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    1. You might have an intuition that says, “I should grab my phone before I head to the store” but you dishonor that intuition and leave it on the counter

    2. In a house, there are both vessels of honor and dishonor

    3. Newspaper editors and activists who took up the American Indian cause, notably Helen Hunt Jackson, author of Century of Dishonor, and Thomas Tibbles for his involvement in the Standing Bear case before the Supreme Court

    4. We have a badge of dishonor right in front of us, showing who WE really are

    5. It was rather a manifestation of personal enjoyment for being able to express publicly my disdain for a president that, not only did soil and dishonor the Oval Office of the American people, but also laughed at and derided the judicial system, which as president he should defend and elevate

    6. “Sincere and friendly” dialogue could very well resolve conflicts between rational people, but it would result in “a cynical ruse for the soulless fanatics that accept as virtue the dishonor of deceit”

    7. “You feared being ridiculed and shunned for exposing your nakedness, you feared offending everyone by desiring females other than your wife, you feared that your sexual performance might be judged to be poor, you feared that promiscuous sex with promiscuous females would lead to sexual diseases and unplanned pregnancies and bastard children and the loss of your wife’s love and the breaking of your marriage, as well as shame, dishonor, humiliation and loss of respect from everyone involved

    8. “That would be a dishonor to him

    9. Except, even he wouldn’t stoop to that level of dishonor

    10. They assured Mary that soon Jesus' health would break, and that only dishonor and disgrace could come upon the entire family as a result of allowing him to go on

    11. In a sense, the case was open-and-shut for Nancy, as the parents of the murdered young woman had not even denied killing her, pleading instead that Islamic law and traditions gave them the right to kill her daughter for bringing dishonor to her family

    12. Her blood was close to boiling as the father and brother of the victim ranted on about their right to cleanse the dishonor brought by the dead young woman

    13. ����������� �Even in a way that would bring dishonor to Germany?�

    14. wife; that would dishonor your father

    15. wife; that would dishonor your brother

    16. She said her intuition told her that Myra would not only fail, but would bring shame and dishonor which would eventually result in the destruction and downfall of the twelfth Padigm on Zorzorsta

    17. If you go back to read the story, this is what it says: and Goliath was enraged, and he said am: I a dog, that you are coming at me with a stick (which is a staff)? Goliath chose to dishonor what David’s calling was

    18. Goliath chose to dishonor and disrespect what David’s calling was, and ultimately it was his downfall

    19. Goliath chose to dishonor what David’s calling was

    20. Goliath chose to dishonor and disrespect what David’s calling was - and ultimately it was his downfall

    21. To delay would greatly dishonor the Gods and Goddesses

    22. Live in Asia, you leave with nothing and problems of hate, trying to dishonor

    23. You’re not going to dishonor them by continuing to behave in this way

    24. wonder what he means by medals of dishonor? Last piece of the puzzle,

    25. to dishonor our

    26. Mark 2:27, 2Corinthians 12:10 And as we honor God by helping our brother on the Sabbath, we need to remember that we are not to dishonor God to help our brother on any day

    27. Death before dishonor: the ultimate stupidity of the human ego; the ultimate intellectual egoist

    28. Judgment is surely coming upon the American dream message of Your Best Life Now; the word of faith movement; the prosperity gospel—which is another gospel preaching another Jesus; a false gospel that promotes the love of money, self-centeredness and pride—and not only will God demand an account for the deception and dishonor to His Name in this nation, but He is especially going to demand an account of those who have spread it into the nations all across the world, and robbed the poor to line their greedy pockets

    29. dishonor that the mind of man or angel can conceive, by

    30. o The earthly body is put in the ground in dishonor; it will be raised in glory

    31. Beecher said it, "Involves God, his whole administration, and his eternal kingdom in the deepest dishonor that

    32. (2) Is a soul buried in dishonor and raised in glory?

    33. dishonor and resurrected from the dead in glory? Or is this speaking of the resurrection of the

    34. • “It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory

    35. o The earthly body is put in the ground in dishonor; it wil be raised in glory

    36. dishonor that the mind of man or angel can conceive, by the violation of the highest and most

    37. James sighed and rose up to rest his chin over his wife’s shoulder, “First off my hormonally out of her mind wifie, I don’t think even you would seriously think that Elon would dishonor our hospitality in such a way

    38. She would not dishonor the memory of

    39. deepest dishonor that the mind of man or angel can conceive, by the violation of the highest and

    40. It (the body) is sown a perishable BODY, it (the body) is raised an imperishable BODY; it (the body) is sown in dishonor, it (the body) is raised in glory; it (the body) is sown in weakness, it (the body) is raised in power; it (the body) is sown a natural BODY, it (the body) is raised a spiritual BODY

    41. Can you believe we now have an immortal soul that when we die this soul will be buried in dishonor and resurrected from the dead in glory? Or is this speaking of the resurrection of the person, not just something that is now in a person?

    42. · “It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory

    43. · “It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory” not “sown and raised in dishonor then changed to honor

    44. If fair and impartial criticism were a dishonor, then we would refrain

    45. Beecher says it "involves God, his whole administration, and his eternal kingdom in the deepest dishonor that the mind of man or angel can conceive, by the violation of the highest and most sacred principles of honor and right, and on the scale of infinity and eternity" Page 225

    46. "He is reduced almost to the last extremity—nay, he is almost at the point of dishonor

    47. "Blood washes out dishonor," said Morrel

    48. Then do your best to keep our name free from dishonor

    49. "Yet he considered you the cause of his father's dishonor, the cause of the fearful ruin

    50. For her kindred, should the tidings ever reach them, and for the companions of her unspotted life, there remained nothing but the contagion of her dishonor; which would not fail to be distributed in strict accordance and proportion with the intimacy and sacredness of their previous relationship

    1. Twenty years in which he was cheated, and deceived, years in which he made deals with Laban, which Laban dishonored

    2. They claimed that my middle brother had dishonored

    3. "Do you have any idea how much that would have dishonored my family?" Grady paused to offer Calvin a cigar, when he refused Grady lit one for himself and continued

    4. Also, I explain how Christ never intended for His true Gospel to be dishonored by whites this way

    5. It was wrong and dishonored Thean’s memory to do so

    6. He is your shaman, but he is also a liar who has dishonored you by not telling you the truth of what he really did when he reached our village

    7. I understand the severity of this transgression but you’re obviously in a position to eliminate that barrier—I would hate to see her dishonored

    8. conceived a passion for her and dishonored her

    9. 1026 Ephesus and Laodicea have much in common, for where Christ is dishonored there can be no Pentecost

    10. "Sir," said he, "up to this time—and it is now more than four-and-twenty years since I received the direction of this house from my father, who had himself conducted it for five and thirty years—never has anything bearing the signature of Morrel & Son been dishonored

    11. "Ah, duelling," cried the count; "a pleasant manner, upon my soul, of arriving at your end when that end is vengeance! A man has carried off your mistress, a man has seduced your wife, a man has dishonored your daughter; he has rendered the whole life of one who had the right to expect from heaven that portion of happiness God his promised to every one of his creatures, an existence of misery and infamy; and you think you are avenged because you send a ball through the head, or pass a sword through the breast, of that man who has planted madness in your brain, and despair in your heart

    12. than a dishonored one,—blood washes out shame

    13. " The blood mounted to the temples of Debray, who held a million in his pocket-book, and unimaginative as he was he could not help reflecting that the same house had contained two women, one of whom, justly dishonored, had left it poor with 1,500,000

    14. The quick vision that his life was after all a failure, that he was a dishonored man, and must quail before the glance of those towards whom he had habitually assumed the attitude of a reprover—that God had disowned him before men and left him unscreened to the triumphant scorn of those who were glad to have their hatred justified—the sense of utter futility in that equivocation with his conscience in dealing with the life of his accomplice, an equivocation which now turned venomously upon him with the full-grown fang of a discovered lie:—all this rushed through him like the agony of terror which fails to kill, and leaves the ears still open to the returning wave of execration

    15. Dishonored and tragic, she was all before me; but even as I fixed and, for memory, secured it, the awful image passed away

    16. highway robber is better than a bankrupt: the one attacks you and you can defend yourself, he risks his own life; but the other—in short, Charles is dishonored

    17. When a man fails, he is dishonored; but when he merely liquidates, he remains an honest man

    18. How had Ali lived in that house, day in and day out, knowing he had been dishonored by his master in the single worst way an Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner Afghan man can be dishonored? And how was I going to reconcile this new image of Baba with the one that had been imprinted on my mind for so long, that of him in his old brown suit, hobbling up the Taheris' driveway to ask for Soraya's hand?

    19. ‘‘Grant leave to retire to his country seat to an old man who is already in any case dishonored by being unable to fulfill the great and glorious task for which he was chosen

    20. She passes; she endures you; she ignores you; she is the severe and dishonored figure

    21. ” His mother and sisters were having café con leche and crullers for supper at the formal table in the large dining room when they saw him appear in the door, his face haggard and his entire being dishonored by the whorish perfume of the crows

    22. “It is written again, ‘Bear circumspectly and gladly dishonor that cometh upon thee by no act of thine own, be not confounded and hate not him who hath dishonored thee

    23. The matter of the three thousand was decided irrevocably, and Dmitri, feeling himself dishonored and losing his last hope, might sink to any depth

    24. And here he fears that he is dishonored in my eyes

    25. “Yes,” he said, “there was such a glory of God all about me: birds, trees, meadows, sky; only I lived in shame and dishonored it all and did not notice the beauty and glory

    26. And now the man who should, he believed, have been exalted above every one in the whole world, that man, instead of receiving the glory that was his due, was suddenly degraded and dishonored! What for? Who had judged him? Who could have decreed this? Those were the questions that wrung his inexperienced and virginal heart

    27. “‘Yes, offended, humiliated, and dishonored, and after that to hold me still responsible,’ thought I, and suddenly a rage, such a hatred invaded me as I do not remember to have ever felt before

    28. She would set him free—leave him to love whatever woman he chose without the sin of a dishonored vow

    29. If she were, indeed, gone, then his home was wrecked in consequence of his passing passion for a woman he had always thought in no wise equal to the wife whom he had dishonored, whom he, nevertheless, discovered he treasured and valued and could not lightly lose

    30. No, sir, this is an elective Government—the power and ultimate responsibility rest with the people; they cannot be dishonored unless they pertinaciously approve of unwise or wicked measures, and continue to support the authors of such measures

    1. If a woman accused of dishonoring her family by losing her virginity survived, she would end up

    2. The next fact that comes out in the Biblical testimony is that the diabolical rule over mankind is maintained less by open war with the religious sentiment than by its perversion; less by inciting men to atheism and vice than by deceiving them into God dishonoring and soul-destroying superstition

    3. ’ And we perceive in these testimonies of the sacred Word, on the one hand, the most certain evidence that evil cannot be eternal, and, on the other, that the notion of a limited intention in the application of the gospel, is of all figments in theology the most baseless and dishonoring to God

    4. According to Spanish legend, as embodied in ancient ballads, the treachery of Count Julian was an act of revenge for the dishonoring of his sister by King Roderick

    5. And as God's above, I suddenly thought, why go on in misery any longer, what is there to wait for? Here I have a willow, a handkerchief, a shirt, I can twist them into a rope in a minute, and braces besides, and why go on burdening the earth, dishonoring it with my vile presence? And then I heard you coming—Heavens, it was as though something flew down to me suddenly

    6. “That's true, Katya,” Mitya roared suddenly, “I looked into your eyes and I knew that you were dishonoring me, and yet I took your money

    1. God wants to reproach this man for his behavior and to deter him from that abject conduct which dishonors him and drives him away from the position he is capable of and the lofty rank he was created to ascend

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    Sinónimos para "dishonor"

    dishonor dishonour attaint disgrace shame assault outrage rape ravish violate ignominy abasement desecration disrepute insult blame affront reproach humiliation