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    1. Such successive reductions of the tax, however, though they may not prevent altogether, must certainly retard, more or less, the rise of the value of silver in the European market

    2. In each of those periods, however, there was not only much private and public profusion, many expensive and unnecessary wars, great perversion of the annual produce from maintaining productive to maintain unproductive hands; but sometimes, in the confusion of civil discord, such absolute waste and destruction of stock, as might be supposed, not only to retard, as it certainly did, the natural accumulation of riches, but to have left the country, at the end of the period, poorer than at the beginning

    3. Were the Americans, either by combination, or by any other sort of violence, to stop the importation of European manufactures, and, by thus giving a monopoly to such of their own countrymen as could manufacture the like goods, divert any considerable part of their capital into this employment, they would retard, instead of accelerating, the further increase in the value of their annual produce, and would obstruct, instead of promoting, the progress of their country towards real wealth and greatness

    4. Combination of reduce water and retard set

    5. Rather, counteractive karma tends to interrupt, weaken, and retard the fruition of reproductive karma

    6. in the community to keep a retard

    7. about by natural forces The individual can however accelerate or retard the

    8. I always wanted to be a retard anyhow

    9. Because you just said, "you always wanted to be a retard!"

    10. Nah, fuck it! The retard ain’t worth the trouble

    11. The retard just says “Noo” and keeps on sweeping

    12. Reina shook his head and shouted at his guard, “You fucking retard I have looked out for you all this time and now you turn your back on me… You are nothing but a dog that looks in the garbage bins for your food,” and he glared at the guard who looked at the other guard and ignored his former employer

    13. “No way, you retard! Where will we hide that stinky log of

    14. the other workers here; they call me retard

    15. the wrong teacher can’t retard that growth

    16. could you let a girl almost over power you you retard said the voice in his head

    17. We have to be sensitive in order to detect changes and deviations that retard our progress

    18. there looking like a retard?” She hissed at him as

    19. Nice and simple – even a retard can manage that

    20. What a fucking retard

    21. "I really don't get what she see's in him he is a total retard

    22. That genetic retard, that-hen pecked husband of a freak with his massive inferiority complex and his massive stupidity and stubbornness, and his willingness to ignore all facts and reality in his fucking attempt to ‘keep up personal appearances’ signed his own death warrant and committed political suicide when he decided to take over the running of the war and his army personally

    23. Those who have surplus wealth give millions every year which produce more evil than good, and really retard the progress of the people, because most of the forms in vogue to-day for benefiting mankind only tend to spread among the poor a spirit of dependence upon alms, when what is essential for progress is that they should be inspired to depend upon their own exertions

    24. "Why's the retard so long?"

    25. The latter did not, however, so much regret this circumstance, as it might enable him to retard the speed of the party; for he still turned his longing looks in the direction of Fort Edward, in the vain expectation of catching some sound from that quarter of the forest, which might denote the approach of succor

    26. The aperture was already sufficiently large for him to enter, but by waiting, he could still cling to hope, and retard the certainty of deception

    27. Franz, who had mutely interrogated the countess, and received from her a gracious smile in token that he would be welcome, sought not to retard the gratification of Albert's eager impatience, but began at once the tour of the house, closely followed by Albert, who availed himself of the few minutes required to reach the opposite side of the theatre to settle the height and smoothness of his collar, and to arrange the lappets of his coat

    28. "Therefore," said Monte Cristo feigning to mistake his meaning—"therefore I will not, for another instant, retard the pleasure of your meeting

    29. “What about him? He’s a retard, you know

    30. "You have been Lord Southerton for the last six weeks, but we feared that it would retard your recovery if you were to learn it

    31. “Because you got that retard strength

    32. He is condemned to that terrible interment, long, infallible, implacable, which it is impossible to either retard or hasten, which lasts for hours, which will not come to an end, which seizes you erect, free, in the flush of health, which drags you down by the feet, which, at every effort that you attempt, at every shout that you utter, draws you a little lower, which has the air of punishing you for your resistance by a redoubled grasp, which forces a man to return slowly to earth, while leaving him time to survey the horizon, the trees, the verdant country, the smoke of the villages on the plain, the sails of the ships on the sea, the birds which fly and sing, the sun and the sky

    33. If, however, an isolated area be very small, either from being surrounded by barriers, or from having very peculiar physical conditions, the total number of the inhabitants will be small; and this will retard the production of new species through natural selection, by decreasing the chances of favourable variations arising

    34. A severe cold of a few days' duration in March may very much retard the opening of the former ponds, while the temperature of Walden increases almost uninterruptedly

    35. The wars of the great king not only did not retard the progress of the arts and sciences, but, on the contrary, seemed to aid and foster their development

    36. This ballast, though at first it seems to be superfluous and even to retard the ship's motion, is a necessary condition of its regular motion

    37. A Christian cannot help being free, because in the pursuit and attainment of his object no one can either hinder or retard him

    38. All that they are able to do is to retard the hour of dissolution

    39. The government and the ruling classes try with all their strength to retain that old public opinion of patriotism, on which their power is based, and to retard the manifestation of the new, which will destroy it

    40. But it is possible only within certain limits to retain the old and retard the new, just as running water can be held back by a dam only within certain limits

    41. Just in the same way all humanity may cease to do what it regards as wrong, but far from being able to change, it cannot even retard for a time the continual growth of a clearer recognition of what is wrong and therefore ought not to be

    42. The External Life of Christian Peoples Remains Pagan Though they are Penetrated by Christian Consciousness—The Way Out of this Contradiction is by the Acceptance of the Christian Theory of Life—Only Through Christianity is Every Man Free, and Emancipated of All Human Authority—This Emancipation can be Effected by no Change in External Conditions of Life, but Only by a Change in the Conception of Life—The Christian Ideal of Life Requires Renunciation of all Violence, and in Emancipating the Man who Accepts it, Emancipates the Whole World from All External Authorities—The Way Out of the Present Apparently Hopeless Position is for Every Man who is Capable of Assimilating the Christian Conception of Life, to Accept it and Live in Accordance with it—But Men Consider this Way too Slow, and Look for Deliverance Through Changes in Material Conditions of Life Aided by Government—That Will Lead to No Improvement, as it is simply Increasing the Evil under which Men are Suffering—A Striking Instance of this is the Submission to Compulsory Military Service, which it would be More Advantageous for Every Man to Refuse than to Submit to—The Emancipation of Men Can Only be Brought About by each Individual Emancipating Himself, and the Examples of this Self-emancipation which are already Appearing Threaten the Destruction of Governmental Authority—Refusal to Comply with the Unchristian Demands of Government Undermines the Authority of the State and Emancipates Men—And therefore Cases of such Non-compliance are Regarded with more Dread by State Authorities than any Conspiracies or Acts of Violence—Examples of Non-compliance in Russia, in Regard to Oath of Allegiance, Payment of Taxes, Passports, Police Duties, and Military Service—Examples of such Non-compliance in other States—Governments do not Know how to Treat Men who Refuse to Comply with their Demands on Christian Grounds—Such People, without Striking a Blow, Undermine the very Basis of Government from Within—To Punish them is Equivalent to Openly Renouncing Christianity, and Assisting in Diffusing the Very Principle by which these Men Justify their Non-compliance—So Governments are in a Helpless Position—Men who Maintain the Uselessness of Personal Independence, only Retard the Dissolution of the Present State Organization Based on Force

    43. I acknowledge that it would affect the sovereignty of the country and retard its prosperity

    44. He said he would act liberally with her in this respect; and, he believed, considering Great Britain now at war, and the United States at peace, it would rather accelerate than retard the expected negotiation

    45. She might at least be mistress of her own gait; walk with short, feverish little steps or retard her pace to keep harmony with her alternate rapid or halting reflections, for her mind, as she walked, went back over the past six months of her married life with a persistence, a clearness, that denoted how important were the details, how ineffaceable were the marks her experiences had made upon her, how intensely she felt what she had lived, how seriously she had taken life, how absorbed she was in the man to whom she had attached herself—how desperately she loved her husband

    46. Not caring to suggest significance in her absence by questioning the servants, he waited in the salon without giving orders to retard the dinner

    47. But I believe, if any thing could retard or eventually destroy it—if any thing could strangle in the cradle the infant Hercules of the American Navy—it would be the very injudicious mode in which that power has been attempted to be prematurely brought into action, and kept in action, during the two last administrations

    48. We are told, I presume to retard this measure, that the limits are in dispute, and that, if made a State, they cannot afterwards be settled by the United States

    49. In the official note from Count Champagny to General Armstrong, of the 22d of August, 1809, we have this declaration: "A place is not truly blockaded until it is invested by land and by sea; it is blockaded to prevent it from receiving the succors which might retard its surrender

    1. Technology has advanced our communication and retarded normal conversations

    2. I already feel exasperated, as I am also in bad company: Helen Tandoulou and her retarded brother

    3. Their progress down the road to town was naturally retarded considerably for the length of the fencing

    4. the wealth and revenue of the country have been continually advancing, and in the course of their progress, their pace seems rather to have been gradually accelerated than retarded

    5. It would not only have reduced the actual value of the greater part of the lands in the kingdom, but by reducing the price of the most important species of small cattle, it would have retarded very much its subsequent improvement

    6. But though the profusion of government must undoubtedly have retarded the natural progress of England towards wealth and improvement, it has not been able to stop it

    7. The crusades, too, though, by the great waste of stock and destruction of inhabitants which they occasioned, they must necessarily have retarded the progress of the greater part of Europe, were extremely favourable to that of some Italian cities

    8. They loaded the public revenue with a very considerable expense: they imposed a very heavy tax upon the whole body of the people ; but they did not, in any sensible degree, increase the real value of their own commodity; and by lowering somewhat the real value of silver, they discouraged, in some degree, the general industry of the country, and, instead of advancing, retarded more or less the improvement of their own lands, which necessarily depend upon the general industry of the country

    9. Even the oppression of the exclusive company, to which it was for some time subjected with all the other colonies of France, though it no doubt retarded, had not been able to stop its progress altogether

    10. The progress of the linen manufacture of Great Britain, it is commonly said, has been a good deal retarded by the drawbacks upon the re-exportation of German linen to the American colonies

    11. The sudden movement of the army corps into the narrow trail retarded Lawton for several hours

    12. At least the barbaric Germans, who declared war against the entire world, against all of humanity, not only murdered Jews, but also murdered Poles, priests, gypsies, the mentally retarded and homosexuals

    13. When another customer came in the door, and said, ‘Hi, Davy,’ to the retarded man at the head of the line, it was really a kind of déjà vu

    14. The Supreme Court, by a six to three margin, recently ruled that the mentally retarded could not be subject to the Death Penalty on the basis of ―evolving standards of decency‖, whatever that means

    15. US control of these nations also retarded local democracy and self sufficient economies

    16. I’ve often wondered if she was slightly retarded or had a learning disability or something

    17. But no guy in this school wants to date a girl he thinks is retarded

    18. Virginia, a case involving the death penalty for the mentally retarded, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the Court

    19. He observes in a footnote that “within the world community, the imposition of the death penalty for crimes committed by mentally retarded offenders is overwhelmingly disapproved

    20. tally retarded, but merely withdrawn, irresponsive

    21. He also noted a decision of Oliver Wendel Holmes that allowed the sterilization of a retarded women

    22. completely upset my thought processes and thereby retarded any

    23. In hindsight one can note that mail subsidies actually retarded progress and innovation

    24. To understand how mentally retarded savants can do such complex calculations subconsciously, Darold Treffert says, we need to examine one of the oldest, least-evolved regions of the brain: the primitive storehouse of memory

    25. What? Are you retarded?

    26. For instance, I was presented with a hypothetical case of a teenage, mentally retarded, and sexually active women brought in by her mother requesting a permanent sterilization for her daughter

    27. Small amounts of mercury are okay though, because that means a person can have some really cool looking mutant retarded kids to sell to a sideshow or, if the person doesn’t need the money, he or she can just lock the kids in the cellar and bring them out at parties

    28. She has sense enough not to buy any of those cute paper cutout ghosts with smiley-faces or jack-o-lanterns with toothless, retarded grins

    29. Said Jesus: "My friend, arise! Stand up like a man! You may be surrounded with small enemies and be retarded by many obstacles, but the big things and the real things of this world and the universe are on your side

    30. enter, constructive thinking is retarded

    31. The second case involves a 15 year-old retarded girl living

    32. I have been called every name in the book, stupid, retarded,

    33. Remedios the Beauty, who seemed indifferent to everything and who was thought to be mentally retarded, was not insensitive to so much devo-tion and she intervened in Colonel Gerineldo Már-quez’s favor

    34. That at least was the point of view of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, for whom Remedios the Beauty was in no way mentally retarded, as was generally believed, but quite the opposite

    35. are severely and profoundly retarded

    36. Roughly 85 percent of the mentally retarded population is

    37. 1 to 2 percent of the retarded population is profoundly

    38. Furthermore, he was slightly retarded and suffered from a

    39. The part-telepathics were the problem as they were considered retarded in the telepathic community and schizophrenic in the non-telepathic community

    40. She couldn’t even imagine herself existing with retarded telepathic ability

    41. � Eighty 500-pound retarded bombs landed in the midst of tightly packed submarine hulls in various stages of construction and exploded

    42. “David Walsh is about as qualified to run the agency as a retarded ape – but, he is an

    43. Medicaid pays for medically necessary nursing home care for patients in skilled or intermediate care nursing homes or in intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded

    44. Julia was flipping on the arming switches of her 32 500-pound retarded bombs and selecting fast ripple release mode when the FIRE CAN signal, which had lost them for a moment, caught back with them: one Soviet radar technician out there was definitely on the ball this early morning

    45. Once their wing pylons were emptied of napalm canisters, the fourteen A-3Ns also made wide turns around the camp areas, giving space for the heavy hitters of the strike force: two Northrop YB-50 CONDOR heavy bombers, each loaded with 256 500-pound retarded general purpose bombs

    46. An interesting dilemma is walking by a retarded man fishing in a pond that you know unequivocally has no fish

    47. The phone lay in his hand, its shrill tone mesmerising his tired brain as the hardware vibrated against his palm, his reflexes too retarded to instantly react to its call

    48. "Are you retarded? Why did you call the cops? In a business like this, we don't want them sniffing around

    49. Molly looked like the biggest, most retarded Red Sox fan in the world

    50. Qs, and our lack of knowledge, we are like retarded children

    1. In technological practice in some cases there is a necessity in retarding admixtures

    2. The monopoly, therefore, hurts the interest of the landlord two different ways, by retarding the natural increase, first, of his rent, and, secondly, of the price which he would get for his land, in proportion to the rent which it affords

    3. Some Chinese and Soviet soldiers were running among the vehicles, intent on driving out of the airstrike area, as the bombers overflew them at an altitude of merely 200 meters while releasing a string of 500-pound bombs equipped with retarding tails

    4. Just as slavish, mindless adherence to Aristotelian and Christian tradition retarded the progress of science for centuries, so too is the false doctrine of materialism retarding the progress of science at the present time

    5. His right hand was coming around towards the handle of his Colt Navy pistol but once again he had the sensation of being under water, with the fluid retarding his movements to draw his weapon

    6. not pull by mass but it can’t have some retarding switch that will kick in at a time when it pleases the

    7. The group forming material might not produce gravity that would inflict movement retarding on us humans but it condenses light into the oblivious and that is what a Black Hole does

    8. But that Herschel, for example, who "broke the barriers of the heavens"—did he not once play a provincial church-organ, and give music-lessons to stumbling pianists? Each of those Shining Ones had to walk on the earth among neighbors who perhaps thought much more of his gait and his garments than of anything which was to give him a title to everlasting fame: each of them had his little local personal history sprinkled with small temptations and sordid cares, which made the retarding friction of his course towards final companionship with the immortals

    9. living food; and it belonged to Buck as he clung to the flank of the herd, retarding its march, irritating the young bulls, worrying the cows with their half-grown calves, and driving the wounded bull mad with helpless rage

    10. Here, then, lies the great art: to make a little render to success the sound of a catastrophe in order that those who profit by it may tremble from it also, to season with fear every step that is taken, to augment the curve of the transition to the point of retarding progress, to dull that aurora, to denounce and retrench the harshness of enthusiasm, to cut all angles and nails, to wad triumph, to muffle up right, to envelop the giant-people in flannel, and to put it to bed very speedily, to impose a diet on that excess of health, to put Hercules on the treatment of a convalescent, to dilute the event with the expedient, to offer to spirits thirsting for the ideal that nectar thinned out with a potion, to take one's precautions against too much success, to garnish the revolution with a shade

    11. At this moment Derick was in the act of pitching his lamp-feeder at the advancing boats, and also his oil-can; perhaps with the double view of retarding his rivals' way, and at the same time economically accelerating his own by the momentary impetus of the backward toss

    12. "It is these considerations, combined with those terrible implements of war which are at the disposal of modern science, that are retarding the moment of the declaration of war and are maintaining the existing temporary order of things, which might be prolonged for an indefinite time, if it were not for those terrible expenses that oppress the European nations and threaten to bring them to no lesser calamities than those which are produced by war

    13. This means consists in retarding the spiritual development of men and maintaining them with all kinds of suggestions in a concept of life which humanity has already outlived, and on which the power of the governments is based

    14. It consists in retarding the spiritual development of men, and, by means of various suggestions, influencing them to cling to the theory of life which mankind has already left behind, and upon which rests the foundation of governmental authority

    1. Whatever, therefore, raises the rate of mercantile profit, either lessens the superiority, or increases the inferiority of the profit of improvement : and, in the one case, hinders capital from going to improvement, and in the other draws capital from it; but by discouraging improvement, the monopoly necessarily retards the natural increase of another great original source of revenue, the rent of land

    2. Such a political economy, though it no doubt retards more or less, is not always capable of stopping altogether, the natural progress of a nation towards wealth and prosperity, and still less of making it go backwards

    3. saving retards national growth and welfare

    4. an electric current brought to bear upon the anu retards its motions When

    5. Those moral retards who denounce pornography are too stupid to realise it is their censorship that is creating demand for it

    6. Not of those retards, but for what could have happened if he

    7. in the blood stream which retards the digestion and encourages any one of a

    8. You’re founding fathers were a bunch of fucking retards

    9. It is this fear that paralyses action and retards our development

    10. promotes, rather than retards, the growth of personal

    11. In our case, this often requires emotionally charged experiences because emotions provide a type of energy that temporarily boosts or retards what we are capable of doing depending on how they are used

    12. It’s mostly posh retards and distant members of the Moldavian royal family

    13. By its inertia this mass always retards the rapid, frequent transitions, unverified by human wisdom, from one structure of life to another, and for a long time retains every truth which, verified by a long experience of a struggle, has entered into the consciousness of humanity

    14. Violence only weakens this force, retards, and distorts it, and puts in its place another activity, which is not only not useful, but even harmful for the forward movement of humanity

    15. How can we know if it is still far to the goal toward which humanity is aiming, when we do not know how it will move toward it; that it depends on humanity whether it moves steadily onward or pauses, whether it accelerates or retards its pace

    16. It only retards it

    17. The accession of new pupils each month somewhat retards school work

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    Sinónimos para "retard"

    changeling cretin half-wit idiot imbecile moron retard decelerate slow slow down slow up check delay hold up arrest inhibit keep detain