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    Use "wrapped up" in a sentence

    wrapped up example sentences

    wrapped up

    1. She hands me a box of booze wrapped up with twine

    2. moment, wrapped up in each other’s lustfully loving stare, but even they couldn’t

    3. The crime occurred less than 10 hours ago so it was unusual that things should have been wrapped up so quickly

    4. It was pretty much a whole bunch of wars all wrapped up into one continuous one

    5. God is wrapped up in His choices

    6. The walker, focused, wrapped up

    7. Why was she so wrapped up in it now? Why was this plain as bleak as the tundra beyond Trastrab in her eyes?

    8. wrapped up as he is in the myth of black

    9. wrapped up in the heat of winter woollens,

    10. K sits, wrapped up in cotton wool, taking a year off, on her tumour holidays

    11. Gilla is standing at the gate, wrapped up warmly in a shawl, watching for us

    12. “He’s so wrapped up in those signals,” Alan told him

    13. Shivering under my blanket, I squelch after him, my boots slipping and sliding on the boggy ground to where Berndt is standing, similarly wrapped up

    14. "You were wrapped up in each other years ago, but since turn-over, you've talked a lot less about her, you've been further apart at your parties

    15. "He was too wrapped up in Yellelle," Glayet said

    16. "One look at his cherubs and you'll understand how wrapped up he is in female appearance

    17. obscurity of history, until, wrapped up in the mundane chores and

    18. Carol is, he thinks, so wrapped up in Bex that she probably knows nothing about the other girl

    19. I've been so wrapped up in it all

    20. It's like the old days, all wrapped up with the ‘local lad made good’ dreams of his teenage years

    21. He got in and wrapped up, eased his way under the dock for the Dusksleep

    22. She was in fact, so wrapped up watching their faces that she hardly noticed when Jim slid in to the seat next to her

    23. She spent the late Afternoonday spreading the old maps of Zhlindu all over the table and getting wrapped up in them

    24. She shuddered at the thought of parents like that, so wrapped up in their own craziness that they would do this to their own child

    25. "I've been so wrapped up

    26. That was just when Sharni came from the back with her skirt over her shoulder, wrapped up in Nalu

    27. Just as they were having the most fun, a large sledge passed by: it was painted quite white, and there was someone in it wrapped up in a rough white mantle of fur, with a rough white fur cap on his head

    28. "Was he all wrapped up in robes?"

    29. " While she wrapped up that whole speech, Desa's extremities began to twitch

    30. And so it was to be that within two years of laying eyes on Rendrak again, she wrapped up her trip to the city and headed home

    31. Louise washed first, cleaning the blood and sweat and urine off herself, then she wrapped up in a towel

    32. The shore was coming closer and everything was deadly quite as we chugged in towards it the lads all wrapped up now in their own world their own personal thoughts, then all of a sudden we could hear the crack thump of bullets passing by us as we came in closer

    33. I looked round and saw Ma sat in an easy chair by the fire she was well wrapped up and had a blanket draped over her shoulders and one on her knees and she was wearing thick socks the colour of pea soup

    34. it’s wrapped up and they’ve joined the family of proud and happy

    35. Whenever she felt hopeless, trapped inside the prison, she thought of Raven, and it almost felt as though they were not restrained but were wrapped up warm, enclosed in their own space

    36. much about it because I was wrapped up in the distribution

    37. Wrapped up in my robe, I shaved, and saw that my black eye was now green and yellow,

    38. wrapped up in herself

    39. So the star was taken down from the place where it hung and wrapped up

    40. " Rosamond wrapped up the cards carefully

    41. I’d been so wrapped up in my churning thoughts that I hadn’t noticed one of the other doors open

    42. They sat wrapped up in their sleeping bags

    43. I’d been far too wrapped up in my own personal drama

    44. A big, seeping, red-stained, inanimate lump of flesh and pain all wrapped up in miles of bandages

    45. Her right hand, the only one that could reach, wrapped up around my head and neck

    46. While LP made the phone call, Ingrid made conservation with a gentleman carrying a wrapped up burger and chips

    47. If the Division were wrapped up, the 40th would probably be deactivated as well

    48. Too wrapped up in his own childishness, at the time

    49. He wrapped up, and thought about the old guy in the trench

    50. Shorty wrapped up, pulling a roll of bills

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