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    Usar "hollowness" en una oración

    hollowness oraciones de ejemplo


    1. inside, nothing but hollowness and loneliness

    2. And sad fondness, the painful hollowness of loss, stirred within him

    3. “They do in cases of spousal abuse,” Evelyn replies, and I feel that same old feeling again, the hollowness and the weight

    4. ” The hollowness in the pit of his stomach was the same whether he was about to run the three hundred or to perform on the stage before hundreds of hypercritical eyes

    5. Can this hollowness be filled

    6. it wasn’t Sharon and Kirk fell again into the enervating hollowness that gripped him each time the returning prisoners didn’t include Sharon


    8. ” He laughed, but Jonathan saw the hollowness in his smile

    9. There was hollowness in her tone, something that told June her best friend was a little distressed by no longer having anything to hold over her head

    10. During the second playing of the message, he noticed the woman’s tone almost imperceptibly acquiring the desperate hollowness of loneliness as the message neared its end

    11. The emptiness and hollowness created by that finality and the lack of any remains only exacerbated the void into which he had just plunged and in a sense acted at the closure necessary to free him of that which had plagued him

    12. The stillness and lack of liveliness disturbed him, for he greatly preferred the hustle and bustle of normal days when guests mingled even at this hour of the morning; now, with the chandelier and sconces dim in sympathy with the natural light, there seemed to be a hollowness permeating the air that even gave way to a touch of evil, perhaps that which Faye Underwood had feared and Elizabeth Bascomb had sensed

    13. As the pastor finished a lengthy, elaborate prayer committing the soul to the Kingdom of Heaven and the coffin was slowly lowered into the open grave from which the mist still seemed to emerge and consume the wooden box atop of which a hand-carved cross had been nailed, Feltus noticed that Elizabeth Bascomb’s expression had changed dramatically from one of stern annoyance to a blank, limp hollowness in which her facial muscles twitched uncontrollably but discreetly

    14. hollowness in his eyes that had been so vibrant before

    15. If one were to count the maimed Shias and the mutilated Sunnis; the vicious nature of the self-directed Islamic terror would be apparent, but won’t the silence of the maulanas eloquently expose the hollowness of Islam that is touted by the umma as the religion that has everything to know, whatever is there to know? But, try as they might, the moulvi-mufti combine would find nothing in the Quran-hadith-sunna trilogy that remotely can be seen as a clue to the worst challenge Islam had to face more than ever now; that is, given the penchant of the Musalmans to take every illusory in ‘the trilogy’ for a lamppost on the ‘straight path’ of life

    16. Zomnui is the hollowness of self being reliant upon the public's interpretation of you to generate one's purpose, for one's meaning is 2 be what the prevailing ideology reveres, be it religiosity, wealth or fame

    17. In place of that confidence was just hollowness and confusion

    18. The father faded away into a grief stricken hollowness

    19. There is an aching hollowness in my intestines that I have never felt before

    20. Hollow beings: undead filth: the hollowness of bankruptcy: the emptiness of a hoax that has been exposed; the emptiness of money

    21. The walls and the ceiling, already remote, pulled outwards and each step of his thin-soled loafers became an artillery detonation that reverberated through the now infinite hollowness

    22. The hollowness and thinness of his face would have caused them to look large, under his yet dark eyebrows and his confused white hair, though they had been really otherwise; but, they were naturally large, and looked unnaturally so

    23. "No---better---better!" he panted, trembling, and retaining her hand as if he needed its support, while his large blue eyes wandered timidly over her; the hollowness round them transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they once possessed

    24. A jolt told me that the Nautilus had bumped the underbelly of the Ice Bank, still quite thick to judge from the hollowness of the accompanying noise

    25. A hollowness, like that at the heart of an empty gymnasium, caused his footsteps to echo as he plunged deeper into the hospital complex

    26. ‘No—better—better!’ he panted, trembling, and retaining her hand as if he needed its support, while his large blue eyes wandered timidly over her; the hollowness round them transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they once possessed

    27. There was a hollowness

    28. He carried the golden box over and set it down in front of Fabian and waited for him to put his living hand within the gloved delicate hollowness, waited for the fine small mouth to quiver and the eyes to focus

    29. But straightway, the worse, the rougher, and less Christian elements rise to the surface, and being subject to the same experience as their predecessors, after one or two generations these men, too, recognize the hollowness of violent ambitions, and, being penetrated with the spirit of Christianity, fall back into the ranks of the oppressed

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    Sinónimos para "hollowness"

    falseness hollowness insincerity uselessness emptiness hopelessness fruitlessness futility