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    Usar "rapturously" en una oración

    rapturously oraciones de ejemplo


    1. twinkled more rapturously than they

    2. her, I rapturously absorbed the warmth that emanated from her flesh, not quite sure where

    3. and gazed rapturously into the girl's eyes

    4. ‘Drain it to the dregs,’ she cried rapturously

    5. She was “looking ardently, rapturously at the Cross of

    6. Bhaer, taking Teddy's little fist out of the milk pitcher, in which he was rapturously churning

    7. In a few minutes they could distinguish him to be a gentleman; and in a moment afterwards Marianne rapturously exclaimed,

    8. "I think he swore; but I didn't mind him, I was straining to see the bairn," and she began again to describe it rapturously

    9. Then I thought if she were, as I feared, by no means rapturously grateful for that destiny yet, when would she begin to be interested in me? When should I awaken the heart within her that was mute and sleeping now?

    10. Dimmesdale had taken her in charge, the good grandam's chief earthly comfort—which, unless it had been likewise a heavenly comfort, could have been none at all—was to meet her pastor, whether casually, or of set purpose, and be refreshed with a word of warm, fragrant, heaven-breathing Gospel truth, from his beloved lips, into her dulled, but rapturously attentive ear

    11. Clara, looking about her rapturously, cried: "Oh, how wonderful, how glorious! I have never dreamt it could be as beautiful as that

    12. " stifling me at the time with kisses, that, stopping my opening mouth, at once prevented the answer that he panted for, and increased the delicious disorder in which all my senses were rapturously lost

    13. ‘Not you it was performed that noble act of forgiveness, at which I was moved to ecstasy, and everyone else too, but He, working within your heart,’ said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, raising her eyes rapturously, ‘and so you cannot be ashamed of your act

    14. Here, too, in the cool shadows of the trees, Charles Hamilton had rapturously pressed her hand when she said she would marry him

    15. It is an uneasy lot at best, to be what we call highly taught and yet not to enjoy: to be present at this great spectacle of life and never to be liberated from a small hungry shivering self—never to be fully possessed by the glory we behold, never to have our consciousness rapturously transformed into the vividness of a thought, the ardor of a passion, the energy of an action, but always to be scholarly and uninspired, ambitious and timid, scrupulous and dim-sighted

    16. oppressive: to sit like a model for Saint Catherine looking rapturously at Celia's baby would not do for many hours in the day, and to remain in that momentous babe's presence with persistent disregard was a course that could not have been tolerated in a childless sister

    17. Anna Mikhaylovna also had of late visited them less frequently, seemed to hold herself with particular dignity, and always spoke rapturously and gratefully of the merits of her son and the brilliant career on which he had entered

    18. There in that enormous, illuminated theater where the bare-legged Duport, in a tinsel-decorated jacket, jumped about to the music on wet boards, and young girls and old men, and the nearly naked Helene with her proud, calm smile, rapturously cried ‘bravo!’- there in the presence of that Helene it had all seemed clear and simple; alone by herself, it was incomprehensible

    19. met in society, nor as he had for a long time, and at one time rapturously, thought about Sonya

    20. Any guard might arrest him, but by strange chance no one does so and all rapturously greet the man they cursed the day before and will curse again a month later

    21. ’ said Pierre, and a silence followed: ‘three!’ and a rapturously breathless cry of children’s voices filled the room

    22. In another second I was embracing and kissing her rapturously: “Bessie! Bessie! Bessie!” that was all I said; whereat she half laughed, half cried, and we both

    23. Silas Sloane's barrens this very minute," she said rapturously

    24. Her old girl friends had welcomed her back rapturously

    25. " What a man ! What a man ! " I exclaimed, rapturously

    26. The dog leapt up like a mad creature and rushed bounding before him rapturously

    27. “And always so, all our lives hand in hand! Hurrah for Karamazov!” Kolya cried once more rapturously, and once more the boys took up his exclamation: “Hurrah for Karamazov!”

    28. She took out the child again to gaze at it rapturously

    29. Anna Mikháylovna also had of late visited them less frequently, seemed to hold herself with particular dignity, and always spoke rapturously and gratefully of the merits of her son and the brilliant career on which he had entered

    30. There in that enormous, illuminated theater where the bare-legged Duport, in a tinsel-decorated jacket, jumped about to the music on wet boards, and young girls and old men, and the nearly naked Hélène with her proud, calm smile, rapturously cried “bravo!”—there in the presence of that Hélène it had all seemed clear and simple; but now, alone by herself, it was incomprehensible

    31. But he never thought about her as he had thought of all the young ladies without exception whom he had met in society, nor as he had for a long time, and at one time rapturously, thought about Sónya

    32. ” said Pierre, and a silence followed: “three!” and a rapturously breathless cry of children’s voices filled the room

    33. "Well," he exclaimed rapturously, "that is a dress, that is—My, my!" He was so stunned he could find nothing more to say

    34. “Nance, you’re an angel!” cried Phil, rapturously

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    Sinónimos para "rapturously"

    ecstatically rapturously rhapsodically