Usar "md" en una oración
md oraciones de ejemplo
1. So much so that the MD of the contractor company jumped into the breach, oh Sarah, you'd have loved it! The idiot said that she couldn't possibly understand the complexities of the building process
2. The HR Director was not amused and the MD had to report to Regional HQ to explain
3. There is nothing worse than a MD who listens to rumours
4. It was a gift from the MD at G-Industries
5. Edward Hebert VA hospital in New Orleans because I contracted my first prostate infection, but the pain was not yet severe, so I ignored their advice to see my personal MD to get it cleared up, then return for a second physical
6. And now, mental health professionals have joined the movement, focusing on how simple living can help alleviate tension-related reactions such as insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, neck and shoulder spasms, chronic fatigue and, says Roderick Gorney, MD, PhD, "our excessive dwelling on 'things
7. Cambridge, Md: Cornell Maritime Press, 1972
8. Could have been an MD or DO if he'd been a teetotaler
9. If I was not on first call and wanted to get away, I would phone the MD on call and find out if anything was brewing and if not I would contact the general surgeon and sign out to him
10. they will be told that I, as sole-owner and MD have appointed you as a Director of “The Circle”, on my own cognisance!…
11. Rory decided to take this happening as a warning, so he informed the MD that he would be unavailable to the “Inner Circle” for some indefinite period – the MD was not happy, but agreed nevertheless as Rory would continue his normal, day-to-day Accountancy and Investigative duties, for the Company
12. Rory had nosed around his many government and other contacts trying to find out anything that he could, regarding the so-called “new oilfield”- to no avail – and had reported this fact to his MD and suggested that he spend some time on investigating the drug question – which after all, was a paying case, and which Rory also found interesting
13. The MD somewhat reluctantly agreed and told Rory to work on his own initiative, but he would expect the results to justify the effort and expense
14. James received “The Circle” MD at his office
15. James reminded the MD that Hu Lyang had attempted to murder both himself and Marianne and HAD murdered Rory, for which he was going to pay………and pay dearly!…
16. The MD briefed James on every aspect of the case and handed the files relating thereto over to James, bemoaning the fact that the Digital Memory-camcorder and evidence had been destroyed in the fire - otherwise the case would have been sewn up already
17. The MD of “The Circle” provided James with two bodyguards
18. He was astounded to hear what time had elapsed since then and decided that he would immediately have to contact “The Circle” and appraise the MD of the situation
19. He asked the MD to have the visuals on his old cell-phone (which he would hand to the MD’s courier) transferred to tape immediately upon receipt, as this was concrete evidence of the Drug Trade’s Organisation and operation in South Africa and would be admissible in a Court of Law
20. Amelia was in her element as the most senior “Matriarch” and even cried during the ceremony! The tears soon dried up however, as she paused to reflect on the fact, that a future daughter born to Rory and May Lin, would provide an MD for both the “Collett Corporation” and “TuranColl”! She would have to see what she could do to hasten things!…
21. The rancher‘s leg was healing without complications, another testament to the consummate skill of George Martinez, MD, PhD
22. Constance Terrell, MD, PhD, with the new title of
23. Smith, MD, and he talked about the importance of
24. In the past you saw a specialist and if he or she talked to you at all it was in a language that only another MD could comprehend – it was English, though
25. A new, young MD doing his residency in OB was
26. Mitchell gazed at the cream colored card that read 'Psychiatrist MD
27. Back in 04, at a cook-out Tonya and I had at the house in MD, it started
28. Somewhere south of Baltimore, MD
29. Jonathan Wright, MD, usually tests
30. 6 md apples, thinly sliced
31. 12 md Cooking apples, pared and
32. Juan was an MD with a specialty Space
33. It happened at Chimney Rock, MD
34. I looked him up the day following my meeting with Laura and sure enough he not only was a mine of information, he accompanied me the same evening to a private clinic where I met the doctor, a legitimate MD, and made arrangements for Laura
35. Tol free in MD: 1-888-784-0136
36. People introduced him as ‘This is Anil, MD
37. “Actually Adi was pushing for doing his MD before he came here, before meeting you
38. Koplewicz, MD, president of Child Mind Institute, wrote a rebuttal of the article published by L
39. There was a little more on Avery Manning, including a phone number in Charlotte listing an Avery Manning, MD, along with the same address he’d found for Lester
40. Fred Gill, MD, helped me understand Phil’s head injury
41. Deadly Deception: the Proof That Sex and HIV do not cause AIDS - Robert Willner, MD
42. Alexander Elder, MD, is a professional trader and a teacher of traders
43. 7 kg (306 lb) by Professor Katherine O’Hanlan and Douglas J Ramos, MD, of Stanford University Medical Center, California, USA, in October 1991
44. This, on top of conversations I've had with the MD has caused us to look elsewhere for a place to put our money
45. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005
46. d laid her down on it, stood over her, and gazed at* her face ; md, suddenly bending down, kissed her twice on her pale lips
47. Hooker, 325A Md