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    Use "write down" in a sentence

    write down example sentences

    write down

    1. ” Or you could use your journal to repetitively write down what it is that you want to believe

    2. Write down what you're told

    3. leaves out the cause, and for that I must write down the circumstances of my life…so

    4. " There were of lot of those details he had to write down for her but it was a lot of practical stuff, she didn't get to the emotional part till they were in bed

    5. ‘Perhaps you could write down your message

    6. Write down the answers, the first thing that comes into your head

    7. Answer the above questions and write down the answers

    8. Write down your goal again

    9. I tried to write down the name of the street where the flat was but my new pen had lost its point so I threw it away

    10. Then when they returned to their quarters in the evening, Lance would write down all he saw and heard and ‘felt’

    11. Master Jeffery was asked to write down all that had happened, from the very beginning with Kate entering the hatching grounds and finding Jake, to the final battle with the black devils

    12. Retrieving his journal, Duncan took time to immediately write down his first impressions on everything

    13. Not more than you need to, but write down answers and

    14. ” He wondered how much of this Ava would write down

    15. scribe to write down the message, and the lamp operation would be

    16. “Where do they live?” Jorma asked, prepared to write down the answer

    17. “Is he with the Kassikan?” He wanted to write down the name and look him up if he was

    18. She stopped in town for gas and munchies, and while there, she picked up a notebook, so one of the girls could write down the stories Emma retold from Jims stories the night before

    19. I wish there was some way I could write down how they sound

    20. He desperately wanted to write down the English equivalent but he worried that Desa might still get a look at that sheet sometime

    21. “Please use the provided slips of paper and write down your own personal choice for our inaugural production, as well as what role you would envision yourself playing in that endeavor

    22. She wished she could write down the thoughts that went thru her head here, but she asked, "How old ARE you?"

    23. We would write down the words on a napkin and when the bill came we would speak the words to the waiter and give him the napkin

    24. Then he realized what he would want to write down would fill a shelf in one of these libraries

    25. After the meditation is over, immediately write down any experiences you had in

    26. Write down all the ideas you may have and what else may be connected


    28. now to write down a list of all the blessings that you have

    29. These rituals included counting of letters, words and paragraphs to avoid any errors from slipping in and even washing their hands every time they encountered a situation where they needed to write down the unpronounceable name of God

    30. If I told you to start at the first letter of the example above, write it down, count 3 letters then write down the 4th, count another 3 letters and write down the 4th and to continue in this fashion, you will be able to read the hidden message in no time

    31. “You should have scholars write down the stories of the Bible!” Wil said enthusiastically

    32. The next thing is to write down the obstacles and roadblocks

    33. The 9 Strategy Factors CR James Write down the all of the Factors that you need to work on

    34. He was also relieved when I told him that I didn’t think they could trace us, as we didn’t write down our names, and Felicity had stolen plates

    35. This was again a confirmation for me that I was to write down my

    36. up and started to write down this experience

    37. write down that if this scenario does happen, you will die

    38. Write down all the qualities and things you’re ashamed of

    39. and write down your questions and observations

    40. As well as this, write down the

    41. Once you have figured that out, this is when you write down specifically

    42. – That is precisely what it is! Let me tell you something that a wise man in Laru’s future will write down

    43. Then write down how you would like to be buried and stipulate that cremation is out of the question

    44. Woe to you who write down lying and godless words; for they write down their lies that men may hear them and act godlessly towards their neighbour

    45. my recommendations is for you to write down the four to five things that

    46. recommendations is for you to write down the four to five things that you want to be

    47. When you have finished, begin to write down all those attributes

    48. What shall you be obliged to do? You shall not have to hide on the day of the great judgement and you shall not be found as sinners and the eternal judgement shall be far from you for all the generations of the world; And now fear not you righteous when you see the sinners growing strong and prospering in their ways: be not companions with them but keep afar from their violence; for you shall become companions of the hosts of Heaven; And although you sinners say: "All our sins shall not be searched out and be written down" nevertheless they shall write down all your sins every day; And now I show to you that light and darkness day and night see all your sins

    49. Be not godless in your hearts and lie not and alter not the words of uprightness nor charge with lying the words of the Holy Great One nor take account of your idols; for all your lying and all your godlessness issue not in righteousness but in great sin; And now I know this mystery that sinners will alter and pervert the words of righteousness in many ways and will speak wicked words and lie and practice great deceits and write writings concerning their words; But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages and do not change or diminish anything from my words but write them all down truthfully all that I first testified concerning them; Then I know another mystery that writings will be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom; And to them shall the writings be given and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them and then shall all the righteous who have learnt from them all the paths of uprightness shall be rewarded

    50. She said it was okay, but that I should write down for the

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    Synonyms for "write down"

    jot down note enter mark down transcribe register