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    Usar "animal" en una oración

    animal oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The city was full of life, animal and vegetable, but anything harmful was eaten by the orange-furred, stingless scorpions with five eyes and three fangs

    2. They built a megalopolis of a hundred million around that, using animal carts and sailboats

    3. Stress can make an animal or human more prone to flea attacks

    4. People from the village would tell him to have respect for the animals he killed but he would just laugh and say, "This is no animal

    5. Her entertainment was this smelly, skittish animal, and the sting of the wounds from the last time it bucked her off

    6. Organic Fertilizer mixes usually contain composted animal manure, plant residues, seaweed and fish products, and minerals (bone and blood meal, cottonseed meal, granite dust, phosphate rock and greensand)

    7. Most animal manure’s have a high PH and you must use peat moss, forest shavings, etc

    8. Local compost rich with trace minerals, composted animal manure and lots of humus are best

    9. They used the ocean’s largesse to increase their production along with using animal manure (of which they had a lot), which formed the basis for their agricultural production up until the chemical revolution in the early 1900’s

    10. doostEr did learn a few words in their language but not enough to have any idea what this animal was telling him

    11. ” Growing up in Puerto Rico/Miami, Lopez was heavily influenced by the fact that his mother grew her own fruits and vegetables and always used animal manure as fertilizer This organically based philosophy toward gardening techniques laid the foundation of Lopez beliefs and in 1972 he founded Astra’s Garden, based on something of a religion that subscribes to living in harmony with the environment: not polluting; treating all living plant life with respect; and, basically just listening to what the earth is telling us

    12. He becomes excited and chases off after the animal

    13. It seemed to circle with the lead animal coming back to face the driver and the re-entering shuttlecraft

    14. The sound was turned down but images of Amazonian Indians smoking jungle grass and skinning an animal filled the room with an eerie glow

    15. direct the rampaging animal as best he could

    16. Then, he explains it is necessary for all dog owners to masturbate their dogs, in case the animal hasn't got the possibility to find a mate during the mating season

    17. Next moment, he puts his finger in the dog's vagina and the animal writhes accordingly for a few seconds, while Alexander is looking at us with a mockingly

    18. He delighted in nudging me in the side as he helped me back from the shower, as though he were a five-year-old boy prodding a caged animal with a sharp stick

    19. Marwan Tayeh was an animal in a cage

    20. It was like a love of dogs, of some farmyard animal, loved while useful, loved while sitting by the fire on a cold evening, one ear cocked for the intruding fox, but not a love enduring or warm when the cold winds of survival blow

    21. They came away remembering that the leaves don't shrivel in the dark and the animal bones aren't wood and that all the animals look like little furry people with tails and that the cities are all just the bare skeletons of buildings that they think look like abandoned ruins

    22. One would then run some thongga to clean up what the karga wouldn't eat, or, if you had a fence, lentosaur, a better tasting animal but slow and soft and vulnerable to predators on the open prairie

    23. Of course a lot of those animal calls are actually native music of the 'space' genre being played on sound systems in the apartments of these trees

    24. Alan distracted her with questions about some floating animal they were passing on the river

    25. They're in the same kingdom as lon, enthora and rinko but it's very animal if you ask me

    26. Curious little beetles clambered across the mountainous hard core following the unfamiliar animal scents, blood dried and stiff, sweat exuded during the long afternoon hours still pungent in the evening air

    27. If you see another person or an animal bearing a gag, don't worry about your enemies; they can't harm you

    28. God took an animal and covered the man and woman with the skins

    29. Others required blood of an animal

    30. You carry your offering “up” to the gods on the mountain and offer your portion of crop or your animal

    31. Danton’s fellow revolutionaries, compressed as they were into such a small space, gave vent to their frustration and pain in rivers of blood, and he, the great Danton, could do nothing now that the beast was off its chains but try to direct the rampaging animal as best he could

    32. One was found riding on a native draft animal herding some others

    33. Some forty paintings were shown on the first list, along with a good dozen sculptures … she recognised some of the names of the artists … how had he got hold of a Rembrandt? Could it be original? The second list was longer, more varied and definitely more curious – intaglio tables from the Italian peninsula rubbed shoulders with tribal masks from the African continent and animal skins from places as far afield as Asia

    34. The animal is not flexible enough to get you off, and not smart enough to roll over to do so

    35. By the time he was on top of the animal the way he was supposed to be, his whole world became the foot

    36. wall, and the animal cages over there, yes, it would be perfect

    37. He was just a laboratory animal, raised in a jar and kept alive by machines, no more able to survive than a domestic animal turned loose in the wilds

    38. This was not a very dangerous animal

    39. It was long, flexible and multi-legged, but the legs were directly under it like an earth animal and they divided in two so each looked like a huge, very thick, two-tined fork

    40. Even more important than that was the size of the whole animal

    41. It had to be forty feet long, a tyrannosaur-sized animal

    42. LUIS: It's your behavior and your clothes that bring out the animal in them

    43. to the front, to the animal within

    44. Leaning against him is comforting – scenting the fresh sweat and animal maleness of the man, the tears recede

    45. luxuriating in the animal gratification

    46. This is another asana with an animal name, called MATSY-ASANA or the FISH POSTURE

    47. There were loud shouts of “Well done! Go Tabs!” The children all stared at this huge animal with bandages wrapped about his legs and torso

    48. To eat flesh is to take vegetable food secondhand from another animal, and here it is interesting to note that man eats mainly the flesh of vegetarian animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and poultry, deer, and rabbits

    49. The driver is monosyllabic, uttering brief, curt instructions to the animal and barely using the reins

    50. ’ He pointed out using the full title of the animal deliberately, ‘As you saw when you tried Sefir out

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    Sinónimos para "animal"

    animal animate being beast brute creature fauna carnal fleshly sensual bestial beastly brutal wild feral untamed gross living breathing sentient bodily corporeal natural base living thing quadruped organism mammal reptile invertebrate vertebrate savage monster fiend