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    Usar "ecstatically" en una oración

    ecstatically oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I could go on for a whole book writing ecstatically of the wonder and the glories of honey but let it suffice to say that if you think you dislike honey then try all the different ones you can find

    2. “Yes!” he shouted ecstatically and with ecstasy jumped my

    3. Rita was ecstatically happy, she loved a mystery and she could help her best friend too

    4. "Yes," the boars shouted ecstatically

    5. "Did you hear that, Shooter?" he spluttered ecstatically

    6. Occasionally he would sip a handful of its water and look ecstatically happy

    7. This is the itchiest part of his body, and he sways ecstatically while emitting his little chirping noises

    8. And little Selene rushing down the apartment steps as fast as her tiny legs could carry her, screaming ecstatically "Papa, papa!" How cute she was

    9. They have several kids together now and are ecstatically happy with each other

    10. Right? Oh, of course! Disoriented ecstatically overwhelmed

    11. Inch by ecstatically painful self-destructive exquisite inch

    12. Then he takes a drink of the tea and grins ecstatically at me

    13. But, recovering their wits quickly, they jumped out of the car ecstatically

    14. Hair bleached, skins tanned, eyes paled into the silver blue of midday, they looked ecstatically happy as in the flicks

    15. In his minds eye Ben could see the imprint of the photo; the image of two ecstatically happy people holding a baby, Ben wasn’t stupid that didn’t look like a sibling photo but then what was he to know, he was an only child after all

    16. ‘I dreamt a thousand dreams in which every inch of me gave you joy,’ she said ecstatically, as he kneeled up to her in embrace

    17. ‘What amorousness,’ he said ecstatically as she herself fell on him libidinously

    18. ‘Don’t you know how Sandhya loves me?’ she said ecstatically

    19. ‘I’m dying for our orgies,’ she said ecstatically, ‘when will you bring that about?’

    20. In that euphoric moment, as his women lost no time to go to each other’s erotic roots, seeing their waist-chains sink into each other’s breasts, he said ecstatically, ‘What a rainbow of love to behold!’

    21. We are called to love as ecstatically as possible to help the Beautiful Unfolding unfold into beauty – the beauty of the Open Table where all is gift, therefore all is thanks

    22. “That!” Hope exclaimed ecstatically, pointing to the sky descending into her eyes

    23. “It’s a boy, ma’am!” she ecstatically told Anne, but the physician strictly turned from the

    24. Grace cried ecstatically, clasping her hands together with excitement, her features triumphant

    25. Amaia looked ecstatically happy

    26. Happily, ecstatically, adventurously, searchingly, generously trying to give maximum pleasure, the second

    27. “All right!” Nadine soured out of her eagerness and entered the car ecstatically

    28. “Tom!” said Jane as ecstatically as if he were a returned soldier

    29. Ecstatically, irrevocably happy

    30. I finished many books in such a manner there, closing the covers ecstatically yet having no memory of the content by the time I returned home

    31. Countess Lidia Ivanovna looked at him ecstatically, and tears of rapture at the greatness of his soul came into her

    32. "And why, why should you go away?" he flowed on ecstatically

    33. ‘Oh, Natasha!’ said Sonya, looking ecstatically and earnestly at her friend as if she did not consider her worthy to hear what she meant to say and as if she were saying it to someone else, with whom joking was out of the question, ‘I am in love with your brother once for all and, whatever may happen to him or to me, shall never cease to love him as long as I live

    34. And he was not the only man to experience that feeling during those memorable days preceding the battle of Austerlitz: nine tenths of the men in the Russian army were then in love, though less ecstatically, with their Tsar and the glory of the Russian arms

    35. At the same moment Natasha, without drawing breath, screamed joyously, ecstatically, and so piercingly that it set everyone’s ear tingling

    36. ‘Vivat!’ shouted the Poles, ecstatically, breaking their ranks and pressing against one

    37. And as soon as they had got out, in their soaked and streaming clothes, they shouted ‘Vivat!’ and looked ecstatically at the spot where Napoleon had been but where he no longer was and at that moment considered themselves happy

    38. The poor man trembled, inundated with angelic joy; he declared to himself ecstatically that this would last all their lives; he told himself that he really had not suffered sufficiently to merit so radiant a bliss, and he thanked God, in the depths of his soul, for having permitted him to be loved thus, he, a wretch, by that innocent being

    39. "I tell you it's a bully story, Anne," he said ecstatically

    40. " You let slip today a priceless sentence," I went on ecstatically

    41. Katerina Ivanovna at once made her sit down in an arm-chair facing Alyosha, and ecstatically kissed her several times on her smiling lips

    42. “A brilliant idea!” Mitya interrupted ecstatically

    43. “And I didn't expect that,” cried Mitya, ecstatically

    44. “Gentlemen, what a pity! I wanted to see her for one minute only; I wanted to tell her that it has been washed away, it has gone, that blood that was weighing on my heart all night, and that I am not a murderer now! Gentlemen, she is my betrothed!” he said ecstatically and reverently, looking round at them all

    45. "Stavrogin, you are beautiful," cried Pyotr Stepanovitch, almost ecstatically

    46. He raised his fist, waved it ecstatically and menacingly over his head and suddenly brought it down furiously, as though pounding an adversary to powder

    47. The maniac went on ecstatically:

    48. "But," he cried ecstatically, "this is the very last step! And then for a new life and we'll never, never think of the old horrors again!"

    49. "I see, I see I was not mistaken," he added obscurely but ecstatically

    50. “Oh, Natásha!” said Sónya, looking ecstatically and earnestly at her friend as if she did not consider her worthy to hear what she meant to say and as if she were saying it to someone else, with whom joking was out of the question, “I am in love with your brother once for all and, whatever may happen to him or to me, shall never cease to love him as long as I live

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    ecstatically rapturously rhapsodically