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    Use "worsened" in a sentence

    worsened example sentences


    1. Lately, her nightmares had worsened and I didn’t know how to banish them

    2. For his headache had only since sharpened and his temper only worsened

    3. He’d worsened the damage greatly by dragging himself up the hill and into the house, but again, not as much as he could have

    4. The fact that a monster storm was bearing down on the entire ship only worsened matters; they could already feel the big waves slapping the vessel around like wooden toy

    5. The relationship worsened, because it is difficult to give up something that is “yours” even though it was obtained illegally

    6. As both wars worsened, military recruiters had several years’ trouble meeting their goals

    7. ) Clinton worsened right wing terrorism by his incompetence

    8. White colonists worsened conditions by squatting on reservation land, farming, logging, or hunting illegally

    9. Some parts worsened

    10. What infuriates conservatives the most is that the New Deal worked, and that conservative and libertarian economic practices obviously both created and worsened the Depression

    11. For all their claims of loving, wanting, and promoting freedom, Libertarian policies have been tried exactly twice, first under the military dictatorship of Chile, where they worsened the lives of most Chileans, enriching elites while others were worse off

    12. They were not represented at the talks, and their situation actually worsened over time

    13. As the Cold War worsened, Stevenson was among the first to call for an end to nuclear testing

    14. A few weeks passed and the situation worsened

    15. This often worsened his dysentery

    16. Health care had actually worsened under the Castro regime

    17. jealousy, which had only worsened over time

    18. The fact that winter had come in fast worsened the situation

    19. “Dr Hancox writes, and I quote, „I am afraid to say that Harry’s condition has worsened and I honestly believe that he is now suffering from a severe form of schizophrenia

    20. worsened to the point of producing an-almost-paralyzing crises

    21. Faced with Roger’s inability and unwillingness to initiate a costly legal battle in favor of the prevailing sentiment, Kent left so resentful of his father that he has not been heard from since, and Robert fell into a depression that worsened as time went on, to the point that he had to be hospitalized some time later

    22. Obviously my drinking had worsened after the bar exam

    23. , in particular, worsened over the ensuing seven years; namely, the Central Connecticut chapter events are now held on “company time,” and, i

    24. sure that the conditions hadn’t worsened in the split second they

    25. She tried to berate him but matters worsened

    26. " Sally's opinion of Trask had worsened as, over the weeks since they'd met, she further mulled his iniquities

    27. keep prices stable was worsened by the fact that

    28. to keep prices stable was worsened by the fact that

    29. The feeling worsened as the day progressed

    30. She told her that their mothers condition had worsened and that she was now in hospital and very ill

    31. Their condition (and the governments) only worsened when Khmer Rouge forces gradually gained control of the banks of the Mekong

    32. The storm worsened and tossed the boat making the dragging infinitely worse

    33. It seemed as if he did nothing but root for edibles; suffering hunger during the mating season and losing weight while his normal ill temper worsened

    34. Normally his stuttering worsened when he was upset, but not this time

    35. As soon as I entered the kitchen I developed a throbbing headache, which by the way worsened with every step I took

    36. His weeping worsened as his mind filled with a primal simplification of what he was feeling

    37. the situation has worsened considerably

    38. His condition worsened at an accelerated rate,

    39. sharp pain in his leg worsened

    40. that Jennifer's health had worsened considerably

    41. It worsened considerably whenever we opened

    42. As a consequence of all this, the military situation of the British has worsened noticeably in Europe in the last months and Prime Minister Churchill has pleaded with President Roosevelt to get even more help from us

    43. In Poland their plight from 1942 worsened when the systematic killings began in earnest in the concentration camps

    44. Shock was setting in and they shuddered uncontrollably, worsened by the biting cold driving through their lightweight clothing

    45. There was nothing but blackness all around, worsened by looking at the glow from radar and GPS screens

    46. In case you haven’t heard in the news, the financial situation of the Terran government has worsened steadily during the last months, due to increasing demands by Earth’s population for social benefits and assistance

    47. The pain in his rectum worsened until he reached the point where he

    48. As a result of the above, her feverish state worsened and she

    49. gangs, the conditions of imprisonment worsened, turning those

    50. The fact that our long term food reserves went bad only worsened that situation

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    Synonyms for "worsened"

    worsened worse

    "worsened" definitions

    changed for the worse in health or fitness

    made or become worse; impaired