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    Usa "abrogate" in una frase

    abrogate frasi di esempio





    1. He fully realized that he could cast himself off the ledge and out into space, and that nothing could happen to harm him provided he would rescind his first great decision not to invoke the interposition of his celestial intelligences in the prosecution of his lifework on Urantia, and provided he would abrogate his second decision concerning his attitude toward self-preservation

    2. Mercy has great latitude of bestowal, but, after all, there are mandates of justice which even love combined with mercy cannot effectively abrogate

    3. abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be

    4. “Such of our revelations as We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof

    5. And abrogate Allah did, his original revelation to Muhammad about drink and dice

    6. ” Besides, it further affirms that: “Such of Our revelations as we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof

    1. record of these abrogated laws is of use to us, for the strengthening of our faith in

    2. for sexual intercourse, he abrogated by reasoning the stimulus of his passions

    3. abrogated slavery in 1848, a great number of cultivators initiated the flight from plantations and haciendas

    4. 3 For although young and ripe for sexual intercourse he abrogated by reasoning the stimulus of his passions

    5. No law of nature was modified, abrogated, or even transcended

    6. The divine covenant had been abrogated, and the end of the Hebrew nation drew on apace

    7. Tragically, Israel fell into the gross sins of idolatry and profound unbelief, and abrogated

    8. are earlier "Meccan" verses which are obviously abrogated by later

    9. President Hayes vetoed the act on the grounds that it abrogated the Burlingame Treaty (1868), which allowed unlimited Chinese immigration

    10. abrogated with the fall of the Liberalsafter the French siege

    11. Therefore, they did not exist at all, because their author had abrogated them and legislated other laws in their place

    12. Even if an original bond indenture prohibits the issuance of senior debt, that provision can be abrogated by the consent of the requisite amount of bonds: in the case of Home Products International, “the written consent of the Holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the Securities” (Section 9

    13. Commandments, abrogated by the Church, 214

    14. It struck me, that only then would that false division of labor, which exists in our society, be abrogated, and that just division of labor established, which does not destroy man’s happiness

    15. The doctrine of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth has been abrogated by Christianity, because it is the justification of immorality, and a mere semblance of equity, and has no real meaning

    16. The internal evidence of the order itself would fully justify the foregoing construction, and, moreover, it will not have escaped your notice, that the repeal has not thereby been made of the orders of the 7th of January, 1807, which, according to the engagement I have entered into on the part of His Majesty, is to be abrogated with the other orders, in consequence of the adjustment of differences between the two countries, and the confidence entertained of a further conciliatory understanding

    17. Has it released from galling and ignominious bondage one solitary American seaman, bleeding under British oppression? Did it prevent the unmanly attack upon the Chesapeake? Did it arrest the promulgation, or has it abrogated the Orders in Council—those orders which have given birth to a new era in commerce? In spite of all its boasted effects, are not the two nations brought to the very brink of war? Are we quite sure that, on this side of the water, it has had no effect favorable to British interests

    18. The sovereignty of every State is co-extensive with its dominions, and cannot be abrogated, or curtailed in its rights, as to any part, except by conquest

    1. which annuls, invalidates, abrogates, reverses or contradicts any of God's principles of marriage as established in His Word from Gen

    2. Yes, sir, it was the commencement of those political animosities which have poisoned the sources of social intercourse; it was the origin of that doctrine of constructive power which abrogates the constitution and nullifies the restrictions imposed upon Congress

    1. This Congress would probably begin by abrogating the offensive laws, and adopting a plan for the maintenance of the power and authority thus assumed

    2. If you take away his apprentice you deprive him of his property—this is a loss to the master, or he must recover where the services are due; that is, of the parent or guardian, who are one of the contracting parties to the indentures—and where is the remedy? Will not the officer be also liable to the State laws? Does not the constitution say, no laws shall be passed abrogating contracts? This bill will in its operation sanction the violation of contracts, or it means nothing—it sanctions the right to take away the property of guardians, parents or masters, without providing any compensation for the same

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    Sinonimi per "abrogate"

    abrogate abolish annul cancel invalidate nullify repeal rescind