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    Use "x-ray" in a sentence

    x-ray example sentences


    1. Your labs can do x-rays, you can prove it

    2. He knew instantly that it was the Super Chip; there was no hiding the amount of connections and registers the Chip held from Ackers’ x-ray glasses

    3. a few days ago an x-ray showed that the kidneys of Benjamin were

    4. they assumed that previous x-ray analysis was wrong, but i knew

    5. during the second test a high-powered X-ray apparatus with a mi-

    6. X-rays: If you dream of having an X-ray, something very strange will happen to you

    7. eyeing the wall with x-ray vision,

    8. around us in the form of radio waves, x-rays, infrared,

    9. Her doctors had taken a new x-ray

    10. have X-rays taken of his knee, so he could compare

    11. them to a previous set of X-rays that had been taken

    12. The old X-rays showed that the

    13. To his doctor’s astonishment, this new set of X-rays

    14. Trolleys move slowly congealing meals along in front of care staff, and porters wheel the infirm and the damaged towards toilets and x-rays

    15. " He added before pulling the curtain back to call the nurse and to order x-rays

    16. At a nearby hospital, the runner is waiting for the results of his X-ray

    17. These would include ultra-violet, gamma and x-rays

    18. The paramedic told him his rib would heal in time with no treatment, but that he should make an appointment for an x-ray, just in case

    19. The X-ray images appeared on the big computer screen and she lent forward excitedly, tapping on the keyboard to print out a hard copy of the image

    20. From the x-rays there seems to be no serious damage and he should come out of this state of unconsciousness soon

    21. ‘Are they sure? What if there is damage that they haven’t picked up yet? Maybe the x-rays didn’t show it

    22. The actual training only starts when he is about three years of age by which time x-rays was taken and studied to see any defects on his hips

    23. Dr Reddick was staring at an x-ray placed against a lit screen

    24. the CAT scan, an X-ray of the brain

    25. front of him were all of Sharon’s X-rays and reports

    26. x-rayed, treated for various cuts and bruises by the nurse and left to wait while the doctor tended Herminia

    27. x-ray film onto a backlit screen and turn to study it

    28. Not only did he have the same responsibilities as when I was hospitalized, but now he was taking me to doctors’ appointments and X-rays

    29. An experimental X-ray machine was nearby, but never used to locate the bullet

    30. X-rays showed some compression of the spine, but he could stand, walk fairly normally, and sooner or later, they had to let Blaine out of the hospital

    31. He puddle jumped for a chest x-ray

    32. That same bone, but no incisions, no X-ray machine

    33. The hospital had charged us over $5,000 to x-ray and wrap

    34. There are some recent studies out of England which say x-rays can detect autism, but what kind is still to be discovered, if at all

    35. Radiologists who read X-rays for plaintiff lawyers often over-read the findings

    36. When she brought attention to it, film was confiscated, X-rays were retaken with less voltage, and she was quarantined

    37. Below is an x-ray taken of such an exhumed body where PVC pipes have been inserted to retain the normal body posture

    38. “The device, Harry’s device, they performed an X-Ray and found it!”

    39. Dr Clarke was busy pouring over the X-Rays as Dr Hancox gestured to AJ to use the item he has prepared prior to his visit

    40. X-ray signals exit the black hole in the next galaxy and the communications is converted back over into energy

    41. This is an interesting 3D x-ray here

    42. had any problems on the way back, right?! Wrong! When the x-ray tech-

    43. God is the x-ray machine in the airport


    45. Sadly, she had a swift growing small cell cancer that was not associated with smoking (she had quit 16 years earlier when pregnant with Will) that was too small to show up on a normal chest x-ray

    46. , an internist, whom she also saw for pap smears because she hated ob gyn's) thought it was "just" bronchitis, but he never took a chest x-ray

    47. He took x-rays and found a two cm tumor in upper part of the left lung’s lower lobe where she had 50% removed in California because of Valley Fever (fungal disease like TB)

    48. me in x-ray” I wisped of sarcasm

    49. Pushing the x-rays on to the lighted screen

    50. However, I would be willing to use the X-ray machine to

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    Synonyms for "x-ray"

    examine treat photograph (with x-rays)