the bones, there was an African witch doctor known as Roho, the Soother of the Soul
20. Understanding he was to choose one, the witch doctor asked, “What is in that book that one would place it side by side with such riches?”
21. Roho the witch doctor became known to all as one who could speak to the bones of those long buried
22. And when his tribesmen were captured, they told their captors about the witch doctor’s bones
23. You’re on it, after all! Ha! Now, where was I? Oh yeah, that sneaky witch doctor
24. “You stole the book and burned the witch doctor with your scratching matches! But you not be worthy of his magic
25. The final casket lid burst open and there, snarling at me with rotted teeth, was the decayed skull of Roho, the witch doctor
26. I felt the witch doctor’s grip slice down to the bone
27. The witch doctor released his grip on my leg
28. I held the book out to the witch doctor
29. I was back in the room of caskets, before the witch doctor’s own resting place
30. The witch doctor laid back into his casket
31. When a physician refuses to accept the use of a witch doctor
32. Aren’t these possibilities – which witch doctors practice – just what alternative medicine uses?
33. “Don’t tell me he’s used his witch doctor magic on you too?”
34. completely rule out alternative healing either – I’m not sure about witch doctors
35. True to practice the old witch doctor consumed the organ in the course of his divinations
36. mony with a witch doctor before they hit the tables
37. She was shocked of course; then he said: actually, when you got married, you didn't realise that your husband had a low sperm count; and so when you couldn't conceive, you went to the witch doctor to get a potion for your husband; but he deceived you, and gave you a potion that would turn your heart from your husband, and bring you to him
38. This child is the witch doctor's child - and she just broke down, and wept and wept and wept, because it was true
39. You go to some villages, they all live in fear of the witch doctor and his power is real
40. She was shocked of course, and he said then, actually when you got married, you didn't realise that your husband had a low sperm count, and so when you couldn't conceive, you went to the witch doctor to get a potion for your husband, but he deceived you, and gave you a potion that would turn your heart from your husband, and bring you to him
41. This form of an ailment could be traced as far back as when a witch doctor was around to the present days when we tend to forget whoever we really are
42. Strange folk were seen going into and out of the Great House; from psychics to witch doctors, Mr
43. She and her little Shaman friend were going to perform a ceremony with a witch doctor before they hit the tables
44. And their scientific abstract reality will come crashing to the ground… And our new-fangled science will join all of the other superstitious realities of the old alchemy sorcerers… along with the superstitious realities of the old witch doctors, the superstitious realities of the old medicine men, the old prophets, the old wizards, the old gurus, the old sages… With a few specks of truth in it just enough to make it mildly interesting
45. Their witch doctors still carry spears with death-skulls impaled upon them, and sticks with shrunken heads impaled upon them, and sticks with hairy heads
46. Witch doctors cut their heads off: and tried to read the tracks that their headless bodies made as they ran headless around a yard… spurting blood; until the body died and stopped running purely mechanically: driven by terror-crisis-fear instincts
47. In the lands of the superstitious: the ones with secret knowledge are witch doctors
48. In the lands of modern civilization: the sorcerers, the witch doctors, the priests all rolled into one, are the ones with secret special knowledge are called scientists
49. And how does he justify and prove this? By searching the world for the dumbest black African witch doctor: a blind African imbecile even more idiotic than that mental imbecile Reverend Tutu: with the same thick glasses and brain-deadened speech of a retarded mongoloid idiot… to support his idiocy about alien reptiles merging with humans thousands of years ago; sanctifying the oldest most evil culture in the world: the ignorant superstitious crap of African witch doctors? No: the moronic drooling of the stupidest blindest witch-doctor in all of Africa
50. African witch doctors were the original liar and deceivers of mankind