Usar "imbecile" en una oración
imbecile oraciones de ejemplo
1. ’ He said slowly, enunciating the sounds as though to an imbecile
2. He looks me up and down, left and right, before continuing with his inquisition: "Did you understand what I just said, you imbecile? Or are you as stupid as the rest of the serfs and SS?"
3. You see the kind of imbecile of a brother that I have to put up
4. Either he is an imbecile or that stretched super-sized uniform forces his ego to surpass his intellect
5. Nothing could stop him and the movement now, not even the imbecile Alistair Pennington
6. But the night when the soldiers looked at him without seeing him while he thought about the tension of the past few months, the misery of jail, the panic at the station, and the train loaded with dead people, José Arcadio Segundo reached the conclusion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía was nothing but a faker or an imbecile
7. Only an imbecile would choose to invade a country while not prepared to offend some of the inhabitants
8. Stazl was a useless taxi pilot from the planet of Imboid, notoriously noted for its feeble-minded and slightly imbecile inhabitants, and Grobut, intelligent and resourceful, was most likely not very inclined to want to share any possible proceeds from his Eryx adventure with anyone
9. ‘’What the hell is that imbecile hoping to accomplish against us with one cruiser and eleven frigates, while we are still essentially intact and with five more big ships on the way?’’
10. “Whoever said that is an imbecile
11. “I haven’t got the key,” stuttered the imbecile, miserably
12. She glared at him, wondering if he was a complete imbecile, pulled out her
13. He should’ve destroyed it when he had the chance instead of returning it like a bloody imbecile
14. “You imbecile,” he thought
15. "I would never consider myself related to that imbecile," Layla says uneasily
16. He threw down the wrong number one impatiently,--Twite was really a hopeless imbecile; he would dismiss him; but the other one he read again
17. And every poor imbecile on Earth lets them do it
18. That imbecile never made that crucial connection in his soul
19. And how does he justify and prove this? By searching the world for the dumbest black African witch doctor: a blind African imbecile even more idiotic than that mental imbecile Reverend Tutu: with the same thick glasses and brain-deadened speech of a retarded mongoloid idiot… to support his idiocy about alien reptiles merging with humans thousands of years ago; sanctifying the oldest most evil culture in the world: the ignorant superstitious crap of African witch doctors? No: the moronic drooling of the stupidest blindest witch-doctor in all of Africa
20. Since the Austrian Empire in order to invade Serbia had only ordered a limited mobilization; as a purely political form of posturing that imbecile Tsar Nicholas also wanted to order a ‘limited’ mobilization to show that he was on the side of Serbia only as a token show of force… not to be taken seriously
21. This royal imbecile then proceeded to show to all of his subjects and to all of his soldiers just how incompetent, stupid and useless he actually was by not only losing the war, but by the entire Russian empire becoming a dysfunctional entity that could not even repair its own trains; whose boilers kept on exploding because the ignorant savages that attempted to run these huge mechanical monsters did not know anything about the engineering details called ‘water pressure’ and ‘temperature’
22. story she asked, ‘My mother thinks you are an imbecile
23. While Amy dressed, she issued her orders, and Jo obeyed them, not without entering her protest, however, for she sighed as she rustled into her new organdie, frowned darkly at herself as she tied her bonnet strings in an irreproachable bow, wrestled viciously with pins as she put on her collar, wrinkled up her features generally as she shook out the handkerchief, whose embroidery was as irritating to her nose as the present mission was to her feelings, and when she had squeezed her hands into tight gloves with three buttons and a tassel, as the last touch of elegance, she turned to Amy with an imbecile expression of countenance, saying meekly
24. His conviction that he was making her happy seemed to her an imbecile insult, and his sureness on this point ingratitude
25. She remained until evening racking her brain with every conceivable lying project, and had constantly before her eyes that imbecile with the game-bag
26. "What an imbecile I am!" he said with a fearful oath
27. "Who is this imbecile?" cried some, "stop him at once
28. `The cause of this extraordinary state of affairs is that although we possess the means of producing more than abundance for all, we also have an imbecile system of managing our affairs
29. That is, producing things or doing things which - though useful and necessary to the Imbecile System - cannot be described as the necessaries of life or the benefits of civilization
30. We now proceed to "Share Out" the things in the same way as they are actually divided amongst the different classes of the population under the present imbecile system
31. If one had not been oppressed by the tragedy of Want and Misery, one might have laughed at the farcical, imbecile measures that were taken to relieve it
32. The enthusiasm was not confined to the boys and girls, for while the speechmaking was going on inside, a little crowd of grown-up children were gathered round outside the entrance, worshipping the motor car: and when the little party came out the crowd worshipped them also, going into imbecile ecstasies of admiration of their benevolence and their beautiful clothes
33. repeated it to each other: they wondered at it and were delighted with it, grinning and gibbering at each other in the exuberance of their imbecile enthusiasm
34. `Ah well, it won't be in your time, or mine either,' said Crass gleefully, and most of the others laughed with imbecile satisfaction
35. The Wise Men of the East greeted Ammenegg's remarks with prolonged, imbecile cheers, and amid the tumult his Lordship and Sweater got into the motor car and cleared off without giving the man with the red tie or anyone else who desired to ask questions any opportunity of doing so
36. But a delay at that moment seemed to me unendurable, and the sight of Marmie's imbecile face was more than I could bear
37. Her husband developed some hateful qualities; or shall we say that he contracted some loathsome disease, and became a leper or an imbecile? She flies from him at last, returns to England, changes her name, and starts her life, as she thinks, afresh
38. 'Hiding their fears behind imbecile hopes
39. The prisoner of stupid and greedy banditti is always at the mercy of the first imbecile ruffian, who may blow out his brains in a fit of temper or for some prospect of an immediate big haul
40. The doctor remarked that Sotillo was imbecile, and that his imbecility was ingenious enough to lead him completely astray
41. Why should he possibly wish to be attacked? And who would wish to attack him? Clearly, Lord Linchmere was suffering from some singular delusion, and the result was that on an imbecile pretext I was to be deprived of my night's rest
42. He is the greatest imbecile that ever called himself a
43. But where? Where? Heavens! Where? Oh! why had he allowed that doctor to go! Imbecile that he was
44. The red fire with its gently audible movement seemed like a solemn existence calmly independent of the petty passions, the imbecile desires, the straining after worthless uncertainties, which were daily moving her contempt
45. His being a clergyman would be only for gentility's sake, and I think there is nothing more contemptible than such imbecile gentility
46. And I’d think, I am married to an imbecile
47. I was imbecile and cruel
48. Pierre continued, in French, to persuade the officer not to hold that drunken imbecile to account
49. Have some confidence in me, for I have succeeded to some extent in my study of the law, according to the verdict of my examinations, for I know the difference between the question put and the question pending, for I have sustained a thesis in Latin upon the manner in which torture was administered at Rome at the epoch when Munatius Demens was quaestor of the Parricide; because I am going to be a doctor, apparently it does not follow that it is absolutely necessary that I should be an imbecile
50. The man who has never heard, the man who has never uttered these absurdities, these paltry remarks, is an imbecile and a malicious fellow