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    Usar "fascism" en una oración

    fascism oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The outcome of that confrontation was but the first and most, to that date, blatant example of American economic fascism in action

    2. It is, quite simply, evil incarnate, composed in equal parts of collectivism, fascism, progressivism, and statism

    3. Jihadist Islamic Fascism equally committed to the destruction of Western Institutions

    4. Communism, fascism, and capitalism are all equally immoral, inhumane, and failed ideologies, each causing roughly equal amounts of great human suffering, with body counts in the many tens of millions

    5. Their anger pushed the nation more towards eventual fascism

    6. Argentina's series of military dictatorships began under Juan Peron, who led a populist movement with elements of both left wing unionism and right wing fascism

    7. Some were pro fascist, even working with Hitler and taking part in the Holocaust or plotting to overthrow FDR and install fascism in the US

    8. Though fascism would have fallen on its own eventually, as it did in Spain, many years of fascism avoided was a great humanitarian achievement that saved many millions

    9. Fascism, as simply the more extreme version of capitalism and nationalism, might continue longer

    10. The origin, history, and application of the term can be found in Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism

    11. Read about President Wilson and his response to criticism to get a better idea of fascism

    12. in his book Modern Fascism reports the view of nature held by Finnish Green Party activist Pentti Linkola

    13. Fascism then raises the enticing mirage of a completely new and more perfect order

    14. To assess whether, or to what extent, fascism is present or developing in a given society is not difficult

    15. Democratic freedom lies at one end of the scale and fascism at the other

    16. Though not called socialism or fascism in earlier periods, the symptoms are the same

    17. Under fascism evil is expanded to implicate the whole of society, and the number of those caught in its net as willing perpetrators is vastly increased

    18. they deliberately hired progressives “because these boys knew what society in general and fascism in particular were all about…and could create characters and situations that bore some resemblance to reality

    19. Eggelletion mentions that our income tax is unconstitutional and the late Aaron Russo deals with this fact in his 2006 documentary movie, America: Freedom To Fascism

    20. In the summer of 2006, you probably heard a great deal of noise about fascism from the people in power in Washington

    21. Webster defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    22. The communist revolution and the rise of fascism

    23. It all called Fascism and not free enterprise

    24. Fascism, which is the type of system that we now have running

    25. Russian soldiers were motivated to be first into Berlin to demonstrate to the world the supremacy of the communist system in achieving the destruction of fascism

    26. As virtual stalkers, we become extensions of the State; the centrality of fascism with an oppressive police force is democratically distributed with the deputization of every camera carrying citizen into a Little Brother or Baby Sister

    27. What State, let alone person, can live under such constant threat? This is what the war on terrorism creates – the terror of security, the tyranny of suspicion, the mob fascism of ideological eugenics: It's YOUR kind of town, because WE are your kind of people

    28. Fascism in general, it isn’t a form of government we would choose

    29. Roger had left the Netherlands because of the rise of fascism there, but his country’s fascist parties were quite tame and still to some extent on the fringe of Dutch society

    30. Everyone in her group was holding hands and chanting, “We will fight fascism!” Just after 12

    31. with different models of planning and control, fascism,

    32. he painted a huge work – Guernica– that movingly depicted the horrors of fascism

    33. The corporate fascism of Germany and Italy was beaten into a pulp by an older corporate fascism of European robber barons who had the entire world to rape and plunder in their headlong rush towards greater and greater profiteering before, during and after the war

    34. fascism and communism and we should all now know what to avoid

    35. hatred of anything that hinted of Nazi fascism, a hatred that crushed all his humanity and

    36. But others rejected communism and turned instead to fascism, which was developed in Italy as a sort of socialist movement but in military uniform

    37. None of the new beliefs that people were turning to – communism and fascism – had any time for religion

    38. Although we think of fascism and socialism as complete opposites, in fact the two had a lot in common

    39. Fascism and socialism both believed that:

    40. The answer seemed to lie in a Japanese version of – you’ve guessed it – fascism

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