Usar "violate" en una oración
violate oraciones de ejemplo
1. Since He gave man the power, He cannot violate
2. Bahkmar always thought he could be open and honest with Jaseem about anything that didn't violate the technician's oath, but since falling into that trap he had been a lot more careful with what he said to anyone
3. “He couldn’t have seen you go to a club in Yondure, if she didn’t violate your sentence,” Elmore said
4. “Why not? Are you going to violate the Jade Code and leave me outside? What is wrong here? Is this the Council of Jade, or is it something else? Where is Nansu, the Arbitrator?”
5. To violate this combination is everywhere a most unpopular action, and a sort of reproach to a master among his neighbours and equals
6. And he knew that the man would not violate that trust in any fashion – at least not advertently
7. Congress now routinely passes laws that violate Constitutional provisions, which our current Constitution-hating Chief Executive is only too happy to sign into law
8. Had Clinton paid more attention to the security aspects, as opposed to the trade and foreign policy aspects of foreign policy, could the events of 9/11 still have happened? (He was, of course, offered Osama twice on, as it were, a silver platter, but oh no, that would undoubtedly violate someone"s civil rights, somewhere, somehow, sometime, to say nothing of the police versus the military
9. them to violate Bernie’s trust
10. “Of course, if you violate the terms of the game, then there will be no turning back, no chance of any relief
11. “Because it would violate one of God’s laws, you dummy
12. It was the Patriarch himself that was doing it; his words seemed to twist reality and violate normalcy
13. The message of the Greek tragedies is recognition of the boundaries of human action, of limits to violence, and of the need to rectify injustice and to assure retribution against those who violate those principles
14. “white” races? Justice Felix Frankfurter wanted to find that separate schools did violate the equal protection clause
15. Does anyone really believe that allowing public money to pay for schoolbooks in a religious school, as it does in secular schools ,is the “establishment” of a religion? If the books were distributed impartially among schools of different denominations, which one would have been “established?” Does providing vouchers to send children to a private religious school rather than a dismal ghetto public school violate the establishment clause?
16. It is such judicial decisions as these that violate the obvious and historically understood meaning of the establishment clause, not the acts these decisions prohibit
17. certainly did not reveal that his proposal would raise revenue and, therefore, violate the Constitution
18. PSL was able to violate the numerous statutes and regulations governing universities and other non-profit contractors and/or grantees for the simple reason that the USG declined to look at them
19. ” I told them that I was convinced that PSL had been, and was continuing to, violate the False Claim Act
20. Note also the willingness of Jewish plutocrats to enable heads of state to violate justice
21. Up in the heavens, in the skies above the village, several ships of Love made sure that the village was not attacked, while at the same time ensuring that the monsters were not spying on what went on there, including creating an energy field that formed an effective barrier against their spy satellites, which always polluted the Earth’s orbit, attempting to violate the privacy of the Love Spirits
22. ’ But a true friend of children would not violate them or do any other sort of evil
23. (3) Dog owners shall not violate the peace and hygienic conditions of the
24. Adam Meyerson, president of the Philanthropy Roundtable, stated in a June 13, 2000 memo, “Our members are deeply disturbed that so many of America’s large philanthropic foundations violate the most cherished values of the business leaders who endowed them
25. Every one who shall violate now one of these small commandments and shall teach men so shall be called lacking in the Kingdom of Heaven; everyone who shall do and teach shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven
26. The six-to-three Supreme Court ruling decided such boarding and registration checks did not violate the privacy rights of boat operators and crews
27. particles, such as the electrons, protons and neutrinos, violate parity – they
28. It was a different matter (case), but if Parrish would resort to such egregious unbelievable misconduct to convict and obtain a death sentence when the person is innocent why wouldn't he violate the Constitutional Rights of the guilty? Ethics? Someone like Parrish would never let a little old thing like ―ethics‖ stand in the way of achieving his objective
29. Harassment refers to a wide variety of behavior which can violate both civil and criminal laws
30. As far as his personal necessities were concerned, and in general even in his relations with other personalities, he now deliberately chose to pursue the path of normal earthly existence; he definitely decided against a policy which would transcend, violate, or outrage his own established natural laws
31. Persistence! - Violate this step and you'll never achieve permanent results
32. Jairus' only reply to all this pleading was: "I have granted this request, and I will not violate my word
33. Choose the opportunities that don’t violate your emotional harmony
34. and His laws violate
35. If they violate your ‘emotional wellness’ or uproot your family you might want to decline or negotiate better terms
36. Guests who violate any
37. Watch for processes that violate semantic well-
38. Under no circumstance, you should not violate the
39. But you should violate any terms and conditions at any cost
40. It appears that time cannot be reversed, as that would violate the
42. Lowell furrowed his brow in perplexity at a proposal that would so blatantly violate protocol, a formality he had learned from his wife who was accustomed to high society
43. wanted to violate their orders, just to pull the act off in spite of
44. leverage components cannot violate industry standards or dysfunction will occur that
45. Stalin took just six weeks to violate the Yalta agreement by installing communist puppet regimes in Eastern Europe
46. ‘’Let this be a lesson to anyone who will try to violate the integrity of the Vietnamese territory, or would try to take power in Vietnam in other than democratic manners
47. His writing aims to violate “the small house of our cautionary being” and leave it “no longer inhabitable in quite the same way as it was before
48. He’d probably have to violate the penal system and just whip
49. Since it does not violate any known rule of software programming, I suspect it would be possible to create software that could take advantage of an organic brain
50. “I did not violate your last request,” Garcia pointed a finger at McCoy
1. country and violated our sacred
2. Certainly women will have violated their God given role and men will have
3. Freedom is a right and without it the dignity of man is violated
4. He was shocked and hurt, feeling decidedly violated and dirty and angry
5. She might not be afraid to tell the captain what he’d found even if it violated the laws of physics as well as the laws of politics
6. feeling decidedly violated and dirty and angry
7. 32With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but
8. And I violated one of the cardinal rules taught to us at the Police Academy and this shows you just how stupid I was about this
9. When she didn’t answer satisfactorily, he pulled her to her knees and violated her bloody orifices with the handle of his staff
10. After what happened in the warehouse she felt so violated that the first thing she did upon entering Demilan's apartment was ask where the shower was
11. To dream that you are being chased or stalked by the paparazzi indicates that your privacy is being violated
12. She always felt in some slight way violated, knowing every inch of her was being observed, even if it was only by a non-sentient AI; the outcome of which would be compared to her stored profile – just a set of numbers assigned to her measurements
13. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis, violated the conservation of baryon numbers, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and antileptons - of the order of one part in 30 million
14. Even the United States violated the laws of neutrality
15. Paul could have paid the bribe but bribery violated his deeply held social and spiritual beliefs, and compromised the goals he had set for himself in those areas
16. Now, the Temporal Directive had been violated
17. It is true that there have always existed (the) opportunist‘s among us; so-called public servants who routinely violated their sacred oath by placing self-interest above the interests of the people; who viewed their respective offices as so many conduits for attaining power and prestige
18. He said, “You were the first time I violated the promise I had made to myself for many, many years
19. During this period, the new boyfriend moved into the house and Tiny, unable to control himself, violated the order, entering through a window he knew only too well as he had installed it, and up from the basement came a wild man, bent on revenge
20. ” And just why shouldn’t she look at her like that? By digging for gold, Caroline had definitely violated the trust of their friendship
21. And they just roared enthusiastically, breaking any and all formations; they’d forgotten about rules, they had violated their orders, and they seemed like they couldn’t care less about being demoted to less-than-imp status, or perhaps turned into horned ants
22. He had violated his probation order when he was picked up carrying dope and hanging around with another criminal
23. He felt almost violated; robbed of his right to discover, experience, and learn anew
24. The earth lies de-filed under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant
25. The sharp pain of clamps and knives as the old motherfucker violated me with a metal phallus, too impotent to rape me, yet still the torture, the sting of knives that cut deep burrows into my back
26. In cases of controversy, the courts might have to decide whether the mechanism had been violated, but I doubt that this would be at all common—the parties will be very careful
27. Chairman of the Medical Council of Thailand Somsak Lohlekha said the council will discuss if Dr Thep had violated medical ethics
28. They have been waiting for the Council of State to rule if castration for non-medical purposes violated medical ethics and should therefore be outlawed
29. “Dude straight violated with Griff and Ant man
30. I asked him what specific motor code I violated
31. Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them
32. Clearly, their way of life did not include the deeding of lands among themselves and their land was taken as treaties were violated
33. Further, upon his review of the treaties, he concluded they all had been violated and a very deceptive practice had become entrenched which would not reflect well on Washington’s
34. Eze 22:26 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them
35. I feel I must continue to attend the club, otherwise I fear that the members will somehow perceive that I have violated some sort of agreement
36. 26 Her priests have violated my law, and
37. Louis Lochner owned a bakery affected by the new regulations and sued in federal court to have the New York law nullified, claiming that it violated his Liberty of Contract
38. 9 And all the officers answered the king and said, But surely it is written in the laws of Egypt, and it should not be violated, that no man shall reign over Egypt, nor be the second to the king, but one who has knowledge in all the languages of the sons of men
39. 33 And on the next day the king commanded all the people of Egypt to bring to Joseph offerings and gifts, and that he who violated the command of the king should die; and they made a high place in the street of the city, and they spread out garments there, and whoever brought anything to Joseph put it into the high place
40. You, priest, have violated the most important law of all
41. pressed on whether his actions may have violated the law
42. under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to
43. under oath and violated his oath to tell the truth and he even agreed to
44. company then refused to pay, claiming that Olivieri had violated the terms of the
45. This violated civil and criminal statutes forbidding retired regular navy officers (Erb had been a CAPT and tin can commander) from selling to SEA 02 for at least two years following their retirement
46. Huckabee complained that Democratic county clerks violated state
47. searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants
48. in the back violated his civil rights, the agents didn’t know for a fact that he was a drug smuggler, and they broke Border Patrol rules
49. Federal Express for a company policy that, according to the agency, violated the Americans with Disabilities Act
50. I pointed out that this violated the federal Cost Accounting Standards because of there was an insufficient causal-beneficial relationship
1. He’s saying the results are meaningless when the instrumentation violates accepted theory
3. Abuse violates the freedom of the child
4. To me having to wear a suit and tie violates one of our constitutional amendments against cruel and unusual punishment to high school students
5. That part of the produce of the land which is thus necessary for enabling the farmer to continue his business, ought to be considered as a fund sacred to cultivation, which, if the landlord violates, he necessarily reduces the produce of his own land, and, in a few years, not only disables the farmer from paying this racked rent, but from paying the reasonable rent which he might otherwise have got for his land
6. That violates the UN mandate signed by all countries, including Atlantica
7. However this rule violates the plain language of the Act and is currently being
8. schools on the ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state
9. As an example the CHA (Catholic Hospital Association) has taken positions and supported legislation that violates Catholic teaching / doctrine --- such as specifically supplying abortifacients, and supporting the use of sterilizations, in vitro fertilization, and/or sex change surgery as either a required ‘product to be provided’ or as required through federal or public insurance programs
10. However this rule violates the plain language of the Act and is currently being litigated
11. ” The court claims this is an endorsement of religion and violates the so-called separation of church and state
12. suit against the COLA procedure, arguing that it violates the 27th Amendment’s stricture against congressional pay raises without an
13. violates the provisions of the ordinance under Article 23d;9
14. But if it's off mission then it violates statute 36-C
15. changed into dislike if its object violates our canons of conduct, or acts in
16. This means that sex with them, by definition of the strict liability statute, violates the law
17. This means that sex with them, by definition, violates the law
18. However, having lost our connecting link to Spirit mankind violates this bond by enslaving animals in a unnatural existence of non-experience, other than of fear and pain, then we summarily dispatch them without their having explored the purpose of their innate design
19. cosmos will not defend anyone who violates the prohibition on this,
20. To call it Mind or Buddha violates its nature
21. very obvious answer violates every statement that I have ever
22. ! This conclusion violates all of
23. If more debt violates the parameters set forth
24. Criminalizing any conduct like drug usage that harms no one but the willing actors violates the third Universal Law of Life
25. ―Whether it violates regulations or not is another matter, sir
26. share with me violates any conditions, such as the possibility of you, or someone else, coming to harm, or deals with an illegal act, I would not hesitate to inform the proper authorities,” Data said
27. cease fire is still in effect and I will kill anyone that violates that cease fire before I rescind it
28. "Who are you? What are your intentions with us? This violates all conventions against humane captivity as agreed upon by the Federation Romulan treaty
29. No, I can't receive that, it violates scripture
30. Our private admission—we know it violates the law, but hey, let’s take a chance, especially as the Election Commission hasn’t sent us anything specific in writing
31. The Election Commission’s Model Code of Conduct over a nine-phase election violates the Code of Common Sense, fulminated voices on Twitter
32. leader-in-exile that they said violates their religious freedom
33. Temptation violates the normal procedure right of act to insert the demon impulse which is a power felt with urge
34. My conscience is my greatest ally, the phrase “why did I do it?” violates my conscience
35. He prepared lies to defend himself why he breaks or violates the trust
36. Additionally, the rock/dog evolution violates the Second Law of
37. Espronceda violates the rulein this
38. If any disclaimer or limitation set forth in this agreement violates the law of the state applicable to this agreement, the agreement shall be interpreted to make the maximum disclaimer or limitation permitted by the applicable state law
39. Their position is essentially that when we don't like something or feel a media production violates our values we are to sit there with our mouths shut in deference to our supposed creative betters in the ranks of the cultural elite
40. warnings that one should desist, or restrain themselves, as pursuing their intentions violates
41. We see, therefore, that man violates law if he carries a burden, and a burden
42. If anyone violates this unspoken taboo; they are severely punished, shamed, killed or ostracized
43. clod violates any of the "rules" above, explain as politely as
44. � This meaning perspective violates our essential nature of honesty within and without
45. When the child asks for a slap in exchange for a cookie in all conscience, the child violates the structure or, better, exposes the illusory power of domination
46. � Indeed, if they remain our own, we feel our life best when we cheat, when we escape and defy the conformity and the dominator meaning perspective, when we get away with something that violates the very conformity we have chosen
47. � The enforced definitional power of the dominator violates the entire process of the search, the becoming self
48. � It also tends to preclude a great deal of learning because much real learning opens us to new ways of experiencing the world thus violates the meaning perspective, the visceral truth within us
49. � That violates the ends principle because it turns others into a means to our end
50. � Even as it reinforces our group loyalty, it violates the loyalty and compassion we might feel for each other
1. Women cannot do this without violating the restrictions God has placed upon them regarding public teaching to
2. number of ways this can be done without violating God's Will
3. Do read out these AdSense TOS as in case of violating
4. Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy
5. Don’t be shocked by my decision – I’m not violating a moral principle, I am acting in the best interests of all concerned and that is exactly what should prevail
6. She gagged me and held me down with a knife to my throat while her friends seemed intent on violating me
7. writing to your local officials about a factory or plant that is violating
8. Thirdly, the hope of evading such taxes by smuggling, gives frequent occasion to forfeitures and other penalties, which entirely ruin the smuggler ; a person who, though no doubt highly blameable for violating the laws of his country, is frequently incapable of violating those of natural justice, and would have been, in every respect
9. Then there was his response when a reporter accused him of violating the law in making campaign solicitation calls from his West Wing office
10. „diversity" do not justify violating the Constitution
11. After all, it wasn’t violating any of his principles
12. Even in this dark hour he gave a chuckle thinking of the way this temporal intervention had to be done without violating the directive and how, as a result, even greater damage could potentially be done to this time-line
14. She received this summons for violating a city ordinance prohibiting parked vehicles within 30 feet from a corner stop sign or approximately four (4) car lengths from that corner
15. “Once he begins to look forward to your visits, he’ll actually begin to think of stuff that he safely can tell you, without violating his code of personal conduct
16. Delay was only a few months away from the scandal that removed him from office, indictment in September for violating election laws and money laundering that would lead to his resignation in June 2006 and conviction in 2010, later overturned
17. Well done! No, it’s not violating an ill-conceived campaign by the American government that bothers me, it’s the ruined lives
18. The only thing that mattered was that they were violating Law, and duty called for him to stop them
19. Colling asked, “Aren’t you violating those orders, doing what you’re doing?”
20. monastery, thus violating the Lord’s orders
21. “Evil: Violating or inconsistent with the moral law…Due to (actual or imputed) bad character or conduct
22. The new Computational Monetary System also puts an end to the illicit acts as traffic of drugs, prostitution, terrorism and so many other pernicious acts that are motivated by the lack of money, without speaking in the end of the corruption, because there is not as violating this new systematics
23. Boehner phone call on their CB radio while driving down the road in Florida? Oh, the call supposedly had to do with Gingrich violating House Rules on Ethics
24. Now the big question, what if dad says he wants to be cremated because mom was cremated, no matter how we try to convince him that it is unscriptural? This is a nasty affair! What if he stipulates this wish in his last will and testament? After all, it is a legal document which we have to abide by, but what must we do if this “legal” document is violating the scriptures?
25. “If I’d told you how I felt, what would’ve happened? Would it have turned into something?” His mouth came too close, violating her with soft touches
26. • Why so many marketers blow it with the approaches they use! (Hint- You’re violating many non-
27. He was violating the entropy principle right in front of my eyes
28. if I ruled that my MAJOR CLIENT, the Contracts Director, was violating
29. Schechter, for violating its rules and convicted him, with a fine and a jail sentence
30. rested, indicted, put in jail for several days, and then required to put up bond for violating a law that didn’t exist
31. imprisoned for violating the Sedition Act in 1798 but returned to
32. The concept that a person might not be liable to civil penalties for such offenses as violating the Sabbath would have appeared alien and dangerous to them
33. “You, who know exactly what it is like as much as anyone can without experiencing it themselves, you are now another female’s rapist!! It matters not that you were too cowardly to do the deed with your own hands, and so forced an innocent to be your weapon!! You are still the one who is violating her! And for eternity, Alilia!!! Eternity!!! You are the worst rapist who has ever lived, or who ever will live!!! You have shamed us all!!! How could you do it?!!!”
34. Thus, that employee is violating the freedom of the boy to have a body and mind free from suffering,” Dyma said, looking at Yania compassionately
35. He knew that by doing so he was violating all he had been taught
36. "It means I haven't been given a clear-cut mission, I don't really know what the President expects of me, but I could be relieved of my position in a heartbeat for violating rules that aren't even thought up yet
37. The north-men came like stinging hornets and spread on all sides like fearful wolves, robbing, violating, committing sacrilege everywhere, ripping and slaughtering my flock of virgin scholars! Alcuin -- behold with pity and tears the shrine of Saint Cuthbert, spattered with the blood of the brides of God, stripped of its ornaments, trampled by the polluted steps of pagan fiends, within fire-black walls once graced by Northumbria's finest art! A place more venerable than all in England was the prey of pagan wretches
38. In the Fall of 1997, the Coast Guard chased, stopped and boarded a Chinese fishing vessel which was violating a drift-net fishing ban north of Hawaii
39. In this way, a person can time travel as an observer, without violating causality
40. Because force is the most basic way of violating rights, any civilised society renounces the use of individual force, and hands this power (the ability to initiate force) over to a dispassionate government
41. ―overturned‖ my wrongful conviction after the Tarrant County District Attorney‘s Office admitted to violating my Constitutional Rights and thereby causing a wrongful conviction
42. It seems the violating of constitutional rights is not isolated to the TCDA‘s Office, but is a rampant problem within Tarrant County itself
43. This is not violating confidentiality- it is simply good faith on your part to show donors to M'AIM how their contributions are being spent
44. that it was for violating a two hour parking limit
45. However, I did not stay long in those places since I felt I was invading their privacy and violating the free will of these people
46. The Vexation Box Spell This spell is for dealing with someone who is more of an annoyance than a threat, someone who really gets on your nerves or stresses you out by intruding in your life or violating your space
47. Violating a protective order may also increase the severity of harassment, stalking or menacing charge
48. There are happy career opportunities coming to you, but it’s doubtful whether you will accept them if it means violating your emotional harmony or uprooting the family
49. violating the culture's system of confinement
50. overtly and loudly without violating a sense of public propriety or their imputed