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    Usa "chemist" in una frase

    chemist frasi di esempio


    1. Jock breaks away from his pet chemist and almost saunters to the stairs

    2. This system was devised in 1838 by Wilbur Chuff, a Belgian chemist working in France, over a Chinese laundry, next to a Turkish bath

    3. We"ve all heard the sad tale of the chemist who lost an argument because he had no retort

    4. Dawn walked over and stood opposite her, watching as Sheena laid things out; a couple of bottles of spring water, eight bags of frozen peas, four energy bars, a camping lantern and a small white plastic bag branded with the name of the local chemist

    5. This group will consist of a Master Teacher, a Guardian Angel, a Chemist (Spirit Doctor), Gatekeeper (Messenger), Health Guide, and a North American Native Indian

    6. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Swiss chemist Paul Muller in 1948 for pioneering work he did to help bring about these astonishing results

    7. I took it and cleaned it a bit with tab water, then grabbed a Florence flask from my old chemist set and added some fresh water to it

    8. “Pierre Blais, a government research chemist in the 1980's, became concerned with

    9. Or a chemist

    10. early hours, with no doctors and certainly no chemist on

    11. It was at least six hours before the next chemist would open up on Sunday

    12. The rich and poor alike queue at the prescription counter of the local chemist

    13. ical chemist at the University of Brussels, says that view is ‘stretching the

    14. “I’m a chemist not an accountant,” he said to Nick, “Help me out here, what does this all mean?”

    15. Justas classification in chemistry is an artifact, an act of the chemist, not of nature

    16. Julie Baker had combined her skills as a chemist with Darrell Minor’s skills with plastics to develop a process for extracting liquid fuels from indigenous local plants

    17. The silence throughout the entire journey to the chemist gave the impression that Preeti had told Rani everything

    18. With the discovery of oil in western Pennsylvania in the late 1850s, the pair built a refinery four years later along with chemist Samuel Andrews

    19. If you saw the episode of Seinfeld dealing with the delicious no-fat yogurt and Jerry’s use of obscenities, which upset the woman whose listening son was a fast learner, you’ll remember one of the fabulous four asking the chemist if his test was still valid even if the yogurt had melted

    20. “Mr Jay you need have no fear of the drug not working, a chemist friend of mine who concocted it assured me it was instantaneous, being sceptical I shot him with the first dart, he had time only to look at the dart in his leg before collapsing in a heap, I made him comfortable and read a newspaper while I timed his slumber, four and a half hours later he began to stir, half an hour after that he was sitting up, disorientated but non the worse for his snooze, his first words I remember were, “ You shot me you bastard

    21. They first called at an electrical store and Shirl studied what computers they had in stock but she drew a blank on the model she wanted, they next called at the Super Sport shop and Murray bought two air pistols and a box of darts, then onto Radio Spares were Shirl bought a soldering iron and a roll of solder, a couple of small PC boards, transistors, and various other electronic spares, now to find the right laptop, they visited half a dozen shops before Shirl found what she wanted, it was expensive but Murray assumed Shirl knew what she wanted, because he certainly didn’t, their last purchase was at a chemist were Shirl bought hair dye, combs, scissors and a packet of thin plastic throw away gloves

    22. On his way home from the motel Murray had stopped at the Salvo Op shop and purchased a briefcase it was a bit battered but would serve his purpose nicely, he had then called into a chemist and bought four hypodermic needles, for his insulin shots he told the girl behind the counter, he now thoroughly cleaned the briefcase inside and out and wrapped it in a plastic bag, the syringes he took out of their packaging, wiped them clean and placed these in a separate plastic bag as he finished Shirl came from the bedroom and they went down in the lift to the restaurant

    23. ����������� �Not me, but a friend of mine who is a chemist

    24. ����������� �Don�t tell me that your chemist friend was able to duplicate the ink and reload that printer cartridge

    25. booster’, and, he was told, only a chemist could find a solution – perhaps Nidan was such a

    26. “The company has just hired a new chemist to replace Bernard Long, who was recently killed in a road accident

    27. As senior chemist, there was no objection from panicking management, to Jane Foreman working on that Saturday morning

    28. One of the very important developments was promotion of the germ theory by French chemist Louis Pasteur that truly

    29. “Delmage is my private physician, a master surgeon, but also an industrial chemist

    30. I kept an eye out for a chemist, as my feet were hurting and I thought corn-plasters might work wonders

    31. Every chemist fully knows this well

    32. I considered him everything: physicist, chemist, philosopher, historian, orientalist, physiologist

    33. The chemist who can extract from his heart’s elements

    34. I found the chemist that mum

    35. family and Jack won’t hesitate to fire your mother from his chemist if

    36. ing to the chemist to get a pregnancy test,” she admitted

    37. “To the chemist to see if they can help me,” Hudson said before real-

    38. We had found them outside a chemist and walked over to them

    39. tate to ruin your life and fire your mother from the chemist,” I said,

    40. the chemist and into the staff room with Nathaniel on his heels

    41. “My father owns a chemist and my mother works at a gift store as

    42. mason would simply go to the chemist and renew the prescription at the end of each month

    43. He walked past reception to the chemist, and filled the first prescription

    44. 3nd A lab with a male chemist working at the counter

    45. within the same time segment as the lab and chemist (or other laboratory scientist) vision scene

    46. c) The vision of a half-black and half-white "chemist" at work in a lab

    47. In addition to the thought of nuclear [atomic] warfare that the vision of a "chemist" with

    48. chemist Ren Maurice Gattefosse

    49. Oftentimes, a superb Doctorate chemist works for years and years to

    50. A small story—one Organic Chemist wanted to know the BENZENE ring

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