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    Usar "nazism" en una oración

    nazism oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Needless to say, his emphasis on the survival of the fittest was to have dire social consequences, most importantly the rise of so-called Aryan superiority and the rise of Nazism

    2. Some people alleged it was Hitler’s ill-conceived decision to move on the Eastern Front that saved the world from Nazism

    3. For instance, have you ever heard of Nazism?"

    4. "Who hasn't heard of Nazism?"

    5. The majority of the people today have no idea about Nazism

    6. None! The State's education system drops these topics, including information about Nazism, because the Occidental State does not believe such topics on state oppression can help educate the people

    7. As I was saying, Nazism is an abbreviation of the German word Nationalsozialismus, which in English means National Socialism

    8. So Nazism was socialism at a national level rather than an international one

    9. Nazism, or National Socialism, shared this same ideology of centralised State power

    10. In the pursuit of utopia, Nazism married socialism with eugenic science—yes, science, or at least science as they understood (or misunderstood) it back in their time

    11. For example, they might decide that a new political party was a ‘bad thing’ because it “sounds like Nazism”, or whatever

    12. Our attitude did not endear us to the townspeople, many of whom had given sons, husbands and lovers to the struggle, and, despite the fact that I was obviously well past the age of enlistment, we were treated, on our rare excursions outside, with, at best contempt and occasionally, outright enmity, such as was sometimes shown to Max Henschelle, who kept a pastry shop in town and who, apart from being a naturalised British citizen, had come here in Nineteen-thirty seven as a Jewish refugee from Nazism, but reason has little to do with such primitive emotional reactions

    13. It is no wonder that Hitler's Lebensraum colonial movement - Nazism - possessed all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology

    14. But what Nazism referred to as "nature" was not natural at all

    15. This is the essence of nazism: the extraction of all value from a living thing and then the inhumane disposal of its remains, if any

    16. His resistance to Nazism was to see him board a train cramped with Jews, handicapped adults, and other political opponents to Auschwitz

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    Sinónimos para "nazism"

    national socialism naziism nazism dictatorship totalitarianism autocracy despotism fascism