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    Usa "apothecary" in una frase

    apothecary frasi di esempio


    1. the Apothecary has always proven to be a friend to the

    2. He swings the gun round, past the girl and aims at the thin, side-on figure of the mortal apothecary, but as he tries to aim he can feel his eyeballs start to swell

    3. He could see that the Apothecary was

    4. Apothecary to be put in such an insidious position, but what

    5. 'So you're saying that the Apothecary killed the

    6. 'I'm not suggesting it was the Apothecary - Godfrey

    7. The Apothecary looked taken aback

    8. 'It’s one of mine,' said the Apothecary without

    9. ' The old Apothecary shook his head disconsolately

    10. To be honest I was almost flattered!' The Apothecary let

    11. that the Apothecary is guilty

    12. arrest of the Apothecary

    13. me he didn't believe that the Apothecary killed Sandini and

    14. keeping the shop open - she has some basic apothecary

    15. 'We have reason to believe that the Apothecary might

    16. Apothecary was the only person with both motive and

    17. regard to this poor Apothecary

    18. concerns over the guilt of the Apothecary

    19. had killed Sandini - if it proved that the Apothecary was

    20. The apothecary showed him a

    21. The skill of an apothecary is a much nicer and more delicate matter than that of any

    22. the nuns who had tended him, and the apothecary

    23. were visited by the local apothecary, Jean was disturbed

    24. Better than anything the apothecary could sell you

    25. sought out the local apothecary to have his feet treated

    26. But then of course she would quickly follow her comment with an expression of gratefulness – she had no real desire for competition as Cheydinhal’s most acclaimed apothecary

    27. Before I left, Korinna was briefly thinking about taking up an apothecary appren-ticeship in Anvil

    28. } That state cannot be very great, of which the sovereign has leisure to carry on the trade of a wine-merchant or an apothecary

    29. 1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send out a stinking savour, so does a little folly to him who is in reputation for

    30. 35 And you shall make it a perfume, a confection after the are of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy:

    31. 29 And he made the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet spices, according to the work of the apothecary

    32. after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil

    33. apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy:

    34. He would make regular trips to the apothecary to buy medicine

    35. it would drive her husband over the edge of sanity, drowning in quicksand was a very disagreeable and nasty method to select; there were far more easy and less painful ways to end one’s life, especially with the abundance of sleeping pills that could readily be obtained from the local doctor or apothecary

    36. On the liber scolasticorum where Nostradamus had written his name for admission, the Student Registrar, Guillame Rondelet, scratched out Nostradamus‘ entry, noting in the margin: He whom you here see crossed out—mark well, reader—has been an apothecary or quack

    37. We have established through Chante, an apothecary of this city, and through students, who have heard him speak ill of doctors

    38. With shaking hands he thrust it at Currip, a man who had left his job as an apothecary to lead a more fulfilling life as a brigand

    39. Helene’s apothecary was a thriving business, providing all manner of teas, potions, remedies and lotions for the townsfolk of Loudun

    40. Helene, who runs the town apothecary, is the only one who actually witnessed what went on in the forest and, trust me, when a little money crosses her palm, she will forget all about what she saw

    41. apothecary with no trouble and had carefully hid it whilst riding back to the estate with her

    42. “I collected it in the apothecary while you assembled father’s potion

    43. the apothecary for the milder concoctions, but before long a liking

    44. After the manner of a genuine apothecary

    45. 36-8: Murat: the apothecary is not quite able to repress his hatredof Murat, Napoleon's brother-

    46. to the nature of the business: the apothecary used the symbol of

    47. To the side of the apothecary lurked a dark alley

    48. "Hush, friend Sancho," said Don Quixote; "since this lady duenna comes in quest of me from such a distant land she cannot be one of those the apothecary meant; moreover this is a countess, and when countesses serve as duennas it is in the service of queens and empresses, for in their own houses they are mistresses paramount and have other duennas to wait on them

    49. "You are very hard on duennas, Sancho my friend," said the duchess; "you incline very much to the opinion of the Toledo apothecary

    50. Sancho went along anything but cheerful, for it grieved him that Altisidora had not kept her promise of giving him the smocks; and turning this over in his mind he said to his master, "Surely, senor, I'm the most unlucky doctor in the world; there's many a physician that, after killing the sick man he had to cure, requires to be paid for his work, though it is only signing a bit of a list of medicines, that the apothecary and not he makes up, and, there, his labour is over; but with me though to cure somebody else costs me drops of blood, smacks, pinches, pinproddings, and whippings, nobody gives me a farthing

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