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    Usar "uselessness" en una oración

    uselessness oraciones de ejemplo


    1. feelings of boredom and uselessness that his enforced inaction had

    2. While staggering thru the outer garden she stepped on a kalic, squashing it to uselessness and not helping her foot any on it’s tough stem

    3. Each corpse he encountered enraged him more than the last, thus it was hardly surprising to see him kick one of the bodies and curse the lot for their uselessness

    4. The volleys along the whole front grew more steady and regular, and General Hawkins, realizing the uselessness of irregularly facing the entire Spanish army, ordered the “rally” sounded

    5. He had taken to muttering to himself at intersections, cursing the uselessness of his lists and charts

    6. ” Even now he smiled at his father’s demeaning reference to the uselessness of their representations

    7. Seeing the uselessness of these clothing, I chose to offer my humble opinion:

    8. bad if not for the complete uselessness his life represented for the last five years

    9. But why do I have to push a stone? Because Sisyphus does? Why do not people ask themselves why they are pushing the stone instead of concentrating merely on the "strain" and "uselessness" of the task?

    10. Jesus had taught his apostles the uselessness of casting their pearls before swine, and he now dared to practice what he had taught

    11. She did not tell anyone about it because it would have been a public recognition of her uselessness

    12. That night she realized that she would not have a moment of rest until she showed Mauricio Babilonia the uselessness of his aspiration and she spent the week turning that anxiety about in her mind

    13. For a moment, he thought of their uselessness if none were winners

    14. �What�s happening? The message was vague to the point of uselessness

    15. I found that I could no longer envisage spending my life in this building, surrounded by these people – not the people, no, rather under the roof of my parents, for all their uselessness and lies

    16. And of its probable uselessness

    17. "Oh, father," was all she could say to that; and she hung her head in the entire hopelessness, the uselessness of trying to tell him anything

    18. Finally a feeling of utter guilt and uselessness

    19. may wonder at the recurrence of these regrets, their uselessness, and the fact that I still think of them

    20. This creates a culture of uselessness

    21. It teaches human uselessness

    22. And his non-existent personality… and his mousy, silent, spoiled, total uselessness at doing anything, and being unable to even smile or speak to a customer or to her, or look anyone in the eye

    23. They are likely to be beset by health problems, the deaths of your loved ones, by loneliness and the feeling of uselessness

    24. And the root origin of this need is the fear of powerlessness: or uselessness, which translates into the fear of meaninglessness

    25. So peasants who hoarded all manner of things; became so insane about saving, that most of what they saved was hidden in caves and buried: rotted into uselessness

    26. The snake’s body lay twisting on the ground, as the torrential downpour beat the pavement hard outside, even as I reflected on the uselessness of my actions

    27. She recognised, however, the uselessness of any further interference

    28. She was conscious of his aim, and in her better moods endured his efforts placidly, only showing their uselessness by now and then suppressing a wearied sigh, and checking him at last with the saddest of smiles and kisses

    29. Say to him, that, in deeming the best votaries of philosophy to be useless to the rest of the world, he is right; but also tell him to attribute their uselessness to the fault of those who will not use them, and not to themselves

    30. Anyhow it lit our way, although hazily, but I soon grew accustomed to this unique gloom, and in these circumstances I understood the uselessness of the Ruhmkorff device

    31. "Alas," continued the stranger, doubtless to dispel the slight cloud that covered Morcerf's brow, "we do not act thus in Italy; we grow according to our race and our species, and we pursue the same lines, and often the same uselessness, all our lives

    32. He talked and looked at her laughing eyes, which frightened him now with their impenetrable look, and, as he talked, he felt all the uselessness and idleness of his

    33. It was on the third day of his solitude that he had dragged the dinghy near the water with an idea of rowing away somewhere, but had desisted partly at the whisper of lingering hope that Nostromo would return, partly from conviction of utter uselessness of all effort

    34. Small and dainty, as if radiating a light of her own in the deep shade of the interlaced boughs, she resembled a good fairy, weary with a long career of well-doing, touched by the withering suspicion of the uselessness of her labours, the powerlessness of her magic

    35. The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money; and smock-frocked arithmeticians, leaning on their ploughs or hoes, would enter into calculations of great nicety to prove that parish relief was a fuller provision for a man in his old age than any which could result from savings out of their wages during a whole lifetime

    36. He’d been telling himself the PHP’s violence was purely a means, but this comb, in its very uselessness, seemed to throw into final relief the question of ends

    37. The chief steward, a very stupid but cunning man who saw perfectly through the naive and intelligent count and played with him as with a toy, seeing the effect these prearranged receptions had on Pierre, pressed him still harder with proofs of the impossibility and above all the uselessness of freeing the serfs, who were quite happy as it was

    38. From the day when Pierre, after leaving the Rostovs’ with Natasha’s grateful look fresh in his mind, had gazed at the comet that seemed to be fixed in the sky and felt that something new was appearing on his own horizon- from that day the problem of the vanity and uselessness of all earthly things, that had incessantly tormented him, no longer presented itself

    39. The battle once begun, its very various changes,—the resistance of Hougomont; the tenacity of La Haie-Sainte; the killing of Bauduin; the disabling of Foy; the unexpected wall against which Soye's brigade was shattered; Guilleminot's fatal heedlessness when he had neither petard nor powder sacks; the miring of the batteries; the fifteen unescorted pieces overwhelmed in a hollow way by Uxbridge; the small effect of the bombs falling in the English lines, and there embedding themselves in the rain-soaked soil, and only succeeding in producing volcanoes of mud, so that the canister was turned into a splash; the uselessness of Pire's demonstration on Braine-l'Alleud; all that cavalry, fifteen squadrons, almost exterminated; the right wing of the English badly alarmed, the left wing badly cut into; Ney's strange mistake in massing, instead of echelonning the four divisions of the first corps; men delivered over to grape-shot, arranged in ranks twenty-seven deep and with a frontage of two hundred; the frightful

    40. " Uselessness of poetry

    41. She noticed the gradual changes in the attention paid her by livid women, degraded by arthritis and resentment, who one day were convinced of the uselessness of their intrigues and appeared unannounced in the little Park of the Evangels as if it were their own home, bearing recipes and engagement gifts

    42. We shall have to recur to this subject; and I will here only add that their variability seems to result from their uselessness, and consequently from natural selection having had no power to check deviations in their structure

    43. And in his despair he was on the point of attacking the sleeping man again, but stopped short at once, realizing the uselessness of his efforts

    44. He tries to rise up, to push it from him, although his reason must convince him of the uselessness of his efforts

    45. We were ashamed not to be able to help him more effectually, but he managed to do his work without our assistance, and seemed to wish to make us understand that we were acting unjustly towards him, and that we ought to repent our uselessness

    46. Mark Ivanovitch, seeing the uselessness of touching upon the memory of Napoleon, instantly relapsed into kindliness and came to her assistance

    47. Men who live according to the doctrine of the world are usually anxious to rid themselves of any one who is useless and whom they are obliged to feed; at the first possible opportunity they cease to feed such a one, and leave him to die, because of his uselessness; but him who lives for others according to the doctrine of Jesus, all men, however wicked they may be, will always nourish and care for, that he may continue to labor in their behalf

    48. The laughter with which the lawyer met Nekhludoff's remark concerning the uselessness of courts if the prosecutors can do what they please, and the intonation with which he pronounced the words "philosophy" and "social questions," showed how utterly unlike himself were the lawyer and the people of his circle, both in character and in views of life

    49. We recognize the uselessness of custom-houses and import duties, and we must pay the duties; we recognize the uselessness of the expenses for the support of royal courts and many governmental offices; we recognize the harmfulness of the church propaganda, and we must contribute to the support of these institutions; we recognize the cruelty and unscrupulousness of the penalties imposed by courts of justice, and we must take part in them; we recognize the irregularity and harmfulness of the distribution of land-ownership, and we must submit to it; we do not recognize the indispensableness of armies and of war, and must bear terrible burdens for the maintenance of armies and the waging of wars, and so forth

    50. In spite of the fact that the idea of the uselessness and even harm of the governmental violence more and more enters into the consciousness of men, this would last for ever, if the governments were not obliged to increase the armies for the purpose of maintaining their power

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    Sinónimos para "uselessness"

    inutility unusefulness uselessness futility emptiness hopelessness fruitlessness hollowness falseness